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Interview with Sierra Lanae — Fitness & Fashion Model battling MS

Sierra Lanae is an 18-year old model residing in Aurora, Colorado.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born in Thorton, CO. My mom, Jen Brown, is a fitness model and competitor in the NPC & has been competing for over 5 years. I go to school for cosmetology but at the end of the day there is nothing I love more than going to the gym.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I got into modeling in the summer of 2014. I started because I want to make sure I do everything I’ve ever wanted to do before my Multiple Sclerosis takes over, one of those things on my list is modeling. I also had huge insecurities with the way I looked. When I was younger struggled with anorexia and bulimia. After that I struggled with eating too much and never wanting to go outside or be around people, I was so ashamed of how I looked. My insecurities got better when I started going to the gym everyday and saw how my hard work & passion was improving my life for the better. I was still really insecure when I started modeling; I thought if I put myself out there I may like what I see & I do! Modeling has changed my life completely!

Sierra Lanae wearing shorts and topWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My biggest dream was to fight MMA until I found out the stress it would put on my body with MS would make it worse. I now wish to pursue my modeling career and compete in NPC. I also wish to graduate cosmetology school and after get certified in personal training and nutrition. I also want to do modeling workshops to teach other models how to use their insecurities to their advantage.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I have at least a couple photo shoots a month. I haven’t done any catwalks and only one video commercial.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I would say my best experience in modeling is when someone messaged me on Facebook after my first time being in a magazine and told me they were a huge fan and loved my work. The worst experience would have to be a photo shoot I had where he would take one picture put the camera down and make sexual jokes followed by comments on how I should consider nude.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

In my very first photo shoot someone stole my shoes downtown that I was borrowing from a friend.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

That in order to make it in the industry, everyone thinks you have to get nude and you don’t.

Sierra Lanae hanging from a fork liftDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Fitness and nutrition in everyone’s life, not just models! Proper Nutrition is one of the most important factors in a healthy lifestyle. I personally eat a lot of protein, fruits and veggies; any carbs I have I cut off at about 4pm. I also eat 5 to 6 times a day and drink as much water as possible. Fitness side of things cardio and I are not friends but I try and at least get 20 minutes cardio session in the early morning and after a workout. Mixed Martial Arts is the only cardio I love to do and would suggest it for everyone to try. I love lifting being able to go into the gym put on your headphones and drowned the world out for an hour or two makes all the difference to make you happier & more relaxed. Not to mention when you reach a new max weight or see progress, that amazing feeling you get knowing it’s because of your hardwork! A healthy physique is something that can’t be bought and has to be worked for.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I’m a superman nerd -everyone knows this-. Every boyfriend I had until graduated high school somewhat looked like Superman or reminded me of Superman. I use to also read the comic books and do different voices for each character. I would also play the radio show to put me to sleep.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I take people’s criticism to heart too much.

What features do you look for in a partner?

I guess my answer to that is someone that I can be myself around. Someone I can go to the gym with because I am not giving that up for anyone! If we can’t have a real conversation it’s not going to work. They also have to be funny. I care about personality more than anything else.

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Interview with Tia Marie — Book-Worm Model

Tia Marie is a 21-year old model residing in Denver, Colorado.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born June 29th 1993 in Louisville, Colorado, later moving to small town Frederick, Colorado where I currently reside with plans to move to downtown Denver. I love music and attending events. Dancing is where I find peace and release all of my stress. It’s truly one of my passions. I also am a passionate reader. I’ve invested tons of time and space into books. Reading is also a huge stress reliever for me. It’s another world. And of course another passion is modeling. It builds my confidence and allows me to see myself in a different light. Modeling makes me feel beautiful and powerful.

Tia Marie face closeupWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I was first approached by an agency when I was 17 years old at the mall. It was completely unexpected because I was only running into the mall for a few things and hadn’t even bothered to get dressed. I was still in my sweats with no make-up. The agent told me, “you would look great in 6′ heels” then handed me the business card launching my interest in modeling. I later decided to be a freelance model not wanting to be controlled by an agency and have since been slowly growing my portfolio on my time.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I eventually would love to be enrolled in community college where I plan on completing my academics then later transferring to a university. I want to study psychology and neurology then work in a mental institution with people who have severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia, multiple personalities, and other conditions. Another option I’m considering is working with serial killers, either in prison or on a team of investigators. I’d love to establish myself as a model in the meantime, working part time and full time doing both of the things that I love the most.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I model when I have the time to and I try to keep it different from what I’ve done before. My goal is to always build my portfolio with interesting and different ideas and collaborations. I have some experience in catwalk, but it’s not really something I prefer to do. I guess I do a little bit of everything.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I always try to make every experience modeling a good one. It is truly something I love to do and it is a part of who I am. There’s a certain power behind it. There’s a feeling I can’t describe when you see yourself in photos. I continue to push myself and do better and better every modeling experience I have.

Tia Marie wearing a long black dressDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I don’t typically practice any sports, but I do workout and try to eat healthy. I rarely eat fast food and I cook at home. I have a fast metabolism so it’s hard for me to gain weight, but I like to keep my body toned so I do squats, sit-ups, push-ups and other basic exercise to keep in shape.

Would you change anything about yourself?

There’s only one thing really I would want to change about myself and that would be my acne. I’ve struggled with it for years and it’s something I’ve learned to accept and deal with, but if I could I would definitely choose not to have it.

If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?

If I was the opposite sex for one day I would pee out of a car window. I’ve always been envious of men and the luxury they have of peeing anywhere. Especially in cars. Women have to find bathrooms or even places to squat, but not men… Haha!

Visit Tia Marie’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Logan Westbrook — Petite Model:Think Tall, Dream Big

Logan Westbrook is a 19-year old model residing in Denver, Colorado.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am the exact mix of my Puerto Rican father and Southern blonde hair blue eyed mother, born and raised in Denver, Colorado. As an only child I have been incredibly blessed with support from parents who have sacrificed almost everything time and time again to let me dream big and strive towards my goals. Learning to live with the alcoholism, depression, and bankrupcy that has plagued my parent’s marriage and at times our whole family, I put my passions and stresses into sports, music, horses, and eventually modeling as I grew up. I have grown up riding and training my own horse who is my forever companion through good times and bad, and singing all kinds of music.This has lead me to be able to sing for various charities, sports games, and events across the state and in other states as well.

When I was 7 I traded in my tae-kwon-do belts for a pair of figure skates and have been skating competitively ever since. To my parent’s dismay I discovered yet another expensive hobby when I was 12 – pageantry. Pageantry lead me from state title to state title and national competitions across the country that provided scholarships and opportunities I never could have dreamed of. As of late, I have taken up college as a pretty much poor first generation student with dreams of going into the medical field. None of this has been without my having always had a part or full time job since I was 14 years old, and I have been grateful for every second of every blessing and opportunity that has come my way.

Logan Westbrook modeling a sports outfitWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Once “America’s Next Top Model” came out when I was still in elementary school I was hooked. I have always had a naturally slender build with lots of leg but was fully aware that 5’8″ is the typical minimum height requirement for runway models. It wasn’t until the petite season of ANTM came out on television that I realized there was hope for an aspiring 5’6″ girl like me. Starting from the ground up in 2007, I worked with various freelance photographers and a small local talent agency to build my print portfolio and add to my skills and experience. I took any job that I could, bending over backwards for projects and photographers to earn my way up the ladder of diversity and experience. Slowly but surely, after years of working without pay and dedicating lots of time to the modeling world my confidence and skill grew to the point where I was ready to pursue modeling more intensely than ever before.

My sophomore year of high school I was suddenly on the rise of what would begin my more professional modeling career. After having been asked to be a senior model and spokesmodel for a local photography company, and winning my first state title at a pageant in the same year, I was picked up by Barbizon Southwest. For years I had been selected for massive scouting opportunities overseas that my family and I simply could not afford, and never seemed to be able to find work in Colorado. Here, finally, was the training and the exposure that I needed to kick start my professional career, and kick start it did. Since then I have been so grateful and blessed to be the cover for local ad campaigns, featured in editorial and catalog magazines across the state and a few nationally published magazines, walk various runways for hair and fashion shows at the local and state-wide level, judge modeling and pageant competitions, work on award winning photography projects, and am continually requested to audition for large company commercials like Hyundai.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goals for modeling from this point forward in my life are to begin moving to more diverse work across the country, perhaps even out of the country if the opportunities should arise. I have lots of print and runway experience now at the state level and have tasted work in other parts of the country. I can’t get enough, and want to experience other runways, meet more designers, and one day be featured in an international magazine. Given this is all hopes and dreams of a petite model living in a tall world, all the while struggling through college. I figure if I made it this far I certainly can make it farther, it will just depend on the connections I continue to make and the opportunities that arise.

Logan Westbrook modeling a long black red dressHow often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

For the past few years working for Barbizon Southwest I have worked for a paid job in modeling at least once a month every month. During busier seasons I have worked and continue to receive work several times a month and often several times in a week. Most of this work is couture print work for regional magazines followed by local runway shows. I also do a lot of commerical, catalog type work from voice-overs to clothing brand advertisement.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experience I have had so far with modeling has been working on a project called “The Diver” by photographer Paul Miller. This incredible shoot was almost a 12 hour shoot that feautured massive elaborate sets and wardrobe changes. This year it was awarded for it’s amazing finished photos and artistry by the Art Directors Club of Denver at their annual show. The greatest part of this project was that, once it was published I began receiving calls for work like never before.

When it comes to my worst experiences modeling, it is difficult to really say because what many people would consider the worst are still things that I am grateful for in the big picture. I have sat for hours on a freezing cold location set while they do hair and makeup, or been practically naked on the runway while my poor father looked on in horror but understanding that being model means you don’t always get to choose your wardrobe. I’ve been jostled around back stage or been told time and time again that I’m not tall enough or I don’t have perfect model features. The reality is that sometimes the behind the scenes stuff isn’t all that glamorous, and yes they are correct, but I have learned that fashion and modeling isn’t at all about perfection or what’s “the right size”, and those standards have not kept me from enjoying pursuing this dream.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I was asked to model a dress with an incredible high slit that showed a little too much if the dress flew behind my legs on the runway…Of course, it did… as the designer sort of expected, but much to the joy of my onlooking boyfriend and his pals who continue to taunt me about it to this day. I didn’t think twice about it while I was on the runway, but giggled hysterically when I saw my mom’s face in the audience as I was walking off. My poor sweet parents have never said anything about my modeling work but good things, even when it rubs their parental side the wrong way.

Logan Westbrook inside a barn wearing jeansIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would absolutely change the height standards for runway models, not just because I myself am petite but also because I know so many other incredibly talented models who would do anything for this industry but cannot change their height. It is a sad loss of talent in my opinion.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I enjoy running because that was my sport in high school -track-, but most recently I have fallen in love with this workout called “Body Barre” which is basically a workout spin on ballet moves. It is very challenging but makes for really well toned muscles, good posture, and flexibilty. The coolest part is that we do the workouts in out sock and it’s all about isolation so there is no running around like a cardio workout, while still making you work incredibly hard. I tend to stick to gluten free foods because that seems to be a trigger for face breakouts for me. I also love a well made protein shake and keep up on daily vitamins and at least one serving of vegetables a day plus tons of water.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

People typically don’t know that, although my work and my hobbies usually put me in a dress and heels and wearing lots of makeup, I am very much so a tomboy. My favorite outfits behind the scenes are anything that isn’t a skirt: I adore pants, baseball caps and boots.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Honestly if I could be 5’8″ of course I would love to have more modeling opportunities. Otherwise I am happy and grateful to be myself and have the life that I have been given, even if I never make it to the pages of an international magazine.

Do you have any fears or phobias?

I have a strange phobia of dark water and big fish. I have never experienced trauma in these areas so my family has no idea where this comes from. I won’t even jump into a dark pool.

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Interview with Corinne Victoria — Model and Performer

Corinne Victoria is a 21-year old model residing in Denver, Colorado.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Corinne Victoria and I’m a full time model based out of Denver, Colorado. I was born in Park Ridge, Illinois and lived there as a small child. After which I lived in Arizona for 10 years , both in Phoenix and Surprise. I’ve been located in Colorado now for about 6 years.

My biggest hobby is dancing. I love to dance and perform both on and off the stage. Other interests of mine include anything Alice in Wonderland. Dressing up in elaborate outfits and going to numerous kinds of events. As well as fetishes and the BDSM community.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Well fun fact I did modeling when I was a baby. I modeled in diapers and did things like JCPenny ads for example. I however did not do any modeling as a child or young teen. Growing up I didn’t think too much about modeling. Modeling always seemed to me like one of those dream jobs you never actually get to have. When I was a teenager though I thought to myself why not model? What’s really holding me back? In honesty there was only myself holding me back and no reason I should not or could not model. So I did my research on getting involved and had my first shoot I’ll be able to remember at the age of 17!

Corinne Victoria wearing jean shortsWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I do hope to continue modeling for as long as I possibly can. Modeling is very important to me and it’s something I rather enjoy doing. My goal is to be able to still be involved in the industry even as I age. Other than that though I look to be a mother in the years to come. I have found a wonderful partner who’s great and there is no doubt of children in our future. I hope to be able to take care of my home and family. Daydreams about being a housewife!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I work all the time. I most often do photo shoots but, I have also done video work as well as helping out with various classes. I’ve modeled for art classes and have helped teach modeling classes. I model in a multitude of genres including – glamour, fashion, art, cosplay, editorial, fetish, lifestyle, and others. The summer months are definitely the busiest for me. Can definitely be a bit hectic at times! The winter months are considerably slower, but not completely dead. I am a freelance model which means I work independently rather than through an agency. There are pros and cons to both and I happen to prefer working independently. That being said the workload on myself is much higher. When I’m not out at a photo shoot I’m at home responding to e-mails and messages. Constantly organizing and looking for more work.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I’m not sure about the best or worst experience I’ve had but I’m going to talk about my traveling experiences with modeling. Traveling is great! I’ve gotten to travel around to many different places. It’s a great opportunity for any model and I’m privileged to have been able to travel a number of times. I love traveling, you get to see a new place you not have been able to see otherwise. You get to have completely new and different experience from what you see as the norm. At the same time however traveling, especially for work, can be exhausting. Waking up at crazy early hours, staying up particularly late can be taxing on one’s body. A lot of the time you go from spending a fair amount of time in the airport and on the airplane. Then you go directly into working long days.

Corinne Victoria walking in the countrysideHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I definitely have an embarrassing story that comes to mind. I was at a photo shoot once and everything was going well. About an hour or so into the shoot the photographer pointed something out to me. He pointed out that well… I had started my period. I hadn’t even noticed myself until he pointed it out. I was completely mortified and embarrassed!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would definitely change the reliability and certainty. The industry can be a little inconsistent at times. Sometimes shoots get moved, sometimes they get canceled. You can’t always count on something to happen when it’s supposed to because things get moved and changed around.

Not just shoots but models. There are a number of ‘models’ out there that bring a bad representation to the industry. There are models that are late, there are models that flake on shoots, models that give a no call no show. These people bring a bad name to those that work hard in what we do and behave in a professional manner when it comes to shoots.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Nutrition and exercise play an important role in my life. Being a full time model I have to stay conscious in my eating and exercise habits. Maintaining a healthy figure is important. Personally I eat an all vegetarian diet. I generally eat healthy foods, lots of colors and vegetables but, that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a good brownie here and there. As for exercise being a performer I do a lot of exercise. I’ve been a dancer all my life and was a swimmer for most my life. I currently dance as a gogo dancer as well as other performances such as contortion. I have to stretch everyday in order to stay limber and perhaps push my limits. I also dance on the regular to keep up my dance moves, plus there is always room for improvement! Not to mention dancing is a great, enjoyable form of cardio.

Corinne Victoria body paintedPlease share something people don’t know about you.

Interesting fact, I have an affinity for the Japanese culture. Both ancient and modern. I love the rich history of Japan. I also love modern fashion and technologies. I could type an entire list of the things I appreciate or love on Japanese culture. I’ll keep this simple though. I plan to make a trip to Japan at least once before I die.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I would change my hair. My whole life I’ve always wanted really long pretty hair. My hair always seems to stop at a certain point though and just not grow any further.

I’ve been working hard to take good care of my hair and keep it healthy. I’m avoiding putting in damaging and costly extensions. Simply promoting hair growth as naturally as possible.

What is the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?

I’m unsure about the kinkiest thing I’ve done. Being an active member in the BDSM community I’ve partook in a numerous amount of kinky things. I’m in a 24/7 Dominant and submissive relationship. I frequent fetish parties and dungeons. I’ve done things like rope suspension and bondage, wax play, fire play. I’ve been flogged, whipped, caned, you name it!

Visit Corinne Victoria’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Danielle Graves — College Student, world traveler & Model

Danielle Graves is a 19-year old model residing in Boulder, Colorado.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I’m a Colorado girl, born and raised. My passion is traveling and experiencing life from a different culture’s perspective through immersion. My heritage probably ignited my interest because my father visited Colombia to find a wife and that’s how I came to being. I also have a passion for psychology and understanding what makes us human, so I’m currently finishing up my B.A. in Psychology. I’m torn between going to graduate school right away or completely immersing myself in top modeling industries but I’m a spur of the moment kind of girl so that decision will come in time.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I have numerous photographers in my family who encouraged me to start modeling and even helped start out my portfolio when I was younger. Between the ages 13-17 I didn’t do much modeling until I won a contest that allowed me to model for a local shop and take two free photoshoots. From there I discovered model mayhem, joined an agency and started collaborating with amazing photographers. Modeling feels very natural to me and it’s an art form that I’m intrigued by that allows me to express myself.

Danielle Graves wearing a blue top and jeansWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

In five years I see myself sitting on a beach in Indonesia working off my laptop as a virtual counselor and encouraging people to follow their bliss. That’s just one goal. I also want to pursue acting and modeling and encourage women and girls that beauty and brains can coexist if you believe in yourself.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I always have an event or gig lined up from fashion shoots, runway, promotion, art concepts, commercial, short film… I like to be versatile and challenge myself in many areas.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Referring back to trying multiple modeling industries, I signed up for a metal undergarment runway show. I didn’t know what the costumes looked like before agreeing to do the show, I just knew it was an 18+ event. I was told to wear panties and a thong and then was fitted into a metal corset. Corsets aren’t comfortable to begin with, much less when it is made entirely of scrap metal. I also wore a metal thong with razor blades in the crotch region in representation of a medieval chastity belt. My attire looked modest compared to what the men had to wear. They wore a thong with a metal dick attachment that, with the push of a button, could shoot out flames. This show was very erotic but also very entertaining because the other models turned it into a joke and had fun with it.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would change the height requirements. It is so unfortunate that an entire industry is narrowed down to the same look. I understand that the designers like to have their clothing fit the majority of the models but surely exceptions could be made for all the gorgeous girls that aren’t 5’8+. Maybe it would be wiser to include girls that fit the height and weight criteria of the average female not only in the United States but worldwide.

Danielle Graves modeling a white dress at a fieldDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I’ve tried multiple sports as a girl and soccer was my favorite. I haven’t participated in sports since high school but I make sure to workout with weight at least 5 days a week and eat nutrient rich foods. A typical meal would include grains, protein and vegetables. If I can see and pronounce all the ingredients then I consider it good for me. Without exercise I feel depressed, tired and unmotivated. I encourage everyone who feels this way to get at least 30 minutes of exercise in a day.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I would change my height. If I was 3 inches taller I would have the confidence and opportunity to model for my favorite designers and travel the world as a model. I know I should appreciate the way I was made but I wouldn’t be human if there wasn’t something that I wanted to change about myself.

How do you think you are most likely to die?

I’ve asked myself this numerous times and although it’s not something I’d like to plan or look forward to, it’s inevitable. I hope it is a beautiful tragedy and I die for a great cause or rescue someone that needs more time on earth than I do. I don’t fear death because I look at it as a new beginning to a great ending.

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Interview with Nikasaur — Walking Advertisement for BVB Model

Nikasaur is a 20-year old model residing in Castle Rock, Colorado.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Born in Harvard, Illinois and raised in Elizabeth, Colorado. I have an older sister and a younger brother. I went to an alternative school called Frontier down in Elizabeth, which is where I actually met the love of my life. We’ve been through everything together and now my high school sweetheart is now my fiance. I never really had many friends growing up, I was the outcast in school, most of the friends I did have never really liked me. The one true friend that has stuck by my side lives in the UK and I can’t wait for us to actually meet up one day because he is such an amazing person.

I enjoy playing video games in my spare time and I love the internet so I’m always on there.! My fiance and friends like to think of me as a Walking Advertisement for my favorite band Black Veil Brides because I literally do not walk out the door without wearing something of BVB and not to mention that all of my tattoos consist of Black Veil Brides. They have definitely helped me a lot through out my teenage life with their music so they definitely mean a lot to me. I’m addicted to getting tattoos, and I highly believe that everyone needs an Olaf in their life.

Nikasaur modeling tall bootsWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I love getting all dolled up and taking photos. It’s one of my favorite things to do. As silly as it is I actually started site modeling online and from there is where I found that modeling is my passion. I ended up creating myself a MM account and was setting up shoots with photographers left and right.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

There are so many haha. I’m not even sure if I exactly know what I want to do. There are so many different things I’d love to try and do, but so far my main focus is modeling.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I do modeling part-time, but I’m hoping to get at full-time. It only consists of photo shoots which I don’t mind at all, but I also wouldn’t mind trying something a little different.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I can’t say that I’ve had best experiences, but I have definitely had good ones.! The worst experience was shooting with a real creeper photographer. I’m pretty sure he just down right wanted to get me naked because he wanted me to wear real skimpy outfits and when I wore regular outfits he didn’t want bras or underwear on. So working with him was definitely a horrible experience!

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I was booked for a lingerie shoot early in the morning and when I woke up I had actually started my period. I didn’t know what I was going to do, because I didn’t want to have to cancel my shoot, but I also did not want to do a shoot on my period especially a lingerie one. Sure enough I still ended up going to my lingerie shoot with bad cramps and a bag full of pads and tampons. I was extremely nervous the whole time hoping nothing bad would happen during the shoot. I was constantly running back and fourth from the bathroom and back making sure everything was good and that the photographer couldn’t see anything! Thankfully he never noticed.

Nikasaur offering some cupcakesIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Thinking about it more and more lately I actually would. I’ve seen and heard so many stories about unprofessional photographers and agencies pressuring models into doing something that they aren’t comfortable with. I myself have had the same problem with few photographers and it can get pretty scary sometimes. I think a lot of models now need to start doing some background checks on the photographer before they actually shoot with them. I now ask models the photographers have shot with to see how the photographer was and everything before I work with them.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

As wonderful as healthy food is I can honestly say that I don’t always eat healthy. As a matter of fact I’m in love with junk food and going out to fast food places. Although I balance out both my healthy and junk food side, but if there’s one thing healthy food does for me that junk food doesn’t, it makes me and my body feel good and clean.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

My fiance and I actually believe that the zombie apocalypse is going to happen so we are set for that. Haha. We have the zombie survival guide, and we even have a notebook of places to go for shelter, food, and weapons like, we’re prepared and ready.

Would you change anything about yourself?

There are so many things that I would love to change about myself to be honest, but lately I have been learning to love myself and to take joy in who I am. So I wouldn’t change a thing about me.!

If you could make one fictional thing exist, what would it be?

I would love to make PokeMon real. They are so exotic and unique and the fact that you can catch these animal like things in a Pokeball is astonishing. It would just be one of the most amazing things to have these beautiful creatures exist. They’re just like regular animals, but are capable of all these incredible abilities and I believe that they would be very helpful to all humans around the world.

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Interview with Nirvana LaMuse — Fabulous & Crazy

Nirvana LaMuse is a 22-year old model residing in Denver, Colorado.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born in New York City, and then moved to Miami when my mom re-married a super rich old Jewish man. I went to high school there, then college in Gainesville, short stint in the tribal tattoo capital of the world…Tampa. Now I live in Denver Colorado and I love it. I have an older sister named Shane and she is a high school teacher in Miami, my dad is a psychologist for the criminally insane in NYC, and my mom is an artist in Miami. My hobbies include, looking good, being fabulous, having fun, shopping, traveling, and starting a million different things but never finishing any of them.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I had photographer friends ask to take pictures of me in college and that’s basically how it started out.

Nirvana LaMuse nude covered with a bookWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My ultimate goal in life is to fall in love, and be in love. That has always been my dream, to find another person that is perfect for me and I’m perfect for them. Now something a little less like a romantic movie on netflix I want to buy property and start my own business in the next 5 years.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I have only done photoshoots so far and I really enjoy it. Usually I have a large influence on what the picture is, although sometimes I do things I don’t personally like that the photographer wants for their portfolio. I don’t post any of the pictures that do not show me the way I like. People say that to be a model you should be versatile and always able to look different, and although that is true there is another side people don’t normally talk about. That being, having a signature look. I prefer the later. I think I am capable of looking completely different and doing a wide range of things I just prefer to maintain a personal identity that always looks similar.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The worst would be shooting with a photographer that sucks. You wonder how they got so far because none of their pictures turn out that good. One in particular made me feel very uncomfortable and the pictures looked terrible so it was basically a waste of my time. The best would be every other shoot where the pictures turn out fabulous, I have fun, and get to be creative.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?


Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Wish we got paid more… I mean doesn’t everyone?. It’s all about that money honey.

Nirvana LaMuse modeling black lingerieDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I do not do any sports, I don’t work out, and I definitely do not eat healthy. My diet consists of eating out, rice krispy treats, pre-made meals from whole foods, and soda. As far as exercise goes I hate the gym, I find it depressing and unbearably annoying. I love yoga but I have a hard time being consistent. My body looks amazing and I think if I worked out I would get too skinny and toned very quickly and I like to maintain a certain level of feminine squish.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I hate water. I never ever ever ever drink water, I absolutely will not drink it. Juice, soda, wine, or nothing.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Yes, my second toe is longer than my first toe and it has always annoyed me. I know they say that means you’re wiser or smarter or whatever, all I know is my feet would look a lot cuter if my second toe was shorter.

If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?

If I was a man for a day the first and only thing I would do all day is have sex. I’ve always thought of that and would love to know what it feels like and what it looks like and just everything about it. It would be a bonus if somehow I could actually have sex with my girl self… although it might be hard to be in two places at once.

Visit Nirvana LaMuse’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Heather Hoffman — Undefeated Boxer/Yoga Teacher/Model

Heather Hoffman is a 22-year old model residing in Oakland, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born in Jacksonville Florida, but have lived in about 80 different places and households in my 22 years. I grew up with a younger sister, whom I got custody of at 18 years old. I moved out of my home and eventually lost my mom to drugs around the age of 16 years old, and began working full time while also in high school. I lived with numerous families of all different ethnicities, social classes and religions, which gave me a full cultured and non-judge mental perspective on life.

I love traveling, and just recently moved back to Northern California after spending some time in Costa Rica teaching yoga to the locals who couldn’t afford expensive classes. I knew no one, and left with just a backpack. It was an epic experience to say the least. I found myself through meditation and healthy self expression. I currently have my hands in multiple different professions, one being the part owner and co-founder of a successful small business in the organic edible industry. I spend my time creatively- training in boxing, although I no longer compete- teaching and practicing yoga, dancing, singing, modeling, drawing, giving nutrition and wellness counseling, studying different forms of natural medicine through food, hiking, and talking to my dogchild.

Heather Hoffman with boxing glovesWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Since I was a little mugwamp, I always loved photography and how a picture forever holds moments that have drifted from the present. I bought myself my own camera and as I continued to fool around I realized being behind the camera was just as invigorating. My favorite modeling gigs are ones that include full featured personality and push me to be creative and speak without words. I have done a few magazine articles including a surf magazine and been featured in an “Up and Coming Entrepreneur Article,” along with multiple yoga shoots, clothing and fitness catalogs and a few more. My style is versatile to say the least.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I see myself continuing with my many many business ventures, my organic food company, along with opening an all-over wellness center where people of all types can come and relax, yoga, train, crossfit, meditate, get nutrition and wellness counseling, eat healthy nutrient dense food -that tastes good-, and overall be happy in the current moment and share it with other like-minded souls. I want to give to those in need and help those who simply just need a helping hand. I needed it, and in the end realized I had to find it in myself. I want to lead people to find that place within themselves.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

My modeling workload completely depends on my business workload and availability. I strongly enjoy being creative and expressing myself through modeling so I make it a priority. Sometimes I will have large gigs which require lots of time and preparation, other times I will have multiple simpler shoots. I have done a few comedy videos, posters, catalogs, modeled wedding dresses on runway and other times mostly just fitness shoots and freelance work.

Heather Hoffman modeling a yellow bikiniPlease tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

While in Costa Rica, I met a photographer who shot for the local Surf Magazine, and asked if I wanted to shoot. I spent the day laying on soft white sand in Guanacaste, surrounded by a sweet tropical breeze, unlimited coconut water, a feast of freshly picked fruit from the trees, perfect surfing waves, good islander-like vibes, professional surfers, and was free to do as many and whatever yoga poses I wanted. Basically my paradise.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

My most awkward experience was at the start of my career. I showed up to a self described “photographer’s” studio, which was actually the basement of his grandfather’s situation -can’t call it a house- who was actually a hoarder and as we opened the door to the photo-shoot room millions of antique and trash-like items came tumbling down. As I responded with a horrified expression and double chin, the photographer flashed his 5 dollar kodak camera and asked me if I was ready to shoot… I did extensive research before each shoot after that jolly experience.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Hmmmmmm with my experience, the legitimacy of “photographers.” Now a days any dude or lady can buy a camera and take a few pictures and call themselves a photographer and secretly use it as a creepy dating tool. Like “Oh, move your chin to the right a little, shoulders back, tighten your jaw, and go ahead and take off your shirt and wave it ’round yo head like a helicopter…”
At my age, I wasn’t sure how to do background checks and without parental supervision, I didn’t really have any one to back me up. I’ve gotten lucky and no one has ever tried to take advantage of me, probably because I’d beat their ass, but I have heard soooo many stories where young girls have not done enough research and gotten themselves into uncomfortable, sexually harassing, and sometimes even life-threatening situations. Not cool.

Heather Hoffman in the woodsDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I have studied Ayurvedic medicine, holistic nutrition, and healing through food. I am actually vegan, and during the summers I am mostly raw. I eat this way because it feels best for my body and helps me feel more in tuned with myself and my surroundings. I have been active my entire life- and have played every sport from boxing, basketball, soccer, softball, yoga, hip hop and breakdancing, tennis, golf, been on the swim team, and crossfit. I feel my best when I am active and my body is moving.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I have epilepsy, but use medical marijuana and CBD and have not had a seizure since I started medicating naturally.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I am always working on bettering and improving myself as a person. I set personal goals for myself and hope to enhance my over-all life and situation whenever possible.

Have you ever been in a brawl? Please elaborate.

I am such a non-Violent human being now, but as a kid I was slightly lost and I hung out with the “wrong” crowd. I have actually been in a few brawls- I didn’t start them and they didn’t initially involve me but I had to jump in to protect and back-up my “fam,” as they would do for me. One was at a fair, one at a movie theater, and one in Target… yes inside Target. I moved cities shortly after most of my friends got arrested, and somehow my reputation followed me to my new town and no one ever tried to mess with me or my sister throughout high school. That was convenient.

Visit Heather Hoffman’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with JustJenny

JustJenny is a 25-year old model residing in Denver, Colorado.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born and raised in Colorado in a suburban town south of Denver. I’m the youngest of three at 25, and I have a medley of hobbies. From video gaming to cooking, writing fiction to modeling, I always have something to invest my time into! I’m passionate about volunteering and have done so both locally and internationally. I’ve waited tables at Waffle House, turned a wrench at a quick lube, and have been working as a sales operations analyst doing forensic data investigation for the past five years.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Growing up in the 90’s, it was hard to ignore Tyra Banks’ show America’s Next Top Model. I was fascinated with all the contestants from each cycle, and my mom said I would make a great model. Introverted as I was back in high school, it took a letter from John Casablancas’ Model and Talent Management program to get me excited and fully committed to learning all I could about the trade. My parents enrolled me in Casablancas’ modeling and acting program in 2007, and by 2008 I graduated with such confidence and self-respect for myself that I pursued modeling without the help of an agency. I know with certainty that I would be a completely different person today if I hadn’t enrolled in that program, and I’m grateful every day for deciding to join it.

JustJenny on a field with an antelopeWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I am currently involved with writing a science fiction trilogy, and aspire to be at least a part-time author once I publish the series. Writing, like modeling, allows me to creatively express myself with no boundaries. Without those two hobbies in my life it would be a lot more dull! I’m very family-oriented, and I want to settle down and start a family soon, which is within reach. Each of these goals wake me up in the morning and make me strive to do the best that I can to achieve them!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Majority of my modeling is through photo shoots and runway or fashion shows. I am open-minded to any genre you can think of, yet I respect myself and my body enough to have nothing to do with erotic, implied or full nude, and anything that I will tell you right away would make me feel uncomfortable. Modeling is something I have fun with and want my friends and family to be proud of, so I firmly stand beside the decisions I make.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I’ve had my share fair of good and bad experiences, but one of my best ones was actually the first photo shoot I was involved with after graduating from John Casablancas. I did some networking online and found a group of photographers who set something up around some of Denver’s unique graffiti sites open to all models. I was so excited, and my confidence shined through in all my photos. Each of the photographers I cycled through were pleasantly surprised when they asked me how long I had been modeling, and I answered with only a few months. Hearing their compliments on how fluid my transitions were on posing, and how keen a sense of the lighting and angles I had really helped me realize that I had found something that can truly make me feel accepting of myself. In all honesty, it freed me of any negative views I had about myself on top of being a creative outlet, and I’ve never looked back since.

JustJenny modeling a fur coatHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I went to New Mexico for a photo shoot once and shot out in the desert. It was my first time working with that photographer, but his portfolio held the type of pictures I wanted in mine, so I went out on a limb to work with him out of state. I was nervous and anxious, but after we shot my first outfit I was overwhelmed with how candid and magical the shots turned out. There was this one where I had to jump as high as I could and open my eyes into the blinding sun, and I felt like it was something we’d have to go at over and over to capture the right moment. After the first take the photographer said that we got it, and when he showed me the shot I couldn’t agree more! The movements we both envisioned actually happened on the first take, and it just felt like a connecting moment between the two of us.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

When I first started out, it seemed like a majority of people assumed that I would be okay with shooting promiscuous or nude photos, just because I’m a woman with a decent figure at 5’7″. It gets under my skin when someone in the modeling industry doesn’t look past your features and makes assumptions off of your look alone before getting to know the genres you enjoy shooting, your own inner creative ideas, or how your work ethic measures up. If I could change anything it would be those preconceived misconceptions about models just in it to look pretty.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Throughout high school I played volleyball and kick boxed, and I even joined a fencing club. I have exercise-induced asthma so anything that involves running I avoid like the plague! Nowadays I enjoy hiking around Red Rocks and Green Mountain, and I play volleyball just for fun. My boyfriend is a jiu-jitsu fighter so he’s gotten me into that quite a bit. I don’t currently practice under a gym, but it’s a gentle art that I really appreciate and enjoy.

JustJenny face closeupPlease share something people don’t know about you.

I’ve held a career-worthy job for five years, and it still comes to a shock to people when I tell them I haven’t gone to college. It was on my to-do list out of high school, but it just wasn’t in the hand I was dealt. An honest mistake for them, assuming I have a higher education because I have a stable job. I love anything to do with food, cooking and eating and socializing, and I wholly believe I was born with two stomachs by how much I can put down. All-you-can-eat-sushi? Bring it on! Endless buffet? To the front of the line! I’m also a bookworm and read whenever I’m not busy writing. I’m a hardcore RPG gamer too, and yes, my level 84 Orc on Skyrim will throw you into next Tuesday with her ebony battleaxe!

Would you change anything about yourself?

Ever since puberty I’ve struggled with cystic acne, and still haven’t gotten to a content place with the health of my skin. It’s gotten better over time, but I still have some pretty bad scarring. My goal is to look healthy without the aide of makeup. The path I’ve laid out for myself to reach that goal is coming along nicely, but as always will be a work in progress.

Are you currently in a relationship? How would you describe your partner?

Yes! I am happily taken, going on two solid years this upcoming February! He’s the coolest, silliest guy I know, and I’m blessed to have randomly met him at a Jamba Juice when he tried to take the smoothie I ordered. Each day he inspires me to push my limits, to always have as much fun as humanly possible, and to be thankful for all that we have in life. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have even started writing my book. We’re a nice mixture of partners in crime, romantic lovers, and the most awesome fans in each other’s lives!

Visit JustJenny’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Michael Hillebrand — Fighter and Model

Michael Hillebrand is a 25-year old model residing in San Francisco, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Michael Hillebrand. Im a German American model out of San Francisco California. After graduating High School in the Sierra foothills, I started working as a Firefighter for the state of California. I eventually decided to drop everything and pursue my dream to become a world class Jiu Jitsu fighter. Jiu Jitsu is my passion, but modeling has been an interesting side hobby that sometimes helps pay the bills.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

From middle school till high school I took drama, but I got started when I was training at the gym. One day this director came in looking for fighters to help with some scenes for his movie. It sounded like fun and from there the snowball just kept growing.

Michael Hillebrand showing his torsoWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I have 3 goals for my 5 year plan
1. I want be the first German to win the ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club) Submission Wrestling World Championship
2. Create something to give back to the world
3. Have fun doing it

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I usually end up doing photo shoots and runway. Id like to get more into the acting side of things.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I think one of my best experiences was the first time I was on the Discovery Channel’s TV show “I almost got away with it”. It was my first time being on a nation wide TV show. I just remember being incredibly nervous and the feeling was very surreal. It felt like I had finally reached the first step to the staircase leading to my acting and modeling career.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I did a runway with Calvin Klein, and they had us in the store’s window pretending to be mannikins. It was funny seeing people’s reactions to the group of underwear models in the window.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I wish there was a way to filter past all of the creeps and non-professional photographers. Having a camera does not make you a photographer. So until that magic filter exists, I recommend always bringing someone you trust with you to the shoot.

Michael Hillebrand face closeupDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I try to live by a very simple rule of thumb, eat food in its most natural state. Processing is the killer, stick to the produce aisle and you’ll be fine.

Living in a city like SF it’s hard not to cheat from time to time, but with my involvement in Jiu Jitsu, I like to think I more than make up for it with exercise. Jiu Jitsu is my main form of exercise which I do about 6 days a week, I do yoga at least 3 days a week, strength and conditioning 3 a week and cardio and explosive training 2 a week.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

In my free time I really like painting.

Would you change anything about yourself?

More self control when it comes to candy.

What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

I would choose Time-Space manipulation. The ability to just stop everything would be a pretty cool ability that we could all have fun with.

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