Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Natalie-Monique — Aussie Actress and Model

Natalie-Monique is a 22-year old model residing in Los Angeles, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I’m from the Gold Coast in Australia, I came over to Los Angeles three and a half years ago to further my acting career and by chance fell into a bit of modeling. It’s always been fun and I love being creative with anything! So it was cool to explore a different side of the industry and play around a bit. I love music and love being around friends and family!

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first got involved through a director friend of mine who was looking to do work, actually before that I had modeled in a few of my girlfriends’ catwalk shows and catalogue shoots for their own design labels, but just for fun. In the states it’s been more about promotion to aid in my acting career and awesome for networking, especially with so many shoots doing video montages it actually goes hand in hand modeling and acting, plus it’s fun.

Natalie-Monique wearing high heelsWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Great question! Because it’s so bloody hard to answer! Haha, personally I just want to be happy, living life to the fullest, doing what I love around people I love, experiencing new things, traveling, adventuring, acting, modeling, writing, singing, being creative I suppose would just sum it up! And hopefully gaining a lot of industry success to allow me to continue to do what I love!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I usually will be on a few shoots every month, and it’s always changing, which I love. The entertainer loves to be entertained! I love doing creative shoots and I’m pretty fortunate to always be changing it up, even if it’s the same style it may be a different contrasting location which gives it a new dynamic! I do few catwalks as I’m only just 5’8″ which is tall in human life, midget in model life…for catwalk anyway!

Because of my acting, the photographer and I can really bring out different personalities, for example I wore a floor-length ball gown on top of a cage in a zoo and played with different emotions so it was like glamour mixed with total grunge which made it egdy and a little more unexpected.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experience would be every experience because as it’s been something I’ve fallen into, it’s all been a learning curve for me! I’ve gotten to do some pretty cool shoots and meet some cool people which I would consider a best! The worst as I have learned which I’m sure all models learn, is to not be taken advantage of, whether it be with poses, pay or realistically anything that you may not be comfortable with, which is a very easy thing to happen when you are first starting out, I don’t think it’s something that’s talked about as much as it needs to be especially for young girls, it’s great once you’ve learnt from your mistakes, but I definitely think these young women starting out need a stronger voice about all the do’s and don’t’s of modeling.

Natalie-Monique wearing a black dressHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I once got asked day of to do a road trip shoot from L.A. to Vegas in an hour as his original model had flaked, I said yes, had wet hair which I didn’t really do anything with, minimal make-up and grabbed a handful of clothes, we found this broken down water park and it turned out to be some of the best images I’ve ever had. I feel like when you’re spontaneous in a shoot, that’s when the best pictures come out. As for funny, I’m always laughing on a shoot or being silly so there’s always something funny going on!!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The modeling industry itself? No. I mean there are certain expectations because it’s needed to keep things or people in demand. I would love to change certain people’s opinion haha, but that’s life. It’s a business. Same as acting, they don’t call it show business for nothing. It’s probably 80% business and 20% talent, so you really can’t take anything personally, for example, if I was modeling in Japan they would want me to have no tan, whereas a beach shoot in L.A. would be like, someone get this girl into a tanning salon stat! Some things you’re gonna be right for and somethings just won’t work, it’s all about the client and more importantly the clientel they are catering for. It’s a tough industry but I’m in it more for the creativity – I feel like when you’re having fun and enjoying what you are doing that’s the most important thing.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I love Shaun T! Preach! He does all the insanity, T25, Hip Hop Abs! He’s awesome! I love to chuck on one of his dvds so I can do it at home and there’s no excuses of “not having time” and then after that try and experiment with a bit of Yoga to stretch it out and improve my flexibility and flush away any tensions or stresses, I’m fairly new to yoga, but I love what it incorporates about balance in all areas of your life, body, mind and soul. Eating healthy is the most important thing, you could look healthy and super-trim but it’s what’s on the inside! I love my fruit and veg, my lean meats, nuts and fruit are my idea of a snack!

Of course my sweet tooth is always in my ear but it’s about everything in moderation, I believe if you cut something out completely and then later introduce it again, your body just freaks out. But usually I find when I’m eating healthy and getting all the nutrients I need with herbal protein shakes, juices and vitamin supplements, the cravings for any junk food just disappear because your body already has what it wants…the good stuff! I will admit though, pasta is my weakness…I can literally be full and still see pasta and start drooling…why!

Natalie-Monique topless wearing blue pantiesPlease share something people don’t know about you.

Hi, my name is Natalie, and I’m an instagram addict! @nat_monique #shamelessplugin

Haha no but seriously something you wouldn’t know is I have skydived at 5am with a drunk instructor on my back, been a magician’s assistant, lifeguarded at a theme park, ate McDonald’s with Shaggy in Japan and made up my own voicemail rap until it was petitioned by my closest friends to be taken down… did I mention I was spontaneous?

Would you change anything about yourself?

I love myself for who and what I am, but am a firm believer in self-improvement, I’m always striving to better myself in a healthy and positive way and I’m always still learning, aren’t we all..

Have you ever gone without wearing underwear all day? Why & what did you do?

All the time! It’s very freeing. However the first time I did it was because I accidentally ripped my undies so I made my best friend take hers off too and we chucked them over the fence of a construction site, then still met our other mates out haha memories!

Visit Natalie-Monique’s website for more photos and information.