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Interview with Trisha Kay — Gypsy model with versatility and passion

Trisha Kay is a 21-year old model residing in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Well hello there! I’m a 21 year old german and irish firecracker born in the small rural town of Ionia in the beautiful Michigan. I have lived in places all over Michigan like Grand Rapids, Detroit, Charlevoix, along with smaller cities in the state. I recently decided to pack up, throw my heart on my sleeve, get in my car, and move to Orange County, California to embrace new adventures out of the element I’ve known thus far! So far, sooo so good.

Some of my past occupations are bookstore clerk for the college I attended, which was Grand Rapids Community College who also advertised me on public transit buses, pandora, books, fliers and website; pizza girl and ninja, personal trainer, cutlery sales, Victoria Secret, go go dancing, and make-up art every so often. My personal time is spent painting, exercising, practicing my own photography, catching up with family, pampering, cooking nutritiously tasty meals, listening to music, and getting into shenanigans. I’m always traveling, the world is so big and beautiful…

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Throughout my teens I very slowly rolled into modeling and had people approach me at events to do promotional work, photographers reaching out online, companies hiring me to model for ad campaigns, and more. I never thought I could actually be a “model” with my shapeliness and height but when I started to get paid after some portfolio building, I gained confidence and it has only been getting better for me since. It inspired me in many ways to explore makeup art, hair style, travel, my own physique, and the artistic aspects of it all. I signed with a few non exclusive talent agencies and modeled internationally before age 20.

Trisha Kay modeling light blue bikiniWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

In 5 years, I would love to do something similar to what I do now: living my life filled with creativity, travel, amazing people, exotic animals, adventure, and self growth. I will most likely be working partially as a photographer, maybe some acting,

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I’ve done all sorts of modeling: multiple conventions, being the only model in a workshop full of photographers, pageants, Playboy published, bridal shows, fashion shows, catalog, commercial, swimsuit; I’m open to a lot, including freelance. I like booking photoshoots with hourly rates depending on content, talent, resources, attitude, travel logistics but a lot of my favorite gigs are booked through agents and scouts who make sure I get paid well, feel comfortable, and such a variety of work to choose from! Would you like to smile, pass out snacks, and meet some very great connections while getting paid and having fun on this day in this place? Why yes! I would.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experiences I’ve had in modeling were always surprises; seeing your face on the cover of a magazine at most major stores for a shoot that paid well and you had no idea would be sold on stands internationally is a very powerful and humbling experience. All the traveling I’ve done, free products I get comped, artistic expression I exude whenever I want, fun experiences I endure, and interesting, talented, amazing people I’ve met through this industry have highlighted the career immensely. The worst experience I’ve had is when I almost got taken in France while traveling on my own via train to shoots, I totally felt like I was in the movie! Much scarier in real life, plus creepy photographers or the ones that don’t give images in an appropriate time frame or fail to communicate well post shoot.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Some of the requests I get are pretty ridiculous, I won’t get into all the strange experiences but there was a point going through emails where I’m like, “how is pretending to kick a guy in the nuts and talking about it on film considered “modeling?” Lol. No thanks.

Trisha Kay modeling at swimsuit USAIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

People can be so judgmental. I don’t enjoy telling people that I model because they instantly make assumptions, pick at imperfections, or label me any one of various things. I love the job because I love the process of creation with emotions and design but there are a lot of inappropriate photographers, scams, and dangerous traveling situations you have to look out for as predators are very real, so always check references if you model. As far as everything else, I like seeing all sorts of modeling: big, tall, small, tatts, so I would create more awesomely uniquely beautiful independent genres of modeling besides the mainstream 5’9 and sunken in expectation fashion tends to demand.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I love exercise as much as I love chocolate and workout most days of the week with a cardio mixup of running, stair climbing, or biking, strength training, and stretching. Love throwing the fun stuff in along the way like yoga, which feels so good; boxing, swimming, basketball, golfing, volleyball, dancing, hiking, and skiing in between. I’ve been a vegetarian for the last three months so I find my protein in stuff like greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and protein bars. My diet is also filled with health conscious smoothies, green tea, peanut butter, whole grains, spicy meals, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and I’m usually up for trying anything with nutritional value. I definitely like to let myself indulge every once in a while, specially with gnocchi, pizza, fruit snacks… life’s too short, enjoy it!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I enjoy helping building homes for Habitat for Humanity, interacting closely with very dangerous animals, and I’m told I giggle in my sleep.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Physically, I’ve come to accept and love this meat bag I live in, so, I’m fine with what I’m venturing this earth in -most days”-. Besides that I think it would be so cool to be ridiculously hilarious because I love seeing people laugh and smile.

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

To be honest, I take a bath at least once a day, and I hate showering. I’m always soaking in pretty scented aromatherapy while deep conditioning my hair and using my home made natural face masks thinking of the most random things while listening to my favorite tunes in my waterproof speaker. It’s my daily zen… so relaxing and enlightening to my spirit.

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