Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Lillie DeLaVallee — Mermaid, World Traveler and Model

Lillie DeLaVallee is a 25-year old model residing in Santa Rosa, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

A quarter of a century ago, I was born in the lush greenery of Mendocino County in Northern California. We are known for possession of world-renowned quality in 3 areas: Women, wine and weed. Growing up in such a small, rural area was actually quite a blessing. I would spend much of my early childhood putting on my mother’s makeup and playing dress up. Perhaps this is why modeling is so much fun for me. I studied psychology at UC Santa Cruz and plan on being a therapist. If I had not entered the world of psychology, I would have studied astronomy. I also am an herbalist and health nut. I believe we are exactly what we put into our bodies! I love to cook, bake and garden. I encompass the meaning of being a modern day mermaid. I feel most at ease near the ocean and I know with certainty that I would never be happy living too far inland.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

My first modeling experience happened when I was living in Santa Cruz. My friend from home came to visit me and wanted me to join her in a shoot at Natural Bridges Beach. I had always loved to play with makeup and dress up. After one day, somewhere between the waves and the camera, I totally fell in love with the high that comes from modeling. I’ve been hooked ever since.

Lillie DeLaVallee wearing a red dressWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My ideal goal with modeling is to become a Guess Model. I have always been in love with their black and white, ultra sultry images since I can remember. Modeling has encouraged me to perfect my own skills with makeup artistry, so I could also pursue the MUA route on top of modeling. My professional goals include getting my PsyD from a university of my choosing and helping the world become better communicators. I believe most conflict stems from misunderstandings and that with the right words and an open mind, people stand a much better chance of getting along. In five to ten years, I see myself balancing between modeling and psychology.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I have been modeling on and off now for 3 years. I have done a wide array of shoots: glamour, pin up, high fashion, editorial, lifestyle, and alternative. My shoots have had a tendency to shift with my hair color. I went from naturally blonde and more innocent, to pink and alternative, and now I’m at a deep burgundy and red which bears a bit of an air of old hollywood glamour.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I’ve actually had primarily great experiences. The only uncomfortable situation I’ve had was when a photographer really pressured me to get naked, but I resisted and persisted. That’s nothing new in the modeling world though!

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

The funniest site I’ve shot at was this ultra creepy and old building in the woods with one of my close friends Kendall. We shot with a photographer that we love, Craig Gardner, and we got to be total dorks between sets and lighting shifts. There were giant spiders, bullet shells, sweat and tears trying to lug all our gear up a steep path. We trudged through and had an awesome time!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I think it’s silly that you have to be 5’7″ and up or 5’5″ and below to fit into categories. I’m 5’6″. Where do all the ladies who are 5’6″ fit in? I guess I’ll just have to create my own category! Plus, in this day and age, there’s so many wonderful inventions and editing techniques, not to mention really tall high heels… Unless you’re on the runway, your height shouldn’t categorize you.

Lillie DeLaVallee wearing a red miniskirt at the beachDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I love hooping and pilates. I’m a green smoothie girl. If you haven’t heard of moringa and aren’t adding superfoods to your regimen, you’re doing it wrong. Superfoods are where it’s at! I add bee pollen, maca, sometimes reishi mushroom, flax oil, dandelion greens and even ashwaganda powder to my smoothies. I have found that L-tyrosine, magnesium and ginkgo are necessary supplements for me to take in order to stay grounded and happy. Being an herbalist really has changed my perspective on health!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I’m half Latvian. My grandparents fled Latvia after WWII to escape the Russians and hid out in Austria until things had calmed down. They eventually settled in Fort Bragg, CA. Years later, my father met my mother in a small town in Sonoma county. If the war had never happened, I might never have been born.

Would you change anything about yourself?

As a soon-to-be-therapist, I believe there is always room for improvement, whether it may be psychological or in changing destructive habits. Habits create our realities and once you can guide your habits to match the life you want, you’re set! I think most people could use positive affirmations and some serious spiritual healing. I am constantly working on myself in many aspects, most of which are super personal.

Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever peed?

I once peed behind the USF sign in San Francisco, while visiting a friend who had just been admitted to the university there. We were on a late night, semi-intoxicated hunt for Ben & Jerry’s, the ice cream, of course!. Having a full bladder and in that current moment no shame, I spotted the huge sign and raced behind it to pee. It’s kind of ironic, because now the university got a hold of my email and keeps spamming me for grad programs. So I feel like I preemptively got them back for pestering me back in 2009!

Visit Lillie DeLaVallee’s website for more photos and information