Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with De’Sean Goree

De’Sean Goree is a 25-year old model residing in Phoenix, Arizona.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is De’Sean Goree, I’m currently 25 years old and have been modeling for almost 5 years. I was born in San Bernardino California and raised in Phoenix Arizona but moved to Pensacola Florida in high school. I have 7 siblings all together and currently reside in Phoenix Arizona. I really enjoy playing basketball, gymnastics and being active all together. I currently work in the human services field and just started my own event hosting, staffing and promotions company named Apt 69.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I got into modeling when I was 19. What influenced me was a trip to Las Vegas for a funeral when I was 18. I was walking through the casino of our hotel and got stopped more than a few times from people asking me if I was model or in the entertainment industry. I’ve always wanted to be a model or in the entertainment industry so those comments and questions solidified the thoughts and gave me the push to pursue it. I told people I was going to be a model and everyone laughed at me including some of my family thus further pushing me to prove everyone wrong that I can and will in fact become a male model.

DeSean Goree wearing underwearWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I’ve created a good image and reputation so my goal is to turn the years of hard modeling work into grooming and developing my company Apt 69 into the vision I have for it. As far as modeling goes I have taken a slight break but am now in the middle of putting together a break out shoot that will rocket me back into the spotlight bringing a personality and presence into the modeling world that isn’t there now. In 5 to 10 years from now I’ll be a common face, a common name and a certain high standard will accompany both.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I am coming off of a break from modeling so I haven’t been on any shoots in about a year or so but I am putting together a breakout shoot currently. On the contrary I’ve been producing shoots and music videos. I’ve also been staffing music videos, providing promotional models for events and hosting events. Basically I’ve been in promotional modeling.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

My best experience was on location at a shoot in north Phoenix where the set was built, reflectors and separate flashed were set up and the camera equipment was the best I had seen yet. People were walking by taking pictures with their phones and asking for autographs because of how professional and elaborate the location was set up. That shoot was a breaking point in my career where I really felt like I’ve surpassed the my previous plateau. My worst shoot was with a pushy photographer who grabbed me and the other models putting them into positions, yelling and being really disrespectful to us and the craft. Even after everything from the shoot the images were garbage. That would have to be my worst experience.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

During an action shoot, I was doing backflips in a studio while “fighting” another model. On the last backflip I was supposed to do I under rotated and smashed my chin into the concrete floor splitting my chin open ultimately having to get 6 and a half stitches in my chin that night. That would have to be the most funny or embarrassing moment during my career.

DeSean Goree wearing a swimsuitIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would change the stereotype that you have to be really skinny or fit a certain body structure. I know big, small and in between models that are exceptional with facial control and all that it means to be a model but do to the current requirements won’t be looked at seriously.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I play basketball often and practice gymnastics whenever I can. I eat whatever I want! I eat the worst and the healthiest things but dedicate my fitness or physical time to making up for it. I figure that my metabolism is really high right now so why not take advantage of it and eat how I want.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

A lot of people don’t know that I am a huge Power Rangers fan. I grew up on the Power Rangers and they are actually what inspired me to begin my journey into gymnastics. Not the new seasons though! The first 3 seasons of the original Power Rangers.

Would you change anything about yourself (physical or otherwise) if you could?

I would remove some of my tattoos. I got them when I was younger just to have them but now seeing them, some of them have no real meaning to me so I would remove those if I could.

Have you ever gone without wearing underwear all day? Why & what did you do?

I’ve been told that I’m abnormally sized so I went a day without underwear and wore the thinnest basketball shorts I could find to see if women would actually notice. I went to grocery stores, malls and places with a lot of foot traffic to catch women staring at my crotch.