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Interview with Kyla — Top-Ranked Junior Athlete turned Model

Kyla is a 17-year old model residing in Sarasota, Florida.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Kyla. I am currently 17 years of age. I was born in New Jersey, but moved to Florida at the age of 10 to pursue my passion for tennis. After a few years of training, I was able to compete internationally in junior tournaments around the world. Some of my hobbies include dance, yoga, and, of course, modeling.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I found my interest for modeling at age 13, after repeatedly being told that I should try it out. At 14, I was asked to model for various small companies and decided to put together a decent portfolio with the help of some wonderful photographers. Within a few months, I was able to find an agency.

Kyla dressed as a tennis playerWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I have decided to attend a University next year, to pursue my Masters of Business Administration. In ten years, I see myself, hopefully, being successful in my endeavors and holding a steady job in Finance.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I have taken it easy this year, in regards to modeling. It is my last year in High School and I did not make modeling a priority in my busy schedule. Although, I still model during my spare time and work as a background actress in the film industry.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experiences I have had in modeling would probably be the glamorous side. It is truly an experience, being able to go to exotic locations, fancy hotels, and having a hair and makeup team by your side. Also, when random people come over to compliment you, before asking to take a picture with you, it makes you feel like some sort of celebrity. It makes you feel valued and special. The worst experiences would have to be the competitive castings. I never expected the castings to be like they actually are. It is brutal. You stand in lines, next to hundreds of gorgeous women, as casting directors poke at your face and body pointing out all of your pros and cons. They treat you like some sort of emotionless doll that is replaceable and invaluable. If you have not figured it out, it is not a great feeling.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

There was only one partially embarrassing thing to happen to me during my modeling career. I was wearing this really nice gown and stilettos and had to walk through this jungle-like terrain. After I almost ate it three times, they told me to stop where I was. They had to send a man to hold on to me and steady me as I walked to my position. I am pretty sure I accidentally ripped the dress too. Opps, I am sorry.

Kyla face closeupIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Yes, I would definitely change the industry’s retouching and photoshopping obsession. Editors will pinch and tweak photos until they have reached some unrealistic standard of perfection. Young girls are wearing tons of makeup, getting plastic surgery, dieting, and striving for this unattainable idea of perfection that the industry has implanted into their minds. The truth is that this perfection does not and will never exist. Why try to edit these already beautiful girls into this alien image that society has been trained to obsess over?

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I used to obsess over my strict diet and exercise regimen to the point where it became very unhealthy. As of now, I follow a vegetarian or vegan diet which is much more relaxed. I no longer have to count calories or carbs. I eat 5 to 6 meals a day which consist of legumes, grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. I play tennis 5 to 6 days a week and go to the gym around 3 times a week. I also dance and enjoy yoga and barre classes. I feel that a balanced nutrition and an exercise regimen is essential for a healthy and happy life.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

People are often confused about my ethnicity. Most people think I am either a mix of Hispanic-American or Asian-American. My whole family, including my sister, was born in the Philippines, except for me. I am the first generation to be born in America.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Everyone has their insecurities or things that they would love to change about themselves. I know I have many insecurities. However, in the end, I would not change anything about myself. I have learned to love who I am and accept that perfection does not exist. My flaws are what make me special and unique. My features are a product from the loving parents who have raised me to become the young woman I am today. Every single human is special and beautiful in their own ways. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

What features do you look for in a partner?

I get this question quite often. Haha. Well this is more of a quality, rather than a feature, but, one word: Respect. Respect is very important to me in all areas of my life.

Visit Kyla’s website for more photos and information

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