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Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Desi Lea — Tiny Girl, Big Dreams

Desi Lea is a 22-year old model residing in Stockton, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Desiree Lea Torres, I am 22 years old and I was born in Los Angeles, CA, but grew up in Stockton, CA for the majority of my life. I currently live with my mother and two younger brothers, whom of which drive me crazy 99% of the time… sorry guys!. I plan on moving back to LA sometime in the near future and it will be my first time away from home, so it’s both exciting but a little scary! But I think I’m ready to leave the nest. I absolutely love music and have been involved in the local music scene since I was 13 years old and I’ve met most of my friends through attending shows and concerts. Aside from the obvious love for the music, I love the synchronized energy everyone has at concerts. You can literally just feel the emotion in the atmosphere and it’s such an amazing thing to experience. I also really enjoy spontaneous roadtrips to just about anywhere. I just love to adventure. But then I also have my days where I just want to lay around, look like hell, and watch netflix all day. Haha.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first got into modeling when I was 14, but didn’t stay in it for very long at all. You know how every kid goes through an awkward phase? Well I think mine lasted about 10 years, and 14 was not a good year for me. A couple of years later I started getting into photography and really loved that. I would do all kinds of shoots, but most of the time I would prefer to shoot bands and live shows. I first got back into modeling when I was around 19 or 20 when a photographer friend of mine wanted to do some shots of me. Of course at first I was apprehensive because I still had my teenage self-esteem, but we did it anyway, and the pictures turned out a lot better than I expected! So after that I would just do small shoots here and there with her or other friends, just for fun, and that’s when I decided that maybe I could really turn this into something, so I began to build a portfolio.

Desi Lea at the cemeteryWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Hmmm, well there’s a few magazines that I would love to work with, as well as doing some music video or short film work! I would love love love to be able to do runway, but being only five feet tall is an issue, I’m too tiny! In the next five to ten years I just see myself still working and still bettering myself in this industry. You can never stop improving!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

At this time, I will usually do 4 or 5 shoots a month, but that’s partly because I’ve been a little lazy. Haha. I do all types of modeling, except for full nudity and erotic, but kudos to the models that do! It’s just not my thing.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Okay, so I’m really into creepy, spooky things. My bedroom looks like Wednesday Addams meets mega nerd. Anyway, I recently did a shoot for a magazine based in San Francisco, and the photographer had an antelope skull, complete with these huge spiral horns. I picked it up and commented on how awesome it was and he flat out just asked me if I wanted it! I was so excited I couldn’t believe it.

One of my worst experiences was when I got my first scam email on MM. I was asked to do a shoot for a cosmetics ad that was going to pay very well, and be published in a very well known magazine. I thought it was a little odd right off the bat but I responded anyway. After several email exchanges, I was sent a check and was told I would receive another after the shoot. The person I was emailing asked me to cash the check right away and then send an amount to the “designer” I would be working with along with my measurements. So I go to the bank, where they tell me that the check is a fake. So embarrassing. After that I contacted the magazine I was supposedly doing the ad for and they said they had never even heard of this person that had been contacting me, and even after all of that, this guy still had the nerve to try and tell me he was the real deal!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I do wish there was more runway work for smaller models like myself!

Desi Lea prayingDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

To be honest, I don’t do too much. I try to eat healthy but I definitely have my days where I just pig out. I am just taking full advantage of the fast metabolism I have. Haha. I do a lot of cardio and some yoga. I absolutely love running. I’ll put my headphones in and just go for miles sometimes.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I was diagnosed with depression when I was 11 years old and since then have been diagnosed with a few other mental disorders. It really sucks how as of lately it’s the “cool” thing to have something like that wrong with you, because I would love to be able to feel normal. My disorders held me back from a lot of things in life for a very long time, but in the past year or so I’ve begun to feel a lot better, and modeling has definitely helped me with that and boosted my self-esteem. I still have some really rough days, but they’re slowly but surely getting fewer and fewer!

Would you change anything about yourself?

I think I’ll always wish I was taller. Haha. I feel like I could take on a lot more jobs if I were at least 5’8 or something. I think I would also change how shy and antisocial I can be at times. Some people perceive me as being rude or stuck up but I’m really just nervous!

What do you wanna do?

I wanna rock. Rock!
-Please don’t sue me, Twisted Sister-

Visit Desi Lea’s website for more photos and information