Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Monique Giselle — Petite Model and Actress with BIG dreams

Monique Giselle is a 20-year old model residing in Claremont, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name Is Monique Giselle I’m 20 years old, I was born in a small town in southern California, Claremont, California. When I graduated High School in 2012 I had high hopes to Attend FIDM, a fashion school in Los Angeles but could not afford tuition so I decided to work part-time jobs to save up to be able to attend. I was going through a lot after graduating and did not feel motivated to do much at all. I was working here and there but nothing in my life was together. I had no idea where my future was going. After a year of doing practically nothing, I gained the courage to begin modeling which was always a big dream of mine, I was working at a very busy Starbucks in LA and began modeling for small companies before and after work. I then became very serious about modeling and was so passionate about my work I was able to make enough money to quit my job at starbucks and travel freely for modeling. Now I am modeling and acting full time and wouldn’t change that for the world! In my free time I enjoy hiking, beach trips and surrounding myself with people that fully support me in everything I do!

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I got involved in the modeling industry about two years ago. I believe that there is no answer to how to get into modeling, It’s a constant question I’ve been asked many times! But the truth is, if your mind and heart are in it fully, you will find a way to make your dreams come true! Just talking to strangers or people who know about the industry see your passion and drive and willingly want to help you.

Why I got involved with modeling: Well I feel that it’s almost every little girl’s dream when they are young to be a famous model, actress or singer but life carries you away from that dream, people are so accustomed to you go to school, then you go to college and then you get a good job and live comfortably and if you do something different then that’s wrong. But that drive for this industry never really left my heart, my whole entire life this is what I’ve wanted to do and I did have my struggles where I lost sight of that but never has it truly gone away.

Monique Giselle with Golden Gate in the backgroundWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I have many goals that will all take a lot of time and money but in the future I hope to have a Private label clothing company called Moniquegiselle and focus on Women, teens and childrens apparel, I hope to own a petite modeling agency and open up the industry to that because small girls are beautiful too, I hope to make the cover of a magazine, I hope to land a lead role in a movie, and be casted for a TV show and then begin writing songs, films and web series. I hope to do a bit of everything in the industry and show my talents and diversity. And I hope to travel the world and see everything and gather inspiration from other cultures. In 5 to ten years, I hope to be walking the red carpet accepting an Emmy!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I’m modeling now about 3 times a week, more or less. I also do acting which keeps me really busy as well. The hours are long and you could have a 3 hour day but most likely you’ll have a 15 hour day.

With modeling, I feel it’s important to show diversity and show that you are comfortable and confident with yourself. I’ve done pretty much every category of modeling from swim, to implied to runway to website catalogues for clothing companies!

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I’ve had so many. As a Traveling Freelance model I’ve worked with so many people and all of them have a different story. One of my best and worst experiences in modeling was being up in The bay area. I was booked for a photo shoot with a photographer that was very creative and always had the best photos, but you had to do something crazy in order to get those shots. So I knew it was going to be a long day. At the time he was working on what he called “The Fruit Project” so He came back from the store with strawberries and jam galore! I was laying on the White cyclorama completely nude being covered in strawberries, on my face, in my hair and down my entire body until everything was covered! and I also had on in my mouth so I couldn’t talk the entire shoot because I couldn’t move or everything would fall off. The AC was also on high in the studio so after about 30 minutes I was also shaking from the cold but we continued for another hour just to get the shot! After we were done I was freezing and a mess and not sure how the pictures were going to turn out but when they were sent over it was so worth everything we did to get those shots! That’s one shoot I’ll never forget!

Monique Giselle wearing a swimsuitHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Many! working with so many photographers you constantly get something new everytime you shoot! From constantly being hit -on from people who are unprofessional and don’t know the industry to climbing down steep unsteady rocks to get a cool shot by the ocean! I think the hardest thing is working in freezing cold weather during a shoot because you have to focus on your face and body on top of trying not to shiver and cry to your mom to go home! just kidding! kind of…

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would definitely change the height limitations. That has always been my struggle although I try not to let it limit me. But it’s just the truth an it’s just the industry. There are just many castings that will only take models 5’7 or higher and that’s what agencies want as well. So I want to change the industry so that small petite girls such as myself have more jobs and people accept us the same way they would as they would a girl who’s 5’11.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I don’t practice sports per se, I do run and hike at least 3 times a week and go to the gym once or twice as well. I eat pretty healthy. The truth is with modeling and acting, what you eat really does matter! if you eat healthy your face is clearer, your eyes are brighter, your body is tighter, and that all shows up in photos. The amount of sleep you get, affects your energy and vibe on the floor. Everything factors in and really does matter. So people may think you’re crazy when you’re drinking ginger juice for lunch but you know it’s beneficial to your career and that’s all that matters! I also feel it’s important to splurge every once in a while so I give myself a cheat day, once a week because normal food is sometimes good for you and your body needs the toxicity to survive!

Monique Giselle sitting on the groundPlease share something people don’t know about you.

Something people don’t know about me is that I love to sing and dance but I’m totally shy about it! I oftentimes sing really really badly so people don’t think I have a voice but underneath it all, I can! it’s just a fear I’m sure I’ll get over someday!!!

Would you change anything about yourself?

Hmm that’s a hard one! I don’t think I would. I feel that everyone’s beautiful in their own way. Of course I would like bigger boobs and a stronger cheek bone but that’s what makes me, me! no need to change, just work with what ya got!

Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever peed?

Haha the weirdest place I’ve ever peed was at an abandoned mansion on naval base in San Francisco where colonel Neiman lived back in the day. There are stairs down to a back entrance to the basement of the home that doesn’t actually open and there’s tons of old wood roting and spiders down there, but it is also the only place of privacy! A fellow model and I really had to go so that’s where we went!

Visit Monique Giselle’s website for more photos and information


  1. October 15, 2014

    Great interview, just a friendly reminder that photographs should always include photo credit since you are using an artist’s work as part of your blog.

    • Ken
      January 28, 2015

      Hi Kelly. The photos are provided from the models portfolios. Whenever they provide information regarding credits we publish it, but it’s not always passed on.