Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with The Baker Twins — “Slashy”, Model and Actress

The Baker Twins are 25-year old models residing in Los Angeles.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

We are known as the ‘Baker Twins’. We grew up in northern Canada in a little reservation called the ‘Stellat’en First Nation’. The population of our reservation is only about 200 people. We grew up hunting, fishing and hiking. We had a very different upbringing than a lot of people and usually people get very surprised when they find out where we were raised and where we are from.

We grew up in a place where your whole family takes part in raising you. That includes your mother, Grandmother, Aunts and Uncles. Your cousins are more like your brothers and sisters than your cousins.

We have a ton of hobbies including working out, hiking, rock climbing, cross fit, tennis, jogging and writing. We are actors, models, film makers, photographers and producers.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

We got involved in modeling right after we graduated from high school. A few photographers approached us about modeling. However, we watched quite a few 20/20 episodes and were way too paranoid to take the jobs. Then one day we got a card from a photographer when we were shopping and decided to do our research on him. It turned out the photographer worked on quite a few magazines. It was our very first modeling job and we were very happy when we discovered that the images were published in a magazine.

The Baker TwinsWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Our personal and professional goals are one in the same. We want to be actors that can pick and choose the movies that we get to do while keeping healthy and fit by eating healthy and working out.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

We take about 1 to 2 modeling jobs a week. It used to be a lot more when we first started modeling. Our goals have changed dramatically compared to the beginning of our modeling careers. We are mainly focusing on acting and have collectively decided that 2 jobs per week is the maximum amount of shoots we are willing to do so we can 100% focus on acting. We mainly do print modeling jobs. But, when we first started modeling we took a lot of runway modeling jobs. We were very fortunate with our modeling careers in that we were able to travel by modeling internationally.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experience in modeling is being able to travel. We have traveled to various places around the world and without modeling that wouldn’t have been made possible. Modeling opened a lot of doors so we have so many positive experiences.

The worst experience is probably seeing the lengths that some models are willing to go to stay thin. We feel like the industry is changing in that in some countries they make sure the models are a certain weight. But, the peer pressure to try to stay thin in order to book jobs still exists.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

We were booked on our very first runway job for fashion week. We were so excited that we booked the job that we got ready and curled our hair and used way too much hair product. We also did our own make up. We didn’t know that when you go to a modeling job you go with a clean face and clean hair. We also didn’t know that the booking agent booked us based on our dead straight hair. The hair stylists couldn’t straighten our hair because we used too much hair product. The models and the production knew right away how “green” we were. The show ended up by only giving us a few looks so we weren’t used as much s the other models. The whole experience was quite embarrassing.

The Baker Twins dressed like high school studentsIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

We think kids should be allowed to be kids. So many agencies are taking on kid models instead of women. If you are under 18 you should be given the opportunity to be a kid and do what teenagers do instead of being thrust into the industry where there can be a lot of pressures to look a certain way or act “grown up”. Just because you may be taller or look older doesn’t mean that you should act like an adult.

We have a teenage sister whose name is Emily Graceanna. Since she was 12 years old she has had many modeling agencies that have wanted to represent her. Our mom and dad decided to not let her get a modeling agent until she was old enough to decide that was what she wanted to do. Allowing a child to be a child is so important.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

We play tennis, crossfit and workout a lot. We typically eat a paleo diet. However, we do have cheat days. Nutrition and exercise has become a huge aspect of our lives. When we first started modeling there was a lot of pressure from people in the industry that would stress to us to not work out too much out of fear of us becoming too “muscular”. I think more and more people in the industry are realizing the importance of fitness and healthy food.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

We grew up on a native reservation hunting and fishing, and a lot of people don’t know that we have a small weakness for gaming. Call of duty is definitely our game of choice.

Would you change anything about yourself?

We would have a bigger booty. That is why we do so many lunges and squats when we work out.

What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

It would definitely be to fly.

Visit The Baker Twins’s website for more photos and information