Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Michelle Nease

Michelle Nease is a 24-year old model residing in Fairfax, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I’m half Chinese, half European, born and raised in Northern Virginia, and California for some time. I was blessed with such an amazing family! I’m currently studying to earn a degree in Fashion Merchandising. I live a healthy lifestyle, love to dress up, and all aspects of art. I don’t know where I’d be today without my family – I get all of my best qualities from my parents along with my Grandparents – who helped me become the lady that I am today! They always taught me to be a leader, to be polite, as forgiving as I can be, to have polite manners, put others before myself, along with much more!

Michelle Nease wearing a brown bikiniWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I got involved in the industry at around age ten, I remember always getting so starry eyed whenever Miss teen USA or Miss Universe would come on TV!

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

In five to ten years from now I see myself at the peak of my career, making enough money to be able to donate to good causes (i.e. children hospitals, wounded veterans, cures, etc). I also see myself starting a family of my own, and owning a home in Northern California!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I’ve taken a minor break in the modeling industry the past year since I moved back to Northern Virginia from Los Angeles. I usually do promotional modeling, advertisements, commercials, hair shows, print work, runway -when my height allows-, extra, art, mannequin/freeze modeling.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The worst experience I had was having a boyfriend, I was young and in love, also naive! I let the relationship rule my world, and probably let myself miss out on some great opportunities, but that doesn’t stop the many wonderful opportunities I have coming in the future! I love to travel and meet new faces, in new places I’d never been to!

Michelle Nease wearing a necklaceHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I rarely become embarrassed, but I’ll admit that I’ve caught myself saying stating some pretty oblivious statements in the past, but that’s taught me to start thinking before I speak more!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Yes there are but I can’t say it because I don’t want anyone taking my idea, but I will say that this idea will be going global!

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I love to go hiking, anything active really! My mom taught yoga for 15 plus years so I have a very yogi lifestyle that I get from her! I am a health fanatic! I always have to have a well balanced meal, and consume as much water as I can. For breakfast I usually tend to have yogurt, lunch I’ll do a salad or smoothy depending on how big my breakfast was, for dinner I always have a good protein with vegetables! I try to stay away from starches, white carbs, sugars, etc… For a snack I love to have almonds or any kind of nuts, something like kale chips, or a protein bar!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I swear I was born a Disney Princess! I have a very down to earth personality once you get to know me, but on the core I’m as nerdy as can be! I have a huge imagination, and like to think of myself as a philosopher! oh and I love to sing!

Michelle Nease in jeansWould you change anything about yourself (physical or otherwise) if you could?

Everything I eat likes to go to my butt, hips, and thighs! I’d stop that from happening -and that’s not an acception go to my belly!- I’d also make it so I could use more than ten percent of my brain!

What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

To travel through space, and time with no problem! and to use more than ten percent of my brain!