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Interview with Venus Leone – The smartest model in the world?

Venus Leone is a 25-year old model from Los Angeles, California. She’s of Italian/Brazilian descent and speaks no less than seven languages fluently. Whoever said pretty girls aren’t smart?

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Besides having modeled all my life, I am a certified linguist fluent in seven languages, audio engineer, music producer, classically trained BGirl and actress. I was born in Rimini, Italy and grew up there until my family and I moved to Switzerland when I was 8 years old. My father is Italian and my mother is black from Brazil. I like to indicate the black because in Brazil black equals poor and my mother has an interesting story on her own, leaving to Europe without finishing high school and returning to her country 30 years later with 28 diplomas, running her own stores and businesses.

Venus Leone in the rainWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I think my mother is to blame for my passion for photography. Ever since I was a baby, I have been photographed by professional photographers. My mom used to do some modeling work and at least once a year she would set up a shoot for me and her. Through the rise of social media, we have created a collection of pictures. As a kid, I was hired on the runway more often than as an adult. I was the tallest of my age until I stopped growing and everybody passed me. My first print job, was also for my mother’s first spa at the age of 13. My picture with a rose painted on my face, showing my pretty long nails went around quickly in our town and my career as a model started. I have also danced ballet since that age of 4, which also gave me a great posture and athletic figure for the world of photography and the chance to work for a variety of clients.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I am at a point in my life where I am enjoying every moment. I have had all kind of – as they call it: “real jobs” with a degree in business and at the same time have had the pleasure to spread my wings in the entertainment industry. As an omni artist, I would love to have my own companies flourish in the next 5 years. I have an entertainment company called Goddess Image, VKSwizz Music and Post Productions, Swizz Poetry Publishing and the image of Venus Leone to nurture. My first album is out and I am working on an album trilogy. My dream of a lead role as the hero or villain in a scifi movie came true and now I am working on my first song in a movie and it’s big paycheck. Where I see myself in 5 years? Hopefully getting an Oscar for best soundtrack 😉

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I do catwalk maybe once a year. Since I am not tall enough, usually it’s designer friends that ask me to walk for them. Print and music videos are my specialty. I have done all kind of photography, from fashion to dance magazines to artistic nudity. Well, I stop at that, since I become very shy in my birthday suit, but I will rock the hack out of a bikini.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I guess the best experiences are the once where everything is going wrong but the gig ended up successful. My favorite jobs are with designers. Even though they can be crazy and yell around sometimes, I love the creative and hectic environment. The worst experience, I have had has been on music videos with bad productions, where the models are freezing because the shoot is going into the night and we may have to jump in the water. Some of those bad experiences end with not getting paid at all. But there are funny experiences too, like being recognized by the Hispanic lady at the Mc Donald’s by my house because she saw me on Telemundo’s 12 Corazones. That was actually one of my favorite gigs. It’s no drama, quick and fun. You get to meet sexy people and the producers of Telemundo, everything ends on time and you walk out with check in one hand and food in the other.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Besides of the Telemundo story, there has been plenty of unforgettable moments but here is a juicy one: I was young and needed money, so I submitted my pictures answering an ad for Playboy style pictures that offered a few hundred dollars. When I arrived at the address, I found out that the pictures were for an adult “web modeling” page. At that moment, I got really insecure about the gig but I really needed that cash, so I went for it but kept it real with the photographer. For some reason telling the truth got me into taking those pictures instead of feeling shy, and I remember the photographer blushing and telling me that I was making him feel all shy now. There was a great chemistry between the two of us and I actually enjoyed the shoot. After paying me, he told me that he would not release the pictures. I checked a few times and I never saw them online and never applied for such a shoot again though it was an extraordinary experience.

Venus Leone modeling a dress inspired by natureIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Good question… There are always pros and cons about any industry. I would like girls not to be so skinny and get their health into trouble, but I am glad to see that the commercial industry is listening and changing the ideals a bit.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I grew up with home cooked food Italian and Brazilian food. I eat pretty much everything and anything I want but besides having a sweet tooth, I crave healthy stuff. My favorite snack is biting into a tomato, dropping salt into it after each bight. I love to cook and explore cuisines but luckily I don’t like too much fried and greasy food. When I crave fast food, it’s Fatburger.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I am a computer nerd and love science.

Would you change anything about yourself (physical or otherwise) if you could?

If I could, or better what I am working on is patience. I would like to be a more patient person.

Visit Venus Leone’s website for more photos and information

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