Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Ashley Zlonis — Full-time mom, student and model

Ashley Zlonis is a 26-year old model residing in Minnesota.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi! I’m Ashley Zlonis, I am 26 years old and I was born in Cedar City, Utah. I have an amazing husband and 2 children at home. Most of my hobbies include my children- they love going to parks, bowling, swimming, ice skating, and other activities. I am also a full time student for speech pathology, and model, so I stay pretty busy!

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I actually started right out of high school, I was asked to do some kind of small modeling event, and I went to the shoot and met with some model scouts afterwards and they said after I had braces I would probably do pretty well. I never had braces done, I just tried it out anyways and never gave up. I believe in chasing dreams and working as hard as you can for something you want. I’m glad I never gave up because now it is a huge part of my life!

Ashley Zlonis modeling a black flowered dressWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I plan to continue my schooling -while modeling full time and hopefully have my master’s degree completed by the time I’m too old to take cute photos anymore Hahahah – I’m kidding, kind of -I am a mom, so most of my goals include being a good role model and teaching my kids everything I possibly can. I want to make enough money to be very comfortable- So my hubby doesn’t have to work so hard and we can actually enjoy some vacations together. When I travel to shoot, most of the time it’s just myself and my 2 kids. I want him to be able to come explore the world with us, he deserves those experiences also.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

The last 2 years my modeling has mostly revolved around pageantry. Around November I became Miss Jetset Minnesota 2015, and December I was selected by MGM Grand to compete for the Miss Las Vegas International title. This year has been loaded with work! I have shoots in California, Nevada, Aruba and Jamaica coming up and I am so blessed to have such an amazing job!

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Best: I would have to say the best experience I’ve had from modeling was being selected to go to the Playboy Mansion -when I was 19. It was a dream come true and I was able to bring family with to experience the tour and meet everyone. It was incredible- loved it! Worst: I flew alone to Canada once for a “photo shoot” and it actually turned into a nightmare instantly. The guy was well known and credible so I didn’t think it would be an issue but he actually tried to attack me and sexually assault me. Luckily it didn’t happen and I was able to make an emergency call to escape but I will never be so naïve again in this industry. Scary situation I’ll never forget, and it was my first trip to Canada also.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Yes! One day I was talking to my husband about putting our daughter in pageantry, for scholarships, and I decided to try one -just to show her it was ok, if mommy does it so can you. I ended up winning a state title and had to go on to compete for Mrs. United States. It was terrifying! I had never competed like that before but I am so happy I did!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I wish there was just more public knowledge and awareness about what we do. A lot of people assume models are lazy, self centered, stupid, shallow, anorexic people, and that’s not even close to how we are. I know so many models that are insecure and scared before every shoot- or models that eat non stop and still remain thin. Stereotypes are ridiculous: I know so many intelligent, talented people in this industry and I am so happy to be one of them.

Ashley Zlonis face closeupDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I workout steady, either at the gym or at home when I can’t get away, but the main thing I focus on is what I eat. I am obsessed with organic fruits and vegetables- I love seafood, fish and grilled chicken- I try and cut out as many sweets as I can, but I do have cheat sessions. Haha! I try and follow healthy food recipes on Instagram and Shredz -also sends me workout plans and supplements.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I’m very educated on alternative medicine and constantly teaching myself new things- like how to solve a Rubik’s cube!

Would you change anything about yourself?

I think plenty of people pick apart their physical appearance, I know I do. I have scars from a ventral stoppa hernia repair, my boobs are smaller after having 2 kids, my nose is not cute, my teeth aren’t perfect, I’m short. I could go all day- but after doing so many of these incredible events and being able to truly reflect on myself- I enjoy my life as is and I love myself, as I am. Flaws and everything.

What was the meanest rumor ever spread about you?

I live in a small town, so you’d be amazed at the things people come up with. I’ve heard that I’m only a successful model from sleeping with the photographers or agents, I made it to the playboy mansion because my family is rich and they paid my way, all of my photos are ridiculously photoshopped, I cheat on my hubby every chance I get, I’m a terrible mom- who is always out partying… you name it, Haha. Back in the day the rumors did bother me, and I used to fight with people constantly trying to defend myself, and one day I realized they didn’t matter.

All that matters is how I see myself, and how my friends and family members see me. I know I’m a great mom and wife. I know I worked very hard for 7 years to have the success and the followers I have now. Just because I’m living a different lifestyle than people do, in this area, doesn’t make me a bad person- it makes me unique. There are a lot of amazing people in this area though that have supported me from day 1 and I will always do my best to be there for them- like they were for me.