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Interview with Andrea Bella — Published model

Andrea Bella is a 28-year old model residing in Las Vegas, Nevada.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I grew up in the smallish town of Salem, Oregon… not much to do there and I knew at a young age I was gonna get the F out of dodge! I’m one of the few that actually did it and never looked back. I’ve lived all over, Hawaii, The Carribean, Dallas, and mostly I’m a Vegas girl; something about this city always draws me back. I’m super into fitness, and a big time organic advocate, and although us Vegas models get a pretty bad stereotype, I pride myself on being one of the girls out here with their head on straight and focused on my goals. Only up from here, is always my mantra.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I did my first shoot when I was 22 and after that got into working in the nightclub scene as a model bottle service girl and model bartender. That distracted me for a couple of years from focusing on furthering my modeling career, and when I got sick of the bar I was at and quit, I kinda just fell into promo modeling on accident by being in the right place at the right time. I’ve been modeling full time now for 3 years and the progress I’ve made in so greatful for! I never thought being 5’4″ I ever would become a published model and here I am. Just shows if you put something out into the universe and work hard, the sky is the limit.

Andrea Bella topless in a busWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My next modeling goal is land a cover or centerfold shoot, who’s isn’t, right? Haha! As far as other goals, I am very entrepreneur minded and I just created my own LLC and want to build my brand! I am getting my real estate license and am excited to get that going and eventually would love to use the capital I make from modeling and real estate to flip homes. I would also love to start some sort of business in the organic industry, as making the earth a better place through sustainable living, is a true passion of mine.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I do more and more photo shoots these days and am always looking for my next published gig. I do a ton of promo model work as well, for trade shows and conventions I am booked as a “booth babe” and I do a ton of liquor model events and atmosphere modeling as well. I do everything from commercial, fashion, art, sports glamour, implied, and artistic nude, as far as photography.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Hmm, well my worst experience was when I showed up to a shoot and the photographer had a bottle of wine open for me, and was doing rails of coke on the make up counter. Lmao! I was like “umm no, I’m not trying to get roofied today” and left. My best, was shooting for Oneal Motorcross Apparel, they were a great team to work with, and took such good care of us, and my favorite photographer that I always have a blast with is Michael Dydasco for sure.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Once I showed up on set of a shoot, and in the first 5 minutes, I locked my keys in my car and my entire make up kit and wardrobe was stuck inside. It was an all day shoot out in the Vegas desert, but luckily the company owner was on set and called triple A for me and convinced them to come unlock it, which took some doing, cause we were way outside city limits in a ghost town.

Andrea Bella modeling short jeansIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I wish girls would stop selling themselves short by taking lower and lower rates. Over the last 3 years I have seen rates with agencies and freelance go lower and lower, and this is because girls will take rates that are half of what they should be, because they think some money is better than no money. it ruins it for all of us in the long run and I wish they would understand that.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I eat extremely clean and am a fitness addict. I’m allergic to gluten so that cuts out about half of the bad foods out there, and I eat everything organically and GMO free. My diet consists of a lot of organic, free range, non hormone proteins, and veggies; green smoothies and cage free eggs… oh and I’m a pistachio addict. I’m in the gym everyday, I mix up my routine between hot yoga and Pilates, bootcamp and Crossfit, and am an outdoor runner.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I’m a licensed cosmetologist in 3 states. Also I have double jointed elbows, and I can make them look really weird when I want to freak someone out.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I would like to be a few inches taller so I could do runway but that’s never gonna happen. In this industry you have to love yourself, flaws and all, and just exude confidence physically and mentally. Not everyone is gonna like your look and that’s okay, because the next person will. You can’t let it affect you or get to your head, I always focus on continuing to grow and evolve as a person in all ways, and be the best version of myself I can be!

What is your favorite thing to do alone?

I have a pretty serious addiction to Netflix. I love to just get in comfy clothes, snuggle up to my pups, and have a binge watching session. You know you have a problem when you are running out of Netflix shows to watch because you have seen them all. Yep, that’s me.

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