Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Chelsey Langerman — Freelance Model and Fitness Coach

Chelsey Langerman is a 24-year old model residing in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born and raised in Saint Paul, Minnesota and although I love Minnesota, I just always feel more at home when I visit my family in San Diego, California, where I plan to move someday in the future. I enjoy Mountain Biking ,Trek Bikes all the way, volleyball, yoga, paddle boarding, hot summer days, and last but not least working out, it is honestly my obsession, if you enjoy fitness and nutritional advice follow me on IG: BuffBlond I have a huge passion for animals and if it was financially possible I would rescue them all.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I started modeling when I turned 20 and have been for the last 4 years. Since I was 7 years old, I’ve always wanted to be a model, and I even remember looking at the Guess Ads.

Chelsey Langerman naked on a motorcycleWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I plan to get my personal training certification in August, then to own my own gym and to teach a HIIT training class, while I also plan to continue to inspire my followers and gain more along the way. A goal for myself is to get sponsored by a supplement and apparel company, and also want to compete in a bikini competition. I have so much determination to make this happen, so stay tuned…

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I would say I do 2 to 3 photoshoots a month, and tend to do more shoots in the summer time, because there is so much more opportunity for shooting outside, and let’s face it, Minnesota is beautiful in the summer time. I do shoots of all sorts, my favorite shoots would be “High Fashion” and “Fitness”, I know complete opposites of each other, but I like to change it up. I’ve also have had experience in Runway Shows in MPLS, including “Mod Fashion Show”. I enjoy those when the opportunity calls for me, however being that I am 5’5 I don’t get to do those as much as I would desire.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Luckily I haven’t had too many bad experiences with modeling, as I make sure that I am straight forward with the photographer before the shoot takes place. I like to know what he or she has in mind in comparison to what I have in mind for the shoot, and it pays to be on the same page as the photographer. I also believe highly in showing up a little early before the shoot, especially if it’s paid, as this will allow time for you to prepare your outfits and make up.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Yes, I wish that Runway Modeling wasn’t so restrictive to the height limit. I mean I can be 5’11 with a pair of Christian Louboutin’s on…

Chelsey Langerman making exerciseDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Wow, it’s like this question was designed just for me, as previously stated, I love to workout, I work out twice a day 6 days a week. It’s great for your body and your heart to at least be active for 45 minutes a day at the very least! As far as Nutrition goes, Nutrition is everything, since having a nice lean fit body is mostly from what you eat. My advice to when it comes to eating healthy is “If it comes from the ground and isn’t altered, which means Non GMO, eat it”. Your body was meant to eat natural foods, not the overly processed foods that many of us have been addicted to. Follow me on IG: BuffBlond for more nutritional and fitness tips.

Would you change anything about yourself?

You know I am pretty happy where my body is at right now, However there is always something to learn, something you can better yourself at. “If you are not learning or growing, you are dying.”

What is your guilty pleasure?

Omg! my guilty pleasure is cheese cake! I absolutely love it, this is definitely one of my cheat meals that I have.

Visit Chelsey Langerman’s website for more photos and information