Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Brittany — Law student, part time model

Brittany is a 22-year old model residing in Sacramento, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello, my name’s Brittany and I am a 22 year old student going to School, working full time and modeling part time. I was born in San Jose California, But lived my whole life back and forth from San Jose to Sacramento CA. I love spending time with friends and shopping. I have three best friends; Erika, Yvette, and Niki, whom I’ve had since I was in middle school.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I’ve been told since I was a little girl I should model. In the 6th grade I attended Barbizon Modeling School for a short period of time. As of about 5 years ago I started getting asked all the time if I’m a model and finally as of a year ago I decided to start modeling part time to see where it takes me.

Brittany wearing a wicker hatWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

As of my school related goals I am attending for my bachelor’s degree, after I will be attending a law school of my choice. In ten years I see myself graduated, having a job in my field, and owning my own house.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

As of now I’ve done promo modeling, paid promotions, and built a large portfolio with the numerous photographers I had the pleasure of working with. So far it’s been a fun journey, and I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

So far I haven’t had any bad experiences with modeling. Oh ya actually I have. I’ve had a few weirdos e-mail me asking for weird stuff, and I’ve had of course spam. But it’s pretty easy to tell if it’s a scam modeling opportunity.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I just got a gym membership a week ago and have been working out at the gym. Up until then I only did at home exercises. I also started using this awesome detox tea -your tea, or known as tinyteatox- love it! I am working to change my body and can’t wait to see the transformation in a few months.

Brittany shape in white backgroundPlease share something people don’t know about you.

I love to play the piano, I wish I wouldn’t have stopped a few years ago.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Kind of, so I get asked on a daily what race I am. After stating African American and Indian I’ve gotten the response, “Oh I see it, your nose.”

No, when I was younger I broke my nose and from it the bones broke and caused a bump on my nose making my nose look bigger than it was. I would go get that fixed. Part of me still isn’t sure if I want to do it yet, because it has defined the way I look, and maybe it happened for a reason. But then the other part of me doesn’t care because I don’t like the way it looks. So for now that’s the only thing I’d possibly change about myself physically.

Have you ever gone without wearing underwear all day? Why & what did you do?

No, I actually love underwear! I own way more than 100 all from Victoria’s Secret. I have the biggest lingerie and underware obsession, you have no idea! I could probably never go panty less.