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Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Veronica Boyer — Model and Nursing Student

Veronica Boyer is an 18-year old model residing in San Francisco, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am an 18 year old freelance model based out of San Francisco, CA. I was originally born in the itty-bitty town of Fortuna, CA, but moved a couple years after I was born. I moved with my dad to San Francisco at age 4 and have thrived here ever since! I have three sisters and I am the aunt to one pretty cool nephew and two beautiful little girls, another niece or nephew coming soon! I have kind of been the jack of all trades my whole life, constantly trying new sports and clubs. In high school I became really interested in performing and my senior year I won a national acting award. My main academic interest however, is nursing. I am currently getting my prerequisites for nursing school so that I can earn my B.A, and eventually continue on for a masters in nurse anesthesiology.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Well, I had always been interested in modeling. I was one of those young girls enchanted by what I saw on America’s Next Top Model, I always thought when I was younger, “I want to do that”. Then when I was around 13, I was approached by a Ford agent on the street who asked if I was interested in modeling. Unfortunately my mom said no and said that I needed to focus on school, but the idea was still there! I participated in pageants in high school and my second year I won the casual wear modeling competition for the National American Miss NorCal Teen division. That really cemented in my mind that other people saw that I had that “something”. So when I finished high school I knew I would have the freedom to plan my schedule and would actually be able to fit modeling into it. I found model mayhem, posted some photos and started working immediately!

Veronica Boyer wearing a hat at the beachWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I always tell people that my biggest goal in modeling is to land a national GAP ad. The ones you see on the billboards everywhere. Back when they did their “Lived In” campaign, all I could think was how well I would fit with the look they were going for and now with their “Dress Normal” campaign I think I continue to have the look that they are going for. I have lots of other modeling goals but that is the dream. In 5-10 years I definitely see myself continuing to model, for sure, but to say how and where I will be doing that we’ll just have to wait and see!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Most people know that a model’s schedule is never the same twice. Some weeks I may work every day, sometimes having two bookings in one day, -major workout!-, but other weeks I may not work at all. In general I aim to work around three times a week. It is nice when I get weeks like that because I am able to do what I love but I also have time for some R&R, naps are my fave! The work I do varies a lot since I am still exploring all the different parts of the industry, but generally I do fashion, commercial, and lifestyle shoots and then every month or so I book a runway show.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I think I have been really lucky to not have had any bad experiences but I think by far my best experience was shooting in New York City. I knew that I was going to be in the city for New Year’s and I decided that I wanted to do a photo shoot. I found a great photographer and we spent 8 hours driving to different places in Brooklyn and Manhattan. I got to shoot in so many incredible places including Times Square and Fifth Ave.! The only bummer was that the worst storm of the season had hit the night before so it was a balmy 26 degrees outside with only 10 in. of snow on the ground.

Veronica Boyer black and white face closeupHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Actually on the same trip to New York, when I was shooting in Times Square, people were taking tons of pictures of me and one guy even stood next to me and started mimicking me. It was funny, embarrassing, and a little irritating all at the same time. I’m pretty sure the photographer was not a happy camper though!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The thing that really gets me is what gets a lot of other people. I really don’t like all the Photoshopping that happens. I think it holds women and girls to an impossible standard and if I could I would try to show people that models look just like everyone else. I was really proud of American Eagle’s company Aerie when they came out with their “Aerie Real” campaign that featured the un-retouched models.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I do my best to eat healthy and exercise but I do have a major chocolate tooth that I am always fighting with. I do a lot of at home strength training, circuit training, and Pilates since I am not really into the whole gym thing. For me it is mostly about being healthy and staying active, although it is always nice to find that I’ve dropped and inch in my measurements!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Left handed people of the world unite! I am always secretly so excited when people notice that I am left handed. Makes me feel like the cool kid on the block.

Veronica Boyer at the beachWould you change anything about yourself?

Usually I say that I would have more angular cheekbones if I could that way people wouldn’t see me as so commercial, but if I had to be completely honest I’d have to say that no, I really wouldn’t change anything because I am special exactly the way I am. It took me a long time to realize that I don’t need to change for anyone unless I want to change for myself as well. I’m really happy that I know that now.

Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever peed?

This question really makes me laugh, because I really do have a story for it. My dad works in construction all over the bay area and when I was younger I used to go with him during the summers. Well one day my dad brought me with him and he fed me a big cup of Starbucks hot chocolate plus one of those huge fast food sodas. Next thing I know I had to go, bad. Unfortunately there happened to not be any bathrooms on the site, so my dad does the only thing he can. He helps me down into the massive hole he had just been digging for a building foundation and that was where I had to go. It’s funny because let’s just say that if I tried to go where that building is now, I’d get arrested. Teehee!

Visit Veronica Boyer’s website for more photos and information