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How to improve insulin sensitivity with cinnamon and grapefruit

What is insulin sensitivity?

Insulin sensitivity is the opposite of insulin resistance, a condition where cells fail to respond normally to the hormone insulin. Normally, insulin release triggers cells to extract glucose from the blood to use as energy. However, insulin resistant cells fail to take in nutrients such as glucose, amino acids and fatty acids despite insulin being present in the blood stream. In other words, increased insulin sensitivity is  a good thing, since the cells will be more responsive to the hormone and better regulate blood glucose levels. As insulin resistance is a major risk-factor for developing type-2-diabetes, increasing your insulin sensitivity with the right foods and regular exercise is a must.

How can I improve my insulin sensitivity?

Grapefruit:  The active compound in grapefruit, a flavanoid known as naringenin, seems to prevent carbohydrate absorption from the intestines, possibly reducing rapid rises in blood sugar and insulin after a meal. This means it’s not ideal for use right after exercise when you do want heightened insulin levels, but grapefruit naringenins have some other very interesting qualities. According to an article at Ergo-Log, grapefruit flavonoid naringenin helps muscles’ glucose uptake while inhibiting glucose uptake by fat cells. Due to low bioavailability it’s recommended to also take β-cyclodextrin, an FDA approved excipient.

Cinnamon help regulate blood glucose levels

Cinnamon help regulate blood glucose levels

Cinnamon: In a study entitled “Changes in glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity following 2 weeks of daily cinnamon ingestion in healthy humans“, research concluded that cinnamon can improve glycemic control and insulin sensitivity in average 25-year olds. This means you need less insulin to trigger a similar response after your workout, which is a good  thing as s I explained in my article about macronutrients. Most studies use Cassia cinnamon, but Ceylon should be just as good if not better. Six grams daily should start having effect after 20 days.

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