Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Brooke Haag — Spontaneous, Ambitious, Gregarious

Brooke Haag is a 19-year old model residing in San Francisco, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born in Los Gatos, CA, and have 2 brothers, 2 sisters, and a very complicated family background. I love volleyball, dancing, singing, acting, and have a passion for children.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first started when I lived in Washington when I was living with my foster parents. My oldest sister was living in LA modeling and I had always looked up to her so I thought I would try it out. I started booking gigs through model mayhem and then I found myself walking in a nike runways show in Seattle. Things happened relatively quick and I was told I’m very adaptable, especially since I’ve gone through many different transitions in my life.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I personally wish to be a young female entrepreneur. I currently work at Bay Area Medical Academy as the executive assistant to the CEO. She is a female entrepreneur herself so I’ve been learning the ropes on how to start my own business. Although I’m not interested in the medical field, I can still use this experience to execute my own dreams. I hope to move back to Los Angeles soon and really make a name for myself, not for the sake that I want to be “famous” but because I have a very unconventional, inspiring story in my opinion and I want to help others up and see many success stories like myself arise. I hope to start my own non-profit one day as well as travel the world for my entertainment abilities. I also have this secret talent of writing rap lyrics.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I try to model when I can on the weekends. With this new job I have it’s a little difficult, but I make time. I mainly do photoshoots and runway. I never do any nude or too revealing shoots. I am a very classy lady with a little sass in my style and I will keep it that way.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Best experiences is working with a really great crew and being able to meet other very talented models. For example I met my best friend at a very unique outdoor runway show. It was described as a “Fash-Mob” so quite literally a random runway show starting in the middle of San francisco. Worst experiences I would say when you get a flakey photographer or you’ve been lead to believe the shoot style would be different than originally expressed.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The industry is rough. It’s very much so like a battlefield, but the ones who do well, know where they are going and proceed with confidence. I would change the agencies attitudes if I could. I feel like everyone is so selfish in regards to their “cut” of what they make and they’re not actually focusing on the product.

Brooke Haag wearing a bridal dressDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I play volleyball! I played for Santa Monica College. I try to eat healthy but there’s the occasional in n out burger, I mean c’mon… I am a Cali Girl. I love making protein smoothies with my liquid vitamin shot of Vemma which stands for Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen and Aloe. I had really bad inflammation due to volleyball so Mangosteen really helps with that. I’ve also noticed that I haven’t gotten sick since I started drinking products that have the super-fruit mangosteen. I would say Vemma is my favorite heath and wellness company because there are so many different products that have such great health benefits. I always drink a BODE shake after my workouts and it really keeps my tone on point. I am lactose free so I love my almond milk!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I didn’t know about my little sister until she was 3. I was the princess of Kingston, Washington because I did scholarship pageants back in high school. I was on the Queen Latifah Show and Jimmey Kimmel.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I wouldn’t change a thing… except for maybe taking back when my friend threw the handle to my old fashioned red wagon, when I was 8, on my face because I had to get 9 stitches on my face that caused hair not to grow on a little patch of my eyebrow. I love my full eyebrows, but it’s a pain to fill in a little spot each time.

Have you ever stolen anything?

I’ve stolen toothpaste from Walgreens once. I have a fetish about clean teeth. My wallet had just gotten stolen and I had no way to pay for toothpaste since I was about to go camping.