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Interview with Jillian Elizabeth — Unofficial Disney princess and Mermaid

Jillian Elizabeth is a 26-year old model residing in Boston, Massachusetts.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey! My name is Jillian Elizabeth and I’m from Boston, Mass! I’ve been modeling for about 5 years now, I’m recently trying to get into actressing, so we’ll see how that goes! My goals include being published in Maxim, Playboy, Sports Illustrated and Arsenic Mag, and I’d love to be an international playmate, that’d be pretty cool. My friends describe me as half socially awkward and half I’ll talk to a brick wall. I’m an animal rights activist for cruelty free cosmetics, and I hope to one day open up my own no kill shelter. I love shopping, binging on my favorite Netflix shows, and the beach.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Oh gosh I think I was like 7 or so when I found a Playboy magazine and every since then, I knew I wanted to be a model, since I love being in front of the camera! I come alive per se, but my professional side comes out more when I’m working because I’m overly critical of myself, but at the end of the day, I love looking at the work I can create.

Jillian Elizabeth modeling underwearWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My personal goals are pretty much like every other girl, just to find someone who’s like minded and to build my empire with, as well as start a family. My professional goals are to get published in Playboy both regular and International, Maxim, and Sports Illustrated. I want girls to know it’s ok to be proud of who you are, and to know you don’t need to be super skinny to be a cover girl.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Since the new year I told myself, I wanted to accomplish something every month: January I went to the Sundance film festival, this month I have some shoots lined up and so on; my goal is to be more productive. I love doing glamour shoots, but since it’s winter, I have to wait to do beach shoots, unless I travel.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

All the people you meet and just the fact that you know you got there yourself, but also all it takes is that one person to help you. I’m fortunate enough to be in an agency where all the girls get along and my agent is working everyday for us, so that was kind of my starting point for being more serious. But if you do travel to say the Sundance festival, unless you’re well known, no one will even give you a glance. You have to build yourself, I’m all for helping anyone I can!

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

The more I think about what I’ve done, the more I’m like wow I actually did that, I went to the links and laces golf tour and ended up winning a trip to the finals, so that was dream come true. Working with great photographers that I’ve seen on Instagram, so it’s been amazing.

Jillian Elizabeth at the beachIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Telling girls to love themselves more, in certain areas they tell the girls you have to be this thin or this tall, but I believe you’re born the way you are and everyone is beautiful. Skinny girls, athletic, curvy, plus size, as long as you have a good soul that should be enough.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I actually took a few nutrition classes, I do Zumba, and mostly focus on toning and booty exercises.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Huge nerd, like giant; ask me anything about Batman and I’ll tell you, I love superheroes, like to the point I start spewing out how Batman is the most badass from the justice league, but captain America from the avengers is Ok. I’m also weird, it’s boring to be normal, my celebrity crush is definitely Matthew Grey Gubler… my god, what a beautiful dorky man. I’d love to discuss all things superheroes with him over coffee.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I’ve worked really hard on loving exactly who I am.

What features do you look for in a partner?

I basically look to see if there’s that mental connection as physical. I saw a certain someone at the film festival and our eyes met and it was like nothing I ever felt before, I was too nervous to go talk to him so I didn’t, but I’m hoping our paths will cross again. I believe everyone has a soulmate, and I want mine to be funny, and intelligent, non judgemental, animal lover, not a cheater. Basically I want to be looked at like I’m the only girl in the world in his eyes. Someone to make me feel so loved that I’m like wow so this is what it feels like to be in the notebook…

Visit Jillian Elizabeth’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Sarah D — Music Artist With Model Beginnings

Sarah D is a 25-year old model residing in Studio City, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I grew up in a small Australian city named Adelaide. It’s that city on the coast of the Great Australian Bite, where it looks like someone took a bite out of Australia. I grew up in a very Eastern European household with Polish parents, and having been surrounded by nature, I grew up an outdoors adventure seeker; I love to hike and get in touch with the world around me. I also grew up in a heavy entertainment scene, dancing and singing from a young age which is now my major focus and profession.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I began modeling when I was in my teen years in conjunction with my singing and dancing. I would do a bunch of hair modeling fashion shows as well as catalog shoots for various brands including Dolly Magazine, and from there I began to do numerous bridal expo shows as well as various editorials beauty shots for make-up and jewelry brands due to my high cheek bone structure. Modeling has always been something I found as a fun creative outlet.

Sarah D modeling a black dressWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goals from a young age have always been to entertain crowds of thousands and fortunately I’ve been very lucky to do that. I love to make people happy or escape their lives even if it’s for a moment, and my ultimate goals are to land a major publishing deal and continue to write for other artists as well as myself. I would love to play a sold out show at Madison Square Garden, and it would be fun to incorporate modeling into whatever I can as I just love bing creative. In 5 to 10 years I see myself excelling tremendously within the field of dance and music as well as being surrounded by people whom I love and trust. I think the ultimate goal for me in life is happiness and freedom.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Now that I am more focused on music I don’t do as much modeling. If I do, do modeling, it’s usually a nice mix of music videos and photoshoots, and most music videos are for both new and established artists, anything to be in the presence of like minded people. As far as photoshoots, I’m best suited to editorial, fitness and beauty.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would just love to see more women feel more empowered being comfortable in their own skin. I think the world is slowly turning to the promotion of all shape and sized women and I’d love to see a continuation of that cause everybody’s body is beautiful and unique. We should embrace all of them.

Sarah D face closeupDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I love to run. I’ve always been a strong long distance runner I think thanks to my dance background. I like to mix up my running routine from indoors to outdoors and do HIIT training on the treadmill, which includes sprint 30 seconds, jog 30 seconds. I also love to do hit training with explosive movements like burpees, jump squats, high knees and so much more. My workout routine changes daily, and as far as food, I do try to keep clean, healthy diet. A lot of vegetables, chicken, salmon and smoothies… I love to make smoothies! Both exercise and food go hand in hand in keeping a balanced lifestyle.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

When people come to meet me now, I am usually quite friendly and talkative however, that never happened when I was a child. I was quite shy and would cry over everything. I don’t know how my mom dealt with me!

Would you change anything about yourself?

My brain! We often let our thoughts get the best of us and if I could turn these thoughts off then I would! Other than that, I think we should all love ourselves for what and who we are.

What is the one talent you wish you possessed?

There’s so many… I love learning! But I really wish I could’ve learnt the drums, since it’s one of my favorite instruments and requires a lot of coordination. I have many drummer friends who have tried to teach me and even with my dance background I can never seem to coordinate myself behind that seat!

Visit Sarah D’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with WhineyFu Cosplay — Model, Geek, Whiner, knows little kung fu

WhineyFu Cosplay is a 27-year old model residing in New Baltimore, Michigan.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Workaholic born in and living with my family in southeast Michigan, I am a full time doctoral student in the mental health field, and currently work full time in an office, part time as a mental health professional, all while going to school. I work on school work, model, and cosplay on the weekends, as well as write, draw, and sing terribly. Cosplaying has become a passionate hobby for me as it combines the fashion and photography that I love and the pop culture I feed on. Life is good when I can attend a convention once a month.

WhineyFu Cosplay lying on a wallWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I have wanted to do something with fashion and modeling since high school but I was not mentally or physically in a healthy place for anything like that at the time. I have been cosplaying for over 5 years now and have been doing photoshoots of my costumes during that time, but it was only recently that I branched out into fashion and boudoir shoots after I won a photoshoot session with Bontisha Rose photography in February 2015. I had never thought I could do anything of just me for modeling as I do think I am tall or thin. I am mentally and physically healthy enough for this now at this time of my life. Modeling channels my creativity and I hope this creativity can inspire others and affect others how it has positively affected me.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Hopefully, I will be Dr. WhineyFu Cosplay in 5 years, since I am a second year doctoral student. I hope to be employed full time doing something I love, and would like to be able to incorporate modeling and my cosplay into my educational career too. Cosplay takes a certain level of self-esteem, confidence, and worth. Cosplay for your mental health, anyone?

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I do the majority of my modeling work on the weekend as that is the only time I have availability. I am either doing a photoshoot, walking around a convention, or working on my costumes. As of right now, I photoshoot cosplay, fashion, art, and glamour, but I would love to do more, especially catwalks and acting, but just no nudity.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I haven’t really had a “worst” experience so far in modeling. Each photographer I have worked with has been great and has given me more experience in my modeling. I really do like it though when a photographer is just as geeked about a photo as I am. I do notice a lot of nude requests for photoshoots now, in general, and although I have no problem personally with nudity, I do not want that for my modeling photoshoots.

WhineyFu Cosplay at a lakeHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I love interacting with people while I am in cosplay at conventions, or outside of conventions. Some of the most memorable interactions I have had are with kids who think I am that actually character I am dressed up as. As for embarrassing, I have certainly tripped and face-planted a few times while in cosplay. No pain and gain, right?

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

More body types advertised for women and men. Models sell products and an image, then why not meet the consumers’ needs? I love clothes and fashion, but every time I see an ad selling me something, it is on a model who is either smaller or bigger than me. You want to sell me something? Show me how it looks on someone like me.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I used to participate in sports when I was younger, and I played soccer for over 10 years. I exercise almost everyday early in the morning on my elliptical and then also add a little bit of weight lifting on the weekends. I also walk my dog almost ever day when I have the chance to do so. I keep track of just about everything I eat to keep aware of what I am putting in my body and what I am putting out. However, I do not stress too much about what I am eating or if I am “bad” for a day.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I love the movies and collect movie ticket stubs. And the most times I have seen a movie in theaters is 21 times.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I would like to say no but that’s not true. I can only imagine the chaos I could cause if I were taller; people always say I look taller than I actually am, but I would like to actually be taller. Maybe that’s why I am always in heels?

What is your favorite thing to do alone?

I am usually never alone because of my dog but when it is just the 2 of us, we like to sit on the couch and marathon TV shows or watch a new movie we have heard about but never seen before. All of this while working on a costume and yelling or arguing with the TV. I talk to myself and the dog when I am alone. Good company.

Visit WhineyFu Cosplay’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Anashi — Cosplay enthusiast and model

Anashi is a 24-year old model residing in Salem, Massachusetts.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born in the states, New Jersey to be specific but I didn’t really live there. My family traveled all around and maybe that’s why I have such wanderlust and a restless spirit. I’m Czech but unfortunately I don’t know much about my family’s background. I’m also a super big nerd who loves comics, anime, video games, manga, cosplay, you name it, and I also draw and would love to work in the comic or movie industry.

Anashi modeling red hairWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

My mom had me in beauty pageants and things when I was really little but I started a few years ago just as a hobby cause a lot of people were telling me I have a good look for it. I just basically posted a profile on Model Mayhem and immediately starting booking shoots and shows.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

If modeling could get me into the movie industry that’d be amazing but other than that I’m really hoping to get my foot in the door with my art. Maybe do character designs for Disney and Pixar or work on comics or video games. Being a paid professional cosplayer who regularly attends conventions would be pretty amazing also!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

My modeling varies from infrequently to booking shoots and events several times a week. I mainly do photo-shoots but I get called for local fashion shows and video shoots. I’ve done some fashion, art, glamour, editorial, and a lot of the shoots I’ve been to are the kind of “supply your own stuff” so I supply the clothes and I usually do my own hair and makeup also.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I haven’t had a lot of really bad experiences to be honest. I did work with a really amazing photographer from New York who ended up never giving me pictures from our shoot. I was very heartbroken about it because we basically spent all day on this shoot and we were both so excited about the outcome of the shots.

Anashi behind the scenes PCIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

You know, some of the most insecure people I know are models and I don’t think it’s a coincidence. There’s this image that we have to look a certain way, be a certain weight and it’s not healthy and so many of the people that I’ve met and worked with are so beautiful and they still are pouring over their flaws and obsessing over how they could fix them. It’s always good to strive to be better and be the best that you can be but you should never do it to an unhealthy extent…

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I’m not much of a sport person, never have been but I’ve always been very active. I try to go to the gym 4 to 6 days a week and while I’m there I always do weight lifting and at least some cardio. I always change it up though. As for what I eat, I don’t eat much meat but I do indulge in sushi, mainly raw salmon and I do eat eggs. Other than that it’s a lot of veggies and rice, quinoa, basically I try to eat as healthy as I can but I do drink loads of coffee haha.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I think there’s things all of us don’t like about ourselves and honestly sure I could say I wish I had a smaller nose or a less round face but these things make me a unique looking person. As far as personality goes I’m a bit of a procrastinator and I do get moody from time to time… I’ve always wanted to be one of those girls that people say “she’s so sweet” but I’m stuck with my resting bitch face and my sarcastic humor.

How do you think you are most likely to die?

I’d really love to say that if I die I’d like to die doing something exciting but I think in all actuality, when I die it’ll be something really stupid and my last thought will be “wow, I can’t believe this is happening” or “well that didn’t work out as planned” haha.

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Interview with Lauren Marx — Mother, model, singer, actress

Lauren Marx is a 24-year old model residing in Boston, Massachusetts.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Lauren Marx, I was born and raised between Leominster, Massachusetts and upstate New York. I am a full time mother, model, singer, actress, and apparently juggler now that I have a moment to slow down, catch my breath and do this interview. I am a mother of one amazing little boy named Charlie and when I’m not working my focus begins and ends with my family. I’m a sucker for the simpler things in life, with an equally matched love for travel, arts, fashion, the outdoors, and success. I am a Spanish, German, Black Irish Taurus and I will do whatever it takes to have my cake and eat it too.

Lauren Marx modeling black underwearWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

When I was 18 years old I walked into a Honey Dew Donuts in Worcester, Massachusetts and was stopped by a woman named Donna Sobieski. She was an agent with New York Model Management, she was both lovely and sweet. She complimented me on my shoes and my smile, and she signed me on the spot.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Professionally? The sky is the limit. My laundry list of professional goals has no end, but when it comes to life; in the next five to ten years all I can hope is to be as happy and blessed as I am in this very moment.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

On a typical work week I’ll likely have 2 to 3 shoots, whether they be commercial based, editorial, glamour, or film, the one consistent thing about my job is that no matter what I do, I always have fun.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

My best experience with my job, hmm. Let’s see… How could I possibly decide? I would have to say that being in Vogue Italia definitely makes the list, getting to sing on stage with rock legends from James Brown Band and Bob Marley Trio, shooting for WAAF, starring in From Ashes To New’s hit music video or getting to be in Shaggy and Pitbull’s music video. Frankly I have had so many experiences to be thankful for, I couldn’t possibly choose just one.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

All. The. Time. I would have to say my best, funniest, most embarrassing, and out of the ordinary moments are more ordinary for me than I would like to admit. Also, I’m a dinosaur without coffee… Which is quite literally all of the above.

Lauren Marx face closeupIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

If I could change one thing about the modeling industry it would be the negative misconceptions people make about the models in it. We’re not dumb, drug induced, mindless fembots and we’re certainly not bullet proof. People should be kinder to one another, although I suppose that means that what I would change doesn’t necessarily apply to the industry alone, it applies to the world.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Once upon a time playing sports was my life, but now that I’m a bit older and a lot busier I would say solid nutrition comes before all else for me, although a little yoga and gym time never hurts to throw into the mix to keep everything firm and on the up and up.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I’m a wealth of useless information, a nerd to my core, and a diehard Trekky; live long and prosper.

Would you change anything about yourself?

My inability to do accurate mental math. That or my arms, check back with me in a week.

What features do you look for in a partner?

Kind eyes, sincere smile, strong hands, big socks.

Visit Lauren Marx’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Remington Jewell — Dedicated Model

Remington Jewell is a 20-year old model residing in Lexington, Kentucky.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello! I’m Remington Jewell, I’m from Dallas, Texas; raised by my older sister with my two older brothers. I grew up in a big city with a ton of great people, who give me nothing but support to reach my dreams, and thanks to that I started modeling pretty young but not only did I love being in front of the camera, I also loved being behind it. Yes! photography is a huge part of me, and modeling my absolute passion and profession. However I enjoy other forms of art and expression such as writing: I write every day, various things, even if what I write will never be read, I love it, and I enjoy reading as well, I’m the biggest book worm! But most of all I love spending time with my family and friends, without them my work, my art, would be gloom.

Remington Jewell on high heelsWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I was about 11 years old at the mall with my family and I was standing in line at the ToGo Chilis getting a refill of coke for my father. There was this huge stage taking up half the food court and as I stood in line I just watched the stage trying to figure out what was going on. There were crowds of people of all ages standing around, and as I was looking I caught eyes with a woman standing behind stage directing people, she starts to wave her arms for me to go to her and so I went and she said she wanted me in her fashion show, that I was absolutely perfect. Turns out for me it was a modeling contest, and I won out of over 300 people. I’ve always wanted to model but that day, when I was so nervous but went out on stage anyways, I felt like I never had before, and I knew then that I would become a model. The following day, my father starts to receive phone calls from multiple talent agencies asking to meet with me, which I did but I decided on my own to wait until I was a little older before I started modeling, shortly after I moved to Bulgaria for a few months. When I was 15 I started to build my modeling career and I’ve been doing it ever since.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My sister -who is a hair stylist- and I plan to open a hair salon and spa together. It has been a goal of mine since I was a very young girl to do this for my late mother who passed away too young, before she could reach her dream. I will continue modeling also of course, but our dreams will rise together.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I model 3 to 5 times a week and I do various types of work. I mostly do photoshoots and runway, modeling fashion, art, commercial, athletics, glamour, boudoir, many different types. The only thing I have not shot was nudity; which is just a personal thing for me, however I’ve shot implied nudity.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Oh every time is the best time! Although I do have a worst experience back when I first started, when I was supposed to meet with one of my photographers but a few days go by and I never heard from him until one day he calls and asks to see me for a shoot that next day so I go and when I get to the studio, he sits me and my companion friend down and tells us he hasn’t called because his 12 year old daughter just passed away the day before. So I’m saying “What? Why am I here to work when you should be grieving?” and he replies “Well, I stole a ton of flowers from her funeral so I can cover you in them.” His face when saying that still send chills down my spine and actually just because of him I spend my time talking with girls on how to be safe and properly build their portfolio with great photographers. Needless to say, after he said that I did not continue working with him.

Remington Jewell modeling long white bootsHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I’ve had a few embarrassing moments like when I had one of those famous nip slips or when I’m doing an outdoor shoot and people who are just passing by start to stop and watch and once there is a good sized crowd the wind decides to blow my dress straight up.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Honestly, all I think is models, especially women should take more time to talk to the young girls and women. The way some people perceive models can be all wrong and we shouldn’t let these unrealistic ideas and images wash the young minds.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I absolutely love working out! I start off with yoga early in the morning, then I run 6 to 10 miles, I then do my core exercises and light weight lifting and tons of squats and before bed I do yoga once more. I’m a huge sports fan too and basketball is my favorite, so me and a few friends will go play sometimes. Working out makes you very hungry as we all know, and I am always hungry, so eating right is very important to me. I only cook at home and the great thing is it is so easy to prepare healthy delicious food: I typically eat skinless chicken, brown rice, all my veggies, lots of salmon and other fish, fruits, whole wheat pasta, and much more, those are just my favorites!

Remington Jewell modeling a bikiniPlease share something people don’t know about you.

My mother passed away when I way 3 years old and my father was never really around. When I was 12 my father took my brothers and I out of school but didn’t put us in any homeschooling program. So at 12, being too young to work, I pulled together as much money as I could find and bought school books for my brother and I. I taught myself at a college level and got my first job at age 15 when I was able to get a job.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Absolutely not. We are all our worst critics and even though I may see every little “flaw” in myself I know I’m beautiful and unique. I don’t even look at it as “flaws”, how can one have flaws if we are all to be different and unique. Honestly the only thing I want to say I’d change is that I care far too much about anyone and everything, but maybe more people should.

What is your favorite thing to do alone?

I sing and dance like none other when I’m alone and boy, does it make me feel good! I’d probably die of embarrassment if someone were to catch me but when no one is around it’s all hanging out!

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Interview with Seedy — Freelance Model

Seedy is a 20-year old model residing in Gretna, Louisiana.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello viewers, my name is Sequence but I preferred to be called my model name seedy. I was born in New Orleans,Louisiana, have one brother and sister who goe by the name Kemper and Trenell, respectively; we were all raised by our Mother Carisa who’s a single parent. Some things I like to do when I have free time is play volleyball and dance, although if you know me then you know I have such a passion for those things but not more than I do with modeling.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Modeling wasn’t something that I always wanted to do, since I didn’t wake up and say “Hey I want to be a model”. It was just something I developed over time, and started out at the age of fourteen but didn’t take it serious until I was nineteen. To make a long story short I got with my cousin “Phylia” who’s a photographer and model also. Once I did my photoshoot with her I posted my pictures on Model Mayhem and jobs were pouring in.

Seedy sitting on a benchWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goal is to open up my own modeling agency, and in ten years I definitely see myself running my own agency. I want to start my own agency because I want to give the young ladies a chance in the world, since I know the feeling of being rejected because you’re not the right size, or you don’t have the right look.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I’m usually modeling every four days out of a week. I’m a freelance model but I work mostly all categories dealing with fashion, art and glamour, and others. Modeling really consists of hard work and dedication, and also energy. As of right now I mainly do photoshoots but I’m training to walk so I can go out for NOLA Fashion Week casting in December.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

One of my weirded out experiences was with my school photographer. I just felt uncomfortable because he took my Cap and Gown photos. Now that I graduated he’s taking my lingerie photos and that was creepy. My favorite shoot was with this guy I met through my cousin in Baton Rouge. He’s a real nice person but kind of creepy when you first meet him.

Seedy modeling a black skirtHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I remember when I did my first shoot outside in the bay water area. I had to change my clothes in the freezing cold and I bent over to take off my pants. My underwear tore in the back and this guy saw my naked behind.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

If I could change anything in the modeling industry I would change height. I would at least start it off at 5’7.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I still play volleyball for fun and right now I’m really not a healthy eater but I’m working on it.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

One thing I can say is I’m a music jukebox. You name it I’ll sing it.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I love myself the way I am and I wouldn’t change a bit.

What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

I wish I had superpowers to turn any and everything into Popeye’s Chicken. Why? Well because I love Popeye’s and I’m just darn greedy.

Visit Seedy’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Ashley Michelle — Southern belle with a twist

Ashley Michelle is a 27-year old model residing in Lafayette, Louisiana.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am a 27 year old freelance model, and was born in the great city of Lafayette, Louisiana and boy does the Cajun heritage run deep in my blood! I have a small family, including one brother, mom, dad and daughter, and they are very dear to me as well as a handful of friends whom I look at as family. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family and almost anything outdoors! I’m definitely a tomboy at heart!

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

In 2008 I was involved in a horrible car accident with an 18 wheeler and became very self conscious. Modeling gave me confidence and built me back up; I began my journey in 2010 and have loved every minute of it, this is more than a hobby for me, it’s a passion!

Ashley Michelle riding a motorcycleWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goals are to make it as far as possible to show other girls regardless of where you are from that you can do anything! Your life is what you make it! Traveling is also big with me there’s so much of the world to see!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I mainly do photoshoots and love them being in front of the camera, it gives me a feeling like I’ve never experienced! I’ve also done lingerie shows which were really fun, bikini contest and car shows!

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I haven’t had any bad experiences really; and as for best well the whole experience has just been amazing. I’m so blessed to have been given this opportunity and have met the awesome people I’ve worked with!

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

At my first bikini contest I was super nervous and tripped which was really embarrassing but now looking back I can laugh!

Ashley Michelle modeling a purple miniskirtDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Nutrition is very important to me, and I watch my carbs and sugar intake. I usually go to the track 3 to 5 times a week for cardio.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I was in active duty army and I’m a type one diabetic.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Be an inch or two taller so I could do runway!

If you had only 24 hours left to live, what would you do?

Travel as much as I could with my family and friends!

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Interview with Morgan Matchuny — Computer Engineering student and model

Morgan Matchuny is a 19-year old model residing in Louisville, Kentucky.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am from the middle of nowhere in Greenville, Indiana, directly across from a cornfield, actually. I spend the majority of my time messing around with computers, reading philosophy books, watching horror films and modeling of course. My family is extremely supportive of all of my interests and always has been my rock.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first started modeling professionally in May of 2015, when I got asked by an old friend to do a shoot for Elegant Magazine, and I happily obliged, although I had previously been modeling recreationally, just building a portfolio and a name for myself. Modeling has always been an interest of mine as I find it a unique art form.

Morgan Matchuny dressed all in whiteWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My professional goals for modeling are essentially to keep climbing the ladder in my area and continue meeting new artists, and would also love to travel for modeling or maybe get signed by an agency as well. In five to ten years I see myself working as a computer engineer and making lots of art in my free time, maybe writing a book.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I usually have one shoot a week, as it is hard to fit in more than that with full-time school, and I mainly do fashion photoshoots, occasionally more artsy work, if I’m lucky!.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experiences I’ve had in modeling come from that moment in a shoot where something is off; it might be that the hair doesn’t look right, or that the equipment falters, and what comes from this is a time-crunch for creativity, and usually the best work. It is amazing to have a team of people so diversely creative come together and find a brilliant solution. My other best experiences simply come from seeing published work, as being an unsigned model by choice is rough, because many photographers only want agency models, but I have made a name for myself and built my career, and it is phenomenal to see it all pan out on paper in a published work.

My worst experience has only happened once, and that was the dreaded “creepy photographer.” I had a photographer repeatedly ask me to get naked, and it was honestly the most degrading and uncomfortable situation I’ve ever experienced in the industry.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Ha, this is a good question, since I seem to always get picked for the most interesting shoots. I have had panty hose wrapped over my face, I’ve been painted head to toe, worn pounds of leather, laid in a bath tub filled with milk… and loved every second of it. The “weird” shoots are the best ones, for sure.

Morgan Matchuny face closeupIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would certainly change the standard of body weight, since I’ve realized throughout history there are usually a few aesthetic qualities romanticized, but in the fashion industry these qualities are often very unhealthy. I do not currently do runway modeling, but seeing the girls who go through hell in order to lose weight is extremely saddening and should not continue. Every body is beautiful, and I am a huge proponent of the body positivity movement. I would love to see this movement take hold of the fashion industry and show the world that not only one body type is beautiful.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I have always been an active person, as I was a dancer for about 10 years, and growing up I never ate particularly unhealthily. However, the past few years have been a journey for me, through recovering from an eating disorder with restriction issues, it was very difficult to safely move back into eating normally. I am finally settling into a healthier weight and diet, as I do not obsessively track what I eat, and now I enjoy eating healthily and take pride in my exercise routine. Nutrition is important to me, because I had to learn the hard way how detrimental it can be not to practice healthy habits.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I’m an artist! I will be selling prints soon, so look out for that on my social media.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I wish I was a vampire.

What is your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure is still playing my Nintendo… actually, I have no shame in that

Visit Morgan Matchuny’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with K. Reed — Business Yogi Model Wildwoman

K. Reed is a 25-year old model residing in Atlanta, Georgia

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

As a childhood dancer, Kelsey Reed has always felt best when in tune with her body and mind. After a few failed high school attempts with yoga, Reed found her love for the practice in college during her parents divorce, heartbreak, and family addiction. Since 2009, Reed has been an active yoga practitioner and in 2012, she received her RYT-250 hour training from Asheville Community Yoga Center.

Yoga has taught her to be aware of her breath in any situation, for it is her compass home. When breathing through life, she can accept and activate all Infinite awareness that is channeled through her. Since earning her degree in Health and Wellness Promotion from UNC Asheville, she has dedicated her life to sharing this practice with the world to improve and motivate the health and growth of others. In finding yoga, she has found a shared bliss that transcends the unconscious to consciousness.

K. Reed next to a treeWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first started modeling in 2012 in Asheville, North Carolina. I knew a local photographer there and after our first photo shoot she told me that I should really try and get into the industry, so that’s what I did – connected with other local photographers and began to build my portfolio. Eventually, people started contacting me to shoot! Now, I also incorporate my yoga business into my photos as well.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

* Owning my own yoga studio
* Professional yoga model
* Traveling the world for retreats
* Innercise Yoga, LLC, the name of my business, is internationally recognized as a new branch of Yoga

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I mostly am experienced in photoshoot – of all kinds. I model every few weeks.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The worst is when a male photographer is creepy, or asks you to take nude photos when you have already let them know that is not part of the deal. The best is when I can laugh, have fun, and make real collaborative art with a photographer.

K. Reed face closeupHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Not really.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The body type! I am very petite, and it’s silly that I can’t make a career from modeling just because of size. I don’t show short in photos if shot right at all, I am very proportional.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Yoga and a little running are my forms of exercise. I am a yoga teacher, so I practice almost every day. I eat mostly a plant-based diet and I am a total health-nut so diet and exercise are extremely important to me.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I’m an introvert, I just play a really good extrovert.

Would you change anything about yourself?

No. I’ve come a long way into accepting myself how I am, and I’m sticking with that!

What is your guilty pleasure?

A nice joint!

Visit K. Reed’s website for more photos and information

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