Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Samantha Jax

Samantha Jax is a 24-year old model residing in San Jose, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey everyone! I’m Samantha Jax. My real name is Samantha Jacqueline Fisher- Lewis, but its so darn long I prefer Samantha Jax. I was born in Los Gatos in California but moved into San Jose where I was raised. My mother was a single mother of three girls and we all have different dad’s. My mother struggled with a drug addiction so my sisters and I were sent to live with our grandparents for a few years.

Samantha Jax in a pink veil by the poolI feel that my struggles as a child has helped me become a remarkable individual. I feel I have a lust for life and a goal to try to make the world a more loving and accepting place.

I have many hobbies and they seem to change weekly. Some days I decided I’m going to be a painter and pant a beautiful scene of a mountain. Then the next week I decided I’m going to ride dirt bikes and try to beat all the boy’s. For some strange reason I’m one of those people that are good at almost everything. I can sing and dance, I do ballet and workout, I paint and ride dirt bikes, and also like to model and act.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

When I was a child I always wanted to be the center of attention, my mother used to call me Varoka from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory because she said I was such a drama queen.
Throughout my childhood I would get compliments from my mothers friends or people in town saying how pretty I was and they suggested I should be an actress or model.

When I got out of high school I got a chance to make this dream a reality when I signed up to a local Modeling school in Willow Glen, California called John Casablancas. During my schooling there I met other students with the same goal as me and with the classes we all were improving our skills and understanding of the industry. After i graduated from John Casablancas I signed up with an Agency Called MTM Agency that was ran by the director of John Casablanca school.

Samantha Jax in an artistic poseWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My personal goals right now is complete the 30 day squat challenge hahahaha, and finish school. But as for professional goal I would like to find a new agent and continue networking to maybe one day be in a fashion magazine.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I model ever so often, it’s like I wont do any modeling gigs for a few months and then I’ll do ten modeling gig’s in two months. I’m not very organized with my time at the moment, but when ever i feel sexy and confident is when i am ready to shoot. Most of the work i do consists of photo shoots. I usually participate in implied nudity, glamour, Fashion, Commercial, artistic, group modeling and I have done about ten hair show for shampoo lines. I have done over a dozen fashion show’s for local designers but I’m too short to be a runway model 🙁

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Let’s save the best for last. My worst experience modeling I think was when I got scammed. I was looking through the casting portion of ModelMayhem and i sent a message to a photographer that said they were casting for a magazine in Europe. I received a message back from the photographer saying him and his team picked me to be their model. I was so excited and over come with happiness. The photographer said I would be paid 3,000 dollars to do the shoot and they would first send me the money in a money gram through UPS before the shoot. When I received the money gram I called the photographer to let him know I had received it, during our talk the man told me I would have to pay for the MUA and stylist with some of the money that was sent to me.

The man gave me the address to send the money gram. I went to my bank and deposited the $3,000.00a dollars sent to me and then took out the $700.00 to send to the MUA and stylist. Then a couple day’s later my bank called me and told me I had deposited a counterfeit money gram into my account. I tried to call the photographer to figure out what had happened and the phone was disconnected. That’s when i realized I had been scammed. They sent me a fake money gram worth $3,000 and then told me to send $700.00 to pay for stylist and MUA. They stole my money and I got in trouble with my bank.

My best experience was when a photographer from Texas flew out to San Jose just to shoot with me. I felt so special, he bought me lunch, I got to pick the location for the shoot, and I got enough money to buy my first car.

Samantha Jax in chainsHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

My most recent shoot I was sitting on a white chair with white fur and white flowers surrounding me. I doing an implied nudity shoot with a photographer I had worked with a couple times. It was a night to shoot and I was feeling skinny and sexy. But during my shoot the photographer points down towards my hoo haa and gave me this strange look. I looked down and dripping down my leg was blood. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, mother nature had decided to grace me with her presences. I didn’t want to come out of the bathroom I was so embarrassed. We had to end the shoot early but I’ll never forget that horrible embarrassing moment.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

If I could change anything about the modeling industry it would be photo shop. I honestly feel that photo shop gives people an unrealistic view on how models and actors look. I learned from one of my classes in college that only 9% of the women population in the world feel beautiful and I believe that photo shop will only make that number decrease more.

One more thing I would change is the pressure to be super skinny. I feel that if these products are trying to sell products to normal people why not put normal people in their commercials or magazine. Then people wouldn’t feel that only skinny people can wear that or only people with that type of body should buy it.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I practice ballet and I’m in the processes of completing the 30 day squat challenge but other then that I don’t usually work out. I have always been at a healthy normal weight up in till three years ago after my high school boyfriend passed away I haven’t been able to put on weight. Right now I weight about 110 and I wish I was about 120.

Nutrition is always on my mind, I don’t count calories or carbs but I do try to stick with foods like fish or chicken with steamed brown rice and veggies. When I go out to eat I usually order a salad with some type of protein. I don’t believe people should do hard core diets or try to limit foods they love, however I do believe in moderation. Everything in moderation.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I can burp really loud and for a long time. When I was younger my mom would show me off at BBQ’s saying ” She doesn’t even have to drink a beer to burp loud”. I can sing the ABC’S up to the letter M in one burp. My cousin say’s i should videos tape myself burping and send it Tosh.O

Would you change anything about yourself (physical or otherwise) if you could?

If I could change anything about my physical appearance it would be eye color. I have a blend of brown and green eyes, but I would love to have all green eyes. If I could change anything about myself in general it would be to complete eliminate the feeling of jealous from myself. I hate feeling jealous, I feel it’s a useless feeling that makes you act on emotions that are usually just temporary , but the action you take while jealous usually are lasting.

Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever peed?

Once I was at a party with my best friends Rachelle, we were drinking Bacardi 151 and other things 🙂 My friend decided to stop drinking but I kept pouring her a shot of Bacardi 151 and then myself a shot. Rachelle kept saying no to the shots so I drink her shots and then my own. By the time I started to feel super sick I was 17 shots deep of 151, needless to say I was f**ked up. Rachelle helped me into the bathroom. I decided I had to pee and started to pull down my pants. When I attempted to sit myself on the toilet seat I missed and fell on the floor were my friend was standing. I guess I thought I was on the toilet because I proceeded to pee on my friends leg. We still laugh about it to this day.