Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Natasha Monsauret — Student Writer and Model

Natasha Monsauret is a 19-year old model residing in Santa Barbara, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am Natasha, I am from Monterey- living in Santa Barbara for school, majoring in Art History at SBCC. I come from a family with a deceased father and a widowed mother with 4 brothers and sisters, including myself. My mother’s side is filled with artist who love to paint. That’s something that I’ve picked up over the years and really enjoyed as a hobby. My art ideas started to shift from painting, to photography, and now to modeling. I went from creating the picture to being the picture which evolved beautifully. I’ve found that modeling and art is one of my admired hobbies because I love to feel, move, which is a part of being the main picture. I can make one picture mean a million words, if not more. I can craft pieces that will shatter your inner thoughts, I am an artist and I AM the art! I am optimistic and I am passionate for reaching my highest achievements in life…

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

In sophomore and junior year of high school I had two friends who developed their very own clothing line. One of them was BAMF co. And another was TheFashionJunkie co. on etsy. Both of my friends admired my look, so they had me model their clothes and put me on front page of their website. I honestly had a blast working for them, even if it was free! It was something that was fun and something I didn’t quite take seriously.

During senior year of high school, I had a friend doing professional modeling -unlike my friends, because they weren’t professional photographers, but close enough-. At this point I was very interested in modeling, so I asked her if I could tag along in one of her photo shoots in Carmel, Ca. Once I met the photographer’s camera I couldn’t get enough… And that’s how it started haha.

Natasha Monsauret next to a dockWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goals are to keep on striving, and to keep working hard for school and work!! I don’t have a plan right now, at such a young age, but I do have many ideas of where I see myself. One of my biggest and brightest dreams is traveling the world. I’ve never left California and that’s something that definitely needs to change. I’ve been saving up, and I’m ready to make big moves in life!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I model pretty often, or whenever I can get the chance. I have a pretty large work and school load so it’s been pretty hectic, but I’d say that I’d try to fit in at least two photo shoots a month. I haven’t began video, acting or catwalks so it’s been pretty basic shoots…

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

All of my experiences have been pretty chill, actually. There was probably one that went wrong and that was because the photographer wasn’t quite the professional, nor did he seem like it. He basically didn’t know what to do with the camera and was very shy and didn’t want to have a say in anything. So the photo shoot ended with me guiding him almost the whole way. I guess those kind of things happen with trade photo shoots.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

One time I was going to do a shoot with a photographer and he explained how it was going to be a Mardi Gras shoot which I was totally into. I love the masks and beads! Well, once we met up he showed me photos of examples he wanted to do and it was a fetish photo shoot! Barely anything to do with Mardi Gras!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Yes! Definitely! But I found that the best ways to change something is not involving yourself with it. If I’m not happy with someone’s ideas, or ways- then I’ll just simply not be a part of it.

Natasha Monsauret next to a rockDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I live in a small college town so I walk everywhere! I don’t do many constant sports but I do love to snowboard and skateboard. Still looking for a cute surfer to teach me how to surf. I try to eat very healthy, I can’t afford to eat out so I go grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s and cook for myself everyday.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

One thing most people don’t know about me is that I am a hardcore writer and that I am in the making of my first book. It’s very exciting!

Would you change anything about yourself?

Of course there are things everyone doesn’t like about themselves. I have many things I would like to change about myself, but that’s just who I am and without it I wouldn’t have the amazing people in my life that I have now.

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

The longest I’ve gone without a shower or bath would be a week. I was river rafting and camping on my 8th grade camping trip and it was against the regulations to take a bath. I went to a Waldorf and hippy school, which meant we did things in whole as one, so we had to wait to take one at the end of the trip in the river… Which I wouldn’t even consider a shower either.