Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Ms. Perry

Ms. Perry is a 25-year old model residing in San Francisco, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My teacher’s all called me Ms. Perry in grade school and it never really struck till I started modeling. It is a cute way to separate myself from the rest in the modeling industry. As an only child I lived in the valley of California on a 10 acre farm where I grew a big imagination and lots of creative ideas. I’ve always been interested in fashion and being in front of and behind the camera. Now my hobby is renovate vintage furniture. I go thrift stores and yard sales shopping for authentic furniture, where I fix up and sale out of my garage. Just like clothes, I love putting together a room with one of a kind pieces and in my opinion, there is nothing like the 40-70’s style.

Ms Perry wearing jeansWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

In 2010 a girlfriend of mine, who had just been signed with an agency out of San Francisco, knew I was looking into modeling but did not know where to start. She informed me about Model Mayhem and let me tag along with her to different shoots which helped not only to meet different people in the industry but see what happens behind the scene. I also discovered how to search for gigs using Model Mayhem, Facebook and other social medias. I instantly fell in love! All the hard work and passion that is involved in art of self expression is what gives me the drive to do this kind of work. I enjoy it so much.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My number one personal goal, which intertwines with my professional goal, is to do what I love so I never have to work a day in my life. I want to do things that are creative and expressive wether it is modeling or my renovating projects.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Now that I’m a new mom to my two month old son Roland, things have changed a lot. I’m excited to get back in my routine of about 4 to 6 shoots a month depending on the time of the year. I do my own hair and make up and wardrobe for my shoots and others. I specialize in commercial print and I also do alternative, glamour, fashion and fine art photo-shoots.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Living in Hollywood for a summer where I did a lot of networking and worked with artist and photographers, would be my favorite experience. As far as bad experiences, I have yet to have one. Thankfully.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Eating disorders and sexual harassment are a very real thing in the modeling industry. I don’t wish those things on anybody but in this industry if you don’t protect yourself or have thick skin you can definitely fall victim to it. Thankfully I’ve never been faced with these situations but I wish we could all be more honest about our intentions so there is less situations like these. All kinds of people do all different kinds of work so there is no need to bring people down with lack of interest or other motives.

Ms Perry wearing a slayer shirtDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Eating healthy and staying active come pretty easy to me. I try and stay away from junk food but I would be lying if I said I don’t cheat often.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I crush on old men. I can’t help myself when I run into them at the grocery store. They are so cute and respectful I can’t help but strike up a conversation. It’s very innocent but I get a kick out of it and they don’t seem to mind the attention either.

Would you change anything about yourself (physical or otherwise) if you could?

There is always room for improvement, but I am very happy with myself and my life now.

What is your favorite thing to do alone?

Every morning I sit on my porch by myself with a cup of coffee. It is so relaxing and I enjoy the sounds of nature.