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Interview with Ruthie — Mommy-Scholar turned Model

Ruthie is a 21-year old model residing in San Jose, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I’ve always thought if I were to write an autobiography I’d title it ‘Entertainer.’ To me, it’s all about the story, about the adventure. I’m living mine. I was born in Legos Nigeria but my family relocated to London England a short 3 months later due to unsafe living conditions. Six years and two more siblings later we were in London, Ontario, Canada where the bulk of my life so far has been spent. I’ve been an artistic person for as long as I can remember forcing my brother and sister to act in my plays till I told my parents I wanted to audition for a school for performing arts at the age of nine. After getting in, I learned how to dance, sing, act, draw and play the recorder, piano and cello. I also discovered high jump which I competed in up to the varsity level. Pushed by my parents to find a “real career” and unsure of how to focus my energy, I found myself a freshman with an undeclared major.

That is, until I discovered psychology which fascinated me like no other academic topic ever had. Having a son a week before my 19th birthday was not part of the original plan, but instead of using it as an excuse I’ve used it to motivate me that much more to focus and better our lives. I continued in school throughout the pregnancy, I carried it well, only my room-mate noticed!, spent the final trimester in Europe with my extended family and returned to class when he was a month old. Now I’ve done that degree and am discovering myself as a model in California while I pursue where my heart really lies: in screen writing and production.

Ruthie wearing a blue topWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first started modeling when I was thirteen. I was actually at an acting convention in Toronto and as I was walking to the ballroom it was being held in, I passed by another ballroom where a modeling scouting convention was being held. A woman standing by the door assumed that I was lost and tried to direct me into her room, I guess I have my height to thank for that!. Upon insisting that she was the one mistaken she enrolled me in the talent search, paid my fee and kept me up all night teaching me how to walk. I owe this lady my walk and start of my modeling career and yet do not remember who she is or her name!

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My number one goal is to live in a way that my now two-year old can be proud of. I keep integrity and professionalism very dear to me. I hope to offer him experiences and education that will open his mind and show him a world that you can work to achieve any goal you set your mind to. Professionally I hope to explore and see where modeling will take me. I plan on returning to school to get a film degree and eventually write an produce films; I was’t kidding about the autobiography, I’ve seen a lot of things!.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Right now, being a mom limits how much I put myself into. Also I have only been living here in California for a couple months. I tend to shoot about 1 to 2 times a week and it’s usually something outdoors incorporating my tall build or physical ability. Studio shoots tend to be product or fashion. I am yet to do runway here but that will change soon I’m sure!

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

My best experience was actually my first shoot in California. It was for a shoe company and I was really nervous and not sure what to expect. I was modelling with 4 other models and everyone from the HMUA to the creative director was so friendly and loved that I was Canadian. My favorite part was when the Owner of the shoe line cracked open a bottle of wine and the creativity really started flowing. I got to model with a sexy red corvette and we got some killer shots from that shoot!

Ruthie interacting with a treeHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

This could also double as my worst experience I’ve had so far…where to even begin. I was told that I was interviewing to be a spokesmodel for a fashion jewellery line. After an initial interview in my city I was told that I was going to have another interview in LA with someone higher up in the company and was offered a ride. The beat up van that was provided for me had an ant infestation and the other models spoke loudly in Chinese from the onset of our journey till the 8 hour drive, including a popped tire, was complete. When we arrived at the interview, I quickly realised that I was the only non-Chinese speaking person and when I asked a model to translate I found out that I was actually at an audition for a beauty pageant being held for a jewellery company! The entire day’s events were conducted in Chinese and no one was assigned to make sure I got any important information. After a long day, 6 hours longer than I was told, I was one of the 2 out of 16 who made it to the semi finals… needless to say, I turned down the opportunity.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Hmmm, good question. There are several things about the industry that aren’t “ideal” like unrealistic standards or a skewed perspective of reality but I see that more as a problem with society and not something that the modeling industry creates but rather reflects. I make every modeling interaction as professional as possible, things that most other industries demand. Things like prompt and precise communication, doing things in a timely manner, showing up on time, clearly laying out expectation and following through. I think as a business, a surprising lack of that is tolerated.

Ruthie face closeupDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

As mentioned before, I was involved in athletics for the majority of my life thus far. Track and field runs in my blood and I was pretty good at it. The arrival of my son put a halt to that and while other mothers have bounced back, becoming a mother rearranged my priorities. During my pregnancy, all thoughts of health went out the window and I found myself 60 pounds heavier right before delivery. I had to lose about 30 pounds of that on my own. That is when my personal fitness journey started. Gone were the days that I could eat whatever I wanted and I had to learn dietary discipline for the first time in my life. Now fitness is super important to me and it pains me to skip a day at the gym. Nutrition is a little harder but I have found realistic way to make it a part of my lifestyle without feeling deprived. I am somewhat of a mad scientist in the kitchen; let there be flavour!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Something people may not guess about me is that I am a Christian. It is something that I grew up with but after I became a mother it became something very personal to me, not as a religion but as a relationship in my life. That faith has definitely given me the strength to overcome some obstacles and take chances I would have been too scared to before.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Of course like most girls I do not love 100% of my appearances but I focus on loving myself which includes my flaws. You can’t have originality and perfection at the same time. Otherwise, I would love to be able to nail this motherhood thing someday. Never have I appreciated my mother so much, this stuff is hard! I would love the ability to make him sleep whenever I wanted. ha!

What was the meanest rumor ever spread about you?

Once in my freshman year of high school, someone started a Gossip Girl Facebook account for our school and stated that they would be posting people’s secrets. Somehow, for reasons unknown to me, word spread that I was the anonymous creator of the account and someone even hacked onto it and changed the name to my own! You would think that would make my innocence obvious… I ate lunch alone in the girl’s change room for a couple months. That’s probably the most alone I have felt in my life.

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