Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Renee Vervain

Renee Vervain is a 22-year old model residing in Los Angeles, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I love classic rock, punk, alternative, pop, and hip hop. I listen to everything from Lana Del Rey to Slipknot. My favorite colors are pink and black. I’m a model and student at a Cal State University. I’m studying psychology in hopes of working in a clinical setting… I am primarily a glamour model. I love shooting pinup, lingerie, and swimwear. I feel relaxed and empowered in front of the camera.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I was scouted as a preteen when my family and I were shopping.

Renee Vervain wearing a pink dressWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goals are to be financially stable, educated, and published on the cover of some of my favorite magazines.

In 10 years I see myself with a PhD and a family of my own.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I model 2 to 4 times a week. These shoots range from commercial to glamour print photo shoots.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experiences I’ve had are the travel, dinners, meeting creative photographers, learning hair and makeup tips, and free clothes I have been able to attain. It feels great to receive pay to do a job that I genuinely love and enjoy myself at.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I was embarrassed to stumble in really high heels at a photo shoot. Yet, I feel that confidence is a necessity as a model. As well as the ability to laugh off any shyness or embarrassment.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I wish there was a prominent modeling union the way there is for actors.

Renee Vervain wearing black underwearDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I do yoga, pilates, running, biking, and stair stepping. Nutrition is paramount in my life for adequate energy intake, skin care, and more. I drink water 99% of the time. I don’t drink soda. I love snacking on nuts and fruit the most. However, I always leave room for cravings like sushi, cheese fries, or mexican food.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I’d like to be about two inches taller, especially as a model. But I’m pretty satisfied.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Frozen yogurt, magazines, potato chips, and watching Gossip Girl.

Visit Renee Vervain’s website for more photos and information