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EMS: El regreso del “Ejercítese mientras mira TV sentado” o un invento revolucionario?

Desde no hace poco tiempo hemos podido notar el auge de un nuevo sistema de entrenamiento en muchos gimnasios y hogares: la electroestimulación muscular, también conocido comercialmente como EMS, que promete resultados inmediatos y sorprendentes al mejorar el tono y fuerza musculares. La tecnología EMS consiste en aplicar pequeñas descargas eléctricas superficiales sobre la piel en las zonas musculares que se desea entrenar, dando como resultado contracciones musculares muy similares a las que se llevan a cabo cuando se contrae dicho grupo muscular de manera voluntaria, al moverse.

Aunque éstos sistemas no son realmente nuevos, debido a que a finales de los 90’s ya se promocionaban -mediante infomerciales nocturnos- cinturones que prometían tonificar y fortalecer los músculos abdominales mientras el usuario permanecía sentado en el trabajo o miraba TV sin mover un sólo músculo ni esforzarse en lo más mínimo, lo cierto es que ya se había experimentado con la tecnología EMS pocos años después de finalizada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y se utiliza desde hace mucho tiempo como una parte integral de las terapias de rehabilitación en personas con lesiones principalmente a la médula espinal.

No obstante, los fabricantes y gimnasios presentan dichos sistemas con un toque innovador, ofreciendo al público sesiones de entrenamiento grupales, con equipos inalámbricos, trajes de entrenamiento para el cuerpo completo y dispositivos portátiles, entre otras novedades, razón por la cual en años recientes se ha notado un incremento en la oferta y demanda de éste tipo de servicios y dispositivos.

Como si de cualquier otra innovación se tratase, también ésta se ha tenido que enfrentar al gran dilema: ¿Realmente funciona el EMS? La respuesta no es tan fácil, y de hecho aún no es posible señalar con claridad si el X-Fit, BodyTec, BodyExpress, Slendertone, Compex, SpeedCoach o otras marcas EMS similares son tan efectivos como lo promete.

Athlete squatting with four-channel electrical muscle stimulation machine

Athlete squatting with four-channel electrical muscle stimulation machine

La FDA creó dos categorías para los productos EMS: La primera para aquellos que son prescritos por un médico, para fines terapéuticos, y que únicamente se pueden obtener con una prescripción médica, y la segunda para dispositivos de venta libre (OTC) para tonificación muscular únicamente. Ambas categorías deben estar debidamente certificadas por dicho organismo. Todos los dispositivos disponibles en gimnasios o en venta al público para su uso en el hogar pertenecen a ésta última categoría.

Si bien todos los gimnasios y dispositivos presentan algunos artículos de investigación realizados por profesionales de la salud como evidencia de su efectividad -como naturalmente podría esperarse-, también existen investigaciones independientes realizadas por instituciones ajenas al ambiente empresarial que de igual manera nos proveen de información útil respecto a la utilidad del EMS de acceso al público en general.

Una de ellas es la realizada por la Universidad de Wisconsin-La Crosse, publicada en la revista Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, misma en la que se estudió el efecto de 8 semanas de entrenamiento con un dispositivo EMS de venta libre en un grupo de personas jóvenes frente a otro grupo en el cual se utilizo un falso dispositivo EMS, equivalente al efecto placebo. Los resultados son sorprendentes, ya que al finalizar las 8 semanas de entrenamiento, no hubo ningún efecto benéfico objetivo -es decir, medible- ni subjetivo -es decir, notado o sentido por la persona-. Las conclusiones de la investigación sugieren que la pobre calidad e ingeniería de los dispositivos de venta libre podrían ser algunas de las causas de su aparentemente nula efectividad en sujetos sanos jóvenes.

Y es que los sistemas EMS son más complicados de lo que parecen: No se trata de una simple descarga eléctrica aplicada sobre la piel, sino de un complejo mecanismo de descargas eléctricas controladas, con un voltaje, intensidad, frecuencia, reposos e incluso contraindicaciones muy específicos, mismos que de no aplicarse correctamente, pueden ser incluso contraproducentes y provocar fatiga.

Quizás lo más sensato, ante la falta de mayor evidencia contundente sobre la efectividad de los sistemas EMS, sea continuar con nuestras rutinas de resistencia y aeróbicas, con nuestras fieles y efectivas mancuernas.

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Interview with Ashlyn Ahlers — Hot-Mess Motivation

Ashlyn Ahlers is a 22-year old model residing in Saint Louis, Missouri.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey everyone! My name is Ashlyn Ahlers, from Nashville, Illinois. I currently live in St. Louis, Missouri with my man, Joey, 7 month old daughter, Collins and my fur-baby, Pixie. I love to travel, attend concerts, get dinner with friends and spend lots of time outside. I am a full-time mommy, part-time Certified Personal Trainer, and volunteer for two non-profit organizations.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I was first introduced to the model industry in 7th grade when my grandmother signed me up for modeling classes in St. Louis. A month after I started my classes, I submitted my portfolio and head shots to a few local businesses and received a call for my first print opportunity.

Ashlyn Ahlers modeling a black mini skirtWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My personal goals have changed dramatically since having my daughter. I used to be ‘all about’ how my body looks in the mirror and wasn’t too concerned with being strong. Now, I want to be as strong as I can to keep up with my growing child, although looking awesome in a bikini is always a bonus! My professional goals are to inspire my clients and followers on social media by living by example. Having a healthy diet and exercise program myself is so important when coaching others through their mental and physical transformations.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

On average, I do 5 to 6 modeling jobs a month, and most of the positions are for print advertising for clothing boutiques, or in-person demonstrations. Once in a while, I will do on-camera shoots for commercials, but before I had my daughter, I was booked for quite a few fitness photo shoots for catalogs, social media advertising, and online video promotion. I am working on getting back into pre-baby shape and expect to jump right back in to fitness shoots.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experience I have had as a model is getting to travel all over the US to do demonstrations, promotions and seminars for a fitness and nutrition company. It’s also funny when I get tagged in all kinds of funny photos of people posing by my pictures in the St. Louis airport. The worst experience I have had was working with a very unprofessional company that tried to put me in harms way to get a photo for a CD cover… who even buys CDs anymore anyway?

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

When modeling at a fitness expo, I got completely star struck by one of my favorite fitness icons and stepped on her foot when she came to ask me about the company I was working for. If you’re reading this, sorry DLB!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

If I could change anything about the modeling industry, it would be to give the fitness models credit for having a real life, just like everyone else. Contrary to popular belief, fitness models don’t get to spend every second of every day in the gym. We have children and families, other jobs, and food cravings. We’re all human.

Ashlyn Ahlers wearing footbal gearDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Diet and exercise is so important for everyone, you only have one body- if you don’t take care of it, where will you live? I always try to keep my diet pretty clean and healthy; my body is super sensitive to carbs and dairy so if I stray from my clean diet, there’s no hiding it I am also a breastfeeding momma, so the better I eat, the better my daughter eats. I exercise every single day, and although I may not make it to the gym every day, I am sure to get at least one hour of some sort of exercise daily. I lift weights 3 to 5 times a week, and also run 5k’s 10k’s and half marathons to raise awareness and money for childhood cancer; this year, I am running 5 runDisney races. Don’t hesitate on contacting me on my social networks if you’re interested in getting involved.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Fun fact: I can play the harmonica like a pro.

Would you change anything about yourself?

If I could change anything about myself, I would love to be better at multitasking, since I always seem to take on so many things at once and it always ends in a cluster. I am also a huge people-pleaser, which is usually why I take on too many tasks at once.

What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

If I had a superpower, it would be to sprout extra limbs so I could play with my kid, play with my dog, be on social media, shop online, do the laundry, clean the dishes, iron clothes, workout, draw, play the piano, study, message my friends, and work… all at the same time.

Visit Ashlyn Ahlers’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Sarah D — Music Artist With Model Beginnings

Sarah D is a 25-year old model residing in Studio City, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I grew up in a small Australian city named Adelaide. It’s that city on the coast of the Great Australian Bite, where it looks like someone took a bite out of Australia. I grew up in a very Eastern European household with Polish parents, and having been surrounded by nature, I grew up an outdoors adventure seeker; I love to hike and get in touch with the world around me. I also grew up in a heavy entertainment scene, dancing and singing from a young age which is now my major focus and profession.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I began modeling when I was in my teen years in conjunction with my singing and dancing. I would do a bunch of hair modeling fashion shows as well as catalog shoots for various brands including Dolly Magazine, and from there I began to do numerous bridal expo shows as well as various editorials beauty shots for make-up and jewelry brands due to my high cheek bone structure. Modeling has always been something I found as a fun creative outlet.

Sarah D modeling a black dressWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goals from a young age have always been to entertain crowds of thousands and fortunately I’ve been very lucky to do that. I love to make people happy or escape their lives even if it’s for a moment, and my ultimate goals are to land a major publishing deal and continue to write for other artists as well as myself. I would love to play a sold out show at Madison Square Garden, and it would be fun to incorporate modeling into whatever I can as I just love bing creative. In 5 to 10 years I see myself excelling tremendously within the field of dance and music as well as being surrounded by people whom I love and trust. I think the ultimate goal for me in life is happiness and freedom.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Now that I am more focused on music I don’t do as much modeling. If I do, do modeling, it’s usually a nice mix of music videos and photoshoots, and most music videos are for both new and established artists, anything to be in the presence of like minded people. As far as photoshoots, I’m best suited to editorial, fitness and beauty.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would just love to see more women feel more empowered being comfortable in their own skin. I think the world is slowly turning to the promotion of all shape and sized women and I’d love to see a continuation of that cause everybody’s body is beautiful and unique. We should embrace all of them.

Sarah D face closeupDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I love to run. I’ve always been a strong long distance runner I think thanks to my dance background. I like to mix up my running routine from indoors to outdoors and do HIIT training on the treadmill, which includes sprint 30 seconds, jog 30 seconds. I also love to do hit training with explosive movements like burpees, jump squats, high knees and so much more. My workout routine changes daily, and as far as food, I do try to keep clean, healthy diet. A lot of vegetables, chicken, salmon and smoothies… I love to make smoothies! Both exercise and food go hand in hand in keeping a balanced lifestyle.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

When people come to meet me now, I am usually quite friendly and talkative however, that never happened when I was a child. I was quite shy and would cry over everything. I don’t know how my mom dealt with me!

Would you change anything about yourself?

My brain! We often let our thoughts get the best of us and if I could turn these thoughts off then I would! Other than that, I think we should all love ourselves for what and who we are.

What is the one talent you wish you possessed?

There’s so many… I love learning! But I really wish I could’ve learnt the drums, since it’s one of my favorite instruments and requires a lot of coordination. I have many drummer friends who have tried to teach me and even with my dance background I can never seem to coordinate myself behind that seat!

Visit Sarah D’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Brooke — Jill of All Trades and Badass

Brooke is a 25-year old model residing in Louisville, Kentucky.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am a 25 year old entrepreneur born and raised in Louisville Kentucky with 4 other siblings by two wonderful, hard working doctors. I have had the opportunity to travel to most of the US states and over 30 countries. I received a BFA from University of Arizona and have opened my own small business, which is a letterpress. I have held all sorts of odd jobs including: kennel tech, AR15 designer and builder, security officer, motorcycle mechanic apprentice and model, and as you can see I have trouble being idle and at any time could be doing a hobby, picking up an odd job, or in the gym, and if it’s a DIY project, I’m doing it. I’m self sufficient and determined, maybe even a little hardheaded! I am a serious dog lover and my two dogs come first, and I also love tattoos, so I’m not stopping at the 13 I have now.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I became interested in modeling at a young age, maybe 13 and joined a so-named school, which turned out to be really just a money pit, and landed one acting job but quickly realized the company for what it was and was tired of being told “you’re not tall enough” to be a model and get an agent. I moved to Arizona in 2011 and really put in time and effort and quickly built a good portfolio and met some wonderful photographers and other models, while I was a college student, so modeling was some good side cash and really fun for me.

Brooke holding a badass gunWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I hope to build my letterpress company, have a family and continue doing all the things I love, which includes modeling. I’d also like to continue body building and do more fitness photoshoots.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

In Arizona I did about 2 to 3 shoots a month including video shoots, but when I got into grad school things slowed down, and I also worked for a lingerie company in Arizona for a bout a year. Now that I am back home in Kentucky I have maybe 1 to 2 shoots a month, and although I love video work, I usually end up doing nude, implied, fashion, lingerie and fitness shoots; in general I love outdoor work and anything badass.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I have definitely run the gambit with photographers and modeling shoots, and have also found a few photographers who I have absolutely loved and continued working with on silly shoots or just for fun shoots pretty regularly, and I have also met the “guy with camera” about 100 times, so I am pretty good at weeding through those. I can read how a shoot is going to go from the first encounter with a photographer, and I have also learned to expect at least half the payment upon arrival after doing a 6 hour shoot and the photographer refusing to pay me.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Plenty of inappropriate behavior from photographers for sure, but one particular photographer stole all my lingerie from my suitcase when I wasn’t looking! And I once did a “group shoot” with some other girls where we dressed up as zoo animals, probably a bit more scandalous than we should have, and went to a zoo where a giraffe licked my armpit, gross.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

If I could get rid of all the “guys with camera” that would be great, and also anyone who preys on models, since I think no one should feel uncomfortable at a shoot.

Brooke sitting next to a tree in a forestDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I go to the gym 5 days a week and am big into weight lifting; in fact, I’ve gone from 90 lbs in 2011 to 115lbs by 2014, all 25 lbs being muscle. I love to swim and be active, I eat extremely cleanly, and I do not drink alcohol, take any type of recreational drug, drink caffeine or carbonated drinks and tend to eat balanced meals. I’ve seen people not be well enough to play with their children or grandchildren and I have sworn to never be that way… I want to be healthy and active until the day I die.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I have trained on a flying trapeze.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Honestly I wouldn’t change anything about myself, but perhaps I wish some things had not happened to me; although those experiences, despite being horrible, have made me who I am today and I am pretty proud of that. Physically? OK maybe I wish I had been blessed with more defined calves.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I do not have many vices, I don’t drink, or do drugs or really have an addictive personality; I have tattoos, though, but I grew up in Kentucky and love betting on horses. Also peanut butter oreos, whoever invented those I want to kiss you and also kill you.

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Interview with Heather Hoffman — Undefeated Boxer/Yoga Teacher/Model

Heather Hoffman is a 22-year old model residing in Oakland, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born in Jacksonville Florida, but have lived in about 80 different places and households in my 22 years. I grew up with a younger sister, whom I got custody of at 18 years old. I moved out of my home and eventually lost my mom to drugs around the age of 16 years old, and began working full time while also in high school. I lived with numerous families of all different ethnicities, social classes and religions, which gave me a full cultured and non-judge mental perspective on life.

I love traveling, and just recently moved back to Northern California after spending some time in Costa Rica teaching yoga to the locals who couldn’t afford expensive classes. I knew no one, and left with just a backpack. It was an epic experience to say the least. I found myself through meditation and healthy self expression. I currently have my hands in multiple different professions, one being the part owner and co-founder of a successful small business in the organic edible industry. I spend my time creatively- training in boxing, although I no longer compete- teaching and practicing yoga, dancing, singing, modeling, drawing, giving nutrition and wellness counseling, studying different forms of natural medicine through food, hiking, and talking to my dogchild.

Heather Hoffman with boxing glovesWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Since I was a little mugwamp, I always loved photography and how a picture forever holds moments that have drifted from the present. I bought myself my own camera and as I continued to fool around I realized being behind the camera was just as invigorating. My favorite modeling gigs are ones that include full featured personality and push me to be creative and speak without words. I have done a few magazine articles including a surf magazine and been featured in an “Up and Coming Entrepreneur Article,” along with multiple yoga shoots, clothing and fitness catalogs and a few more. My style is versatile to say the least.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I see myself continuing with my many many business ventures, my organic food company, along with opening an all-over wellness center where people of all types can come and relax, yoga, train, crossfit, meditate, get nutrition and wellness counseling, eat healthy nutrient dense food -that tastes good-, and overall be happy in the current moment and share it with other like-minded souls. I want to give to those in need and help those who simply just need a helping hand. I needed it, and in the end realized I had to find it in myself. I want to lead people to find that place within themselves.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

My modeling workload completely depends on my business workload and availability. I strongly enjoy being creative and expressing myself through modeling so I make it a priority. Sometimes I will have large gigs which require lots of time and preparation, other times I will have multiple simpler shoots. I have done a few comedy videos, posters, catalogs, modeled wedding dresses on runway and other times mostly just fitness shoots and freelance work.

Heather Hoffman modeling a yellow bikiniPlease tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

While in Costa Rica, I met a photographer who shot for the local Surf Magazine, and asked if I wanted to shoot. I spent the day laying on soft white sand in Guanacaste, surrounded by a sweet tropical breeze, unlimited coconut water, a feast of freshly picked fruit from the trees, perfect surfing waves, good islander-like vibes, professional surfers, and was free to do as many and whatever yoga poses I wanted. Basically my paradise.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

My most awkward experience was at the start of my career. I showed up to a self described “photographer’s” studio, which was actually the basement of his grandfather’s situation -can’t call it a house- who was actually a hoarder and as we opened the door to the photo-shoot room millions of antique and trash-like items came tumbling down. As I responded with a horrified expression and double chin, the photographer flashed his 5 dollar kodak camera and asked me if I was ready to shoot… I did extensive research before each shoot after that jolly experience.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Hmmmmmm with my experience, the legitimacy of “photographers.” Now a days any dude or lady can buy a camera and take a few pictures and call themselves a photographer and secretly use it as a creepy dating tool. Like “Oh, move your chin to the right a little, shoulders back, tighten your jaw, and go ahead and take off your shirt and wave it ’round yo head like a helicopter…”
At my age, I wasn’t sure how to do background checks and without parental supervision, I didn’t really have any one to back me up. I’ve gotten lucky and no one has ever tried to take advantage of me, probably because I’d beat their ass, but I have heard soooo many stories where young girls have not done enough research and gotten themselves into uncomfortable, sexually harassing, and sometimes even life-threatening situations. Not cool.

Heather Hoffman in the woodsDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I have studied Ayurvedic medicine, holistic nutrition, and healing through food. I am actually vegan, and during the summers I am mostly raw. I eat this way because it feels best for my body and helps me feel more in tuned with myself and my surroundings. I have been active my entire life- and have played every sport from boxing, basketball, soccer, softball, yoga, hip hop and breakdancing, tennis, golf, been on the swim team, and crossfit. I feel my best when I am active and my body is moving.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I have epilepsy, but use medical marijuana and CBD and have not had a seizure since I started medicating naturally.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I am always working on bettering and improving myself as a person. I set personal goals for myself and hope to enhance my over-all life and situation whenever possible.

Have you ever been in a brawl? Please elaborate.

I am such a non-Violent human being now, but as a kid I was slightly lost and I hung out with the “wrong” crowd. I have actually been in a few brawls- I didn’t start them and they didn’t initially involve me but I had to jump in to protect and back-up my “fam,” as they would do for me. One was at a fair, one at a movie theater, and one in Target… yes inside Target. I moved cities shortly after most of my friends got arrested, and somehow my reputation followed me to my new town and no one ever tried to mess with me or my sister throughout high school. That was convenient.

Visit Heather Hoffman’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Anissa Rachelle Flores — Openly gay model and gogo dancer

Anissa Rachelle Flores is a 21-year old model residing in Fresno, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello, I’m Ani for short. Born in Fresno as a libra where I started modeling, moved to Morro Bay and took up more challenging paid work. Wrestling is a big part of my workout in my daily life as well as eating on a vegan diet.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

When I was in middle school I took classes just to give me something to do during my free time. Soon my hobby sprouted into a dream and I eventually started making some money out of it.

Anissa Rachelle Flores walking next to the beachWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I hope to travel more and work with several photographers in each state. One of the best things about the industry besides being in front of the camera is being able to meet so many people who share similar interests.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I try and book a couple shoots a month. Mainly fashion, some implied, car and bikes, fitness, bikini work. I’ve done a few music videos and a few fashion shows catwalks.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

It’s always great to do a shoot with a new photographer and from that shoot get amazing feedback to where you get a bigger offer. It is hard sometimes you have to be careful with who you work with. There have been fake accounts that have tried booking.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Not most of my shoots have humor though. I work in a very laidback manner where I dance consistently and make funny faces just to keep the atmosphere positive.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The hate on other’s work. All of it is art, I wish others could see that instead of judge so harshly.

Anissa Rachelle Flores holding an umbrellaDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I wrestle, and hit up the gym frequently to lift weights. I practice yoga and meditation on my free time. I eat a vegan diet which consists of mainly fruits. Im a big pasta lover, italian would have to be my favorite dish.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Not many people know that I have pictures of me as a baby in diapers trying to model. I love looking at them and seeing how far I’ve come so far.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I wish I had a bigger bust. But I’ve got no complaints. I was born with what I have and that’s a beautiful thing.

If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?

If I was a male, I would constantly drink water and pee on every building and bush I passed by.

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New Fitness Model Comp Card

Agencies usually present models to their clients by means of a composition card, often abbreviated to comp card. Generally it’s the first and often the only impression a client will get, and considering it usually consists of only four photos, you want to make sure they show off your best features. I have a general comp card, and have just created this fitness-specific comp card to use when applying for fitness modeling jobs.

Composition card geared towards fitness modeling

Composition card geared towards fitness modeling

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Interview with Izzy Diep

Izzy Diep (short for Isabelle) is a 23-year old model from Ontario, California. She is an Alt/Print Model looking to expand her portfolio. She has experience in Fit, Bridal, Promotional, Lifestyle, Fashion, Hair, and Bikini modeling.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I’m Isabelle but everyone calls me Izzy. I’m an old soul in an oddly proportioned body and I’m much too ambitious for my own good.

A bit about my background, I’m a first-generation American and parents are immigrant refugees. Being the oldest out of 6 children I’ve always been had the “I can and will do everything and nothing can stop me” attitude. I’ve been told sometimes I’m a bit instance but usually I’m the girl who is laughing at everything.

I’ve always been a bit of a bookworm. I double-majored in Media and Global studies at University, and earned two bachelors degrees in 4 years while studying the German language and working part-time in the university library. I can’t stand having nothing to do. It drives me crazy!

I enjoy random adventures, turbulence on airplanes, delicious foods and drinks, and a good comedy show. I’m not much of a team player but I enjoy individual endeavors like rock-climbing and Pilates.

At the moment I am in Germany working on my language skills and attempting to network because my dream is to pursue academic research in Western Europe.

Isabelle Diep as a canvas for a paintingWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I had a friend growing up who liked to dress me up and put a bunch of makeup on me and take photos. He later came out to us as being gay and started dating a Canadian photographer who also wanted to photograph me. I was 15 at the time and I dyed my hair every week a different color of the rainbow and everyone in town knew me as “the rainbow-haired chick” so I lived the notoriety and signed up on model mayhem and started booking photoshoots. And now I’m here.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I would love to be on a magazine cover one day, but who doesn’t? The number 1 thing on my bucket list is to have a part in a Quentin Tarantino movie, no matter how small! Haha! I would like to think that in 10 years people can refer to me as “Doctor” and I’ll would have seen most of the world already with the love of my life.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Having a full-time school and workload almost my entire life I haven’t done much modeling work compared to my peers but I’ve done a few fashion and lifestyle shoots, usually helping out my artistic friends with their concepts. I’ve done a lot of hair and makeup modeling because well-my hair dyes really well and I have more exotic features. I would love to model full-time though now that I have the time.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I am lucky enough to have never had any terrible experiences. The best though was when I shot for a men’s magazine launch issue in a gorgeous mansion.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

One of my first shoots was a guerrilla photoshoot in what is now the Los Angeles cultural center building when it was still under construction. We ran around in an unfinished building shooting illegally and I would change behind unfinished walls. Very fun!

Isabelle Diep on a grafitti couchIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Be more accepting and promoting of men and women of color.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

The only sport I do is indoor rock-climbing about once a week. Tones your body and strengthens everything. I like to call it my stealth-ninja training.

I love food. I love carbs and cheese. But I also love not gaining weight so I let myself eat my carbs and cheeses in the morning and I drink an insane amount of juice and water. Usually I’ll just have heavy dinner foods for breakfast and just snack for the rest of the day on fruits and vegetables and nuts.

I also hate sugar, so I take my coffee black and my tea plain and strong. Also, eat plenty of eggs! Keeps you fuller longer.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I get sleep paralyzation almost weekly. It’s not even scary anymore, just annoying.

Would you change anything about yourself (physical or otherwise) if you could?

I wish I was a more consistent person who enjoyed socializing more. I swear, if people never invited me out I would just stay in bed all day watching movies.

Visit Izzy Diep’s website for more photos and information

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Effective home back workout for beginners

Are you looking for a home back workout but don’t have a lot of time or a home gym? Many people don’t have the time or motivation to go to the gym everyday. Some people can’t afford a costly gym membership. Whatever your reasons, working out in your own home is a good way to stay in shape while still avoiding all these potential pitfalls. The back muscles can be one of the most difficult areas to hit without specific gym equipment. This video shows some good exercises that people can do at home to target their back. It’s a beginner level video so pretty much anybody can do these exercises. They don’t take too long either so it is a good way to save time. Now you’ll have no excuse NOT to work out!

+ Who

Mike from Six Pack Shortcuts stars in this video. His Youtube channel has over 2.5 million subscribers and well over 300 million total video views. Obviously he has helped lots of normal people just like you get into shape with some simple and easy exercises. The channel might be called Six Pack Shortcuts but Mike’s videos don’t just focus on abs – he gives you a variety of tips to help get different parts of your body totally ripped. After all, to you would look kind of weird if just one specific part of you was all muscled up and other parts looked wimpy right?

+ Where

The video is about home workouts and seems to be set in Mike’s own home. On the wall are various “before” and “after” pictures of people Mike has helped get into shape. There’s a white board on the back wall listing all the various types of back workouts that will be shown and talked about in this video and Mike also shows off his homemade pull up “contraption” which consists of two chairs back to back and a broom stick with some towels wrapped around the ends. Nice!

+ What

The video starts off with Mike describing how these home exercises can help you develop a “v-shaped” back. At (0:23) he talks about and shows you his homemade pull up contraption. It is made from some simple materials and will enable you to do this workout if you don’t have access to a pull up bar. (1:30) Mike demonstrates how to properly do a bent over fly. (2:08) Mike shows how to do an exercise called a towel roll. (3:00) Mike shows how to do another exercise called prone cobras then at (3:33) he demonstrates two types of really effective back stretches. At (4:55) Mike actually starts the workout routine himself. Mike completes the first set of each exercise at (10:53). The other four sets are then shown in a highly sped up fast forward pace to save time. Finally at (13:44) Mike gives a little bit of a motivational speech about how you should be giving every workout your all and wraps up the video.

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Ten Commandments for Healthy Living

Having read tons of books about nutrition, fitness and general psychology, I find they always boil down to a few core principles. Although I still recommend reading books and performing personal experiments to understand and evaluate the principles and reasoning behind them, I figured many people would appreciate a summary to save time and more easily remember. These are ten simple commandments which, if followed, will result in increased fitness and sustained motivation for practically anyone:

  1. You and you alone are the ruler of your body and your mind.
  2. You shall not let anyone or anything keep you from reaching your goals.
  3. You shall read these commandments and your personal goals every day.
  4. Remember to relax and enjoy Sundays as a bow too much bent is broken.
  5. You shall exercise vigorously at least three hours weekly, preferably more.
  6. You shall only eat sugar in the hour following resistance exercise.
  7. Fruit is a desert. Enjoy it as you would alcohol, in moderation.
  8. You shall eat vegetables daily. Seriously, buy more broccoli.
  9. You shall eat healthy fats daily, and avoid trans-fats at all costs.
  10. You shall eat five or six times daily, with protein being part of every meal.

Alternatively, for the more traditionally inclined people, perhaps it’d be easier to memorize the biblical version:

  1. Thou and thou alone art the ruler of thy body and thy mind.
  2. Thou shalt not let anyone or anything prevent thee from reaching thine goals.
  3. Thou shalt covet these commandments and thy personal goals every day.
  4. Remember to relax and enjoy Sundays as a bow too much bent is broken.
  5. Thou shalt exercise vigorously at least three hours weekly, if not more.
  6. Thou shalt only eat sugar in the hour following resistance exercise.
  7. Fruit is the Lord’s desert. Enjoy it as I meant thee to, in moderation.
  8. Thou shalt eat vegetables daily. Seriously, buy more broccoli.
  9. Thou shalt eat healthy fats daily, yet never trans-fats as they are of the devil.
  10. Thou shalt eat five or six times daily, with protein being part of every meal.

I recommend printing these out on a single page along with your personal goals and reading them every morning as you wake up or before you go to bed at night. It may seem like a silly exercise, but it will help you keep your goals in mind and stay motivated. Just try it for a single month and then discard the idea and scold me should you feel it hasn’t benefited you in any way. It only takes a minute of your time daily so it’s worth a try, no?

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