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Interview with Kayleigh — Future MD and Model

Kayleigh is a 22-year old model residing in Omaha, Nebraska.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born in Omaha, Nebraska and currently attend school in Lincoln, Nebraska for Microbiology and Chemistry–not your typical model material! I have two sisters and a brother and attended an all-girls Catholic high school that was probably the greatest thing that ever happened to me. In my spare time I like to play with my 4 month old puppy, Paloma, run, cook, read, and catch up on my shows! My newest binge watch is Game of Thrones.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I actually began modeling before I entered Kindergarten, when I was signed to an agency at age 4 or 5 and was doing catalog and runway work before most kids know how to read. I have an entire binder of all the work I did when I was young, and it’s so funny to see me decked out in all that 90’s denim. I never thought of it as work, and I never knew other kids didn’t do what I did. I began modeling again for friends and for fun in college as a way to break out of the monotony of my studies.

Kayleigh on the countrysideWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I’ve wanted to be a physician since I was a little girl, and I plan to enter medical school within the next few years. My ultimate career goal is cardiac or urological surgery, specialties where women are extremely underrepresented. In 5 years I’ll still be in medical school, in 10 I’ll be completing my training as a surgeon.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I am not a full time model, as school will always come first for me. I pick up jobs when I can; I don’t model for the money, but for the artistic release and pleasure it gives me. I don’t do erotic shoots, as I cannot jeopardize my future career, although I’d love to do some private life modeling. Currently, I typically do more artistic indie photo shoots that are fun and give me a creative outlet.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I’ll give you the weirdest. Last summer, I did a gorgeous shoot with an extraordinarily talented photographer I met who lives in LA. She travels to Nebraska every once in a while and texted me one day that she had a special idea for a shoot. It turned out that that shoot required me to pose with a dead blue jay! The photos turned out gorgeous and I do not regret the shoot at all, but it was certainly one of the weirder experiences I’ve had, you can even see the photos on my or her Instagram.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

My mom loves the work I do, and recently made a photo of me her cover photo on Facebook, as moms do!. The only problem is, I don’t think she’s noticed that the white dress I’m wearing is completely see through!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The modeling industry is inaccessible to people who do not fit the traditional pin thin body type or the plus sized body type. I am thin, but I do not have the time to keep my body to industry standards.

Kayleigh on a bed with a birdDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I run 20 to 30 miles or so a week, and I eat what I want. I know I shouldn’t say that, but I’ve been blessed with a body that regulates itself well, which is why I don’t count calories or macros. That being said, I do try to keep 80% of what I put in my body “good” for me, and that’s my rule of thumb. 80% of what I eat during the week is leafy greens and grilled chicken and yogurt and eggs and fruits and veggies. The other 20% is whatever treats I want. It’s a good balance.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I’m the president of an organization that runs mobile medical clinics down in underserved areas of South American countries. I’ve been to Peru and Ecuador several times to work with the people down there. I’m hoping to go back within the year.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I think every woman would want to physically change things about herself, so I’ll skip that. Right now, I’m working on some personality traits of mine. I’m working on being a better listener and on compromising. My boyfriend is very sweet and I am very stubborn, so I get my way almost all the time, which is not fair. I’m trying to learn how to meet him halfway and communicate better so I can be a better friend, girlfriend, and overall person.

What is your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure is Diet Coke. I know the aspartame is bad for me and could give me cancer but I figure we’re all going to die someday. My cell phone could give me cancer too and I’m not going to give that up! I actually quit a few years ago and then started drinking it again after I went abroad.

Visit Kayleigh’s website for more photos and information

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