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Interview with Maria Do

Maria Do is a 19-year old model residing in San Diego, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am a 19 year old, simple gal living in California. I am a happy newly wedded wife, so that explains my Vietnamese last name. I am a mix breed and you would definitely question what I am when you see and hear me talk. I’m Filipino and Caucasian with a British accent. So by my look and accent, I will definitely throw you off. I was actually born in San Francisco and raised in San Diego. The British accent just came from a relative that visited Great Britain and came back to help take care of me.

I grew up with a military family and the stereotypical Filipino household. Unlike most Filipino households though, my family was more laid back and opened… Well at least after I was a junior in high school. So growing up was difficult. I was put into the hospital when I got really sick and that was something that changed mine and my family’s life. It helped me decided that I don’t want to be a doctor lol… But I want to have a career that helps children and teens, so maybe be a counselor for those with a mental illness or a school counselor. My trip to the hospital helped my family get closer and helped my father change some of his life choices. So he is now sober and cigarette free for 2 years.

I’m very opened so I love trying new things and exploring and experiencing different things. I just absolutely love anything that deals with art. So drawing, painting, dancing, and even modeling is just a passion to me. I do absolutely any kind of dance. My favorite would be any Hawaiian style or ballroom.

Maria Do wearing a black thongTo me, my family and school are the most important things in my life. I think no matter what though, I would want modeling to be part of my life always.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I think I got into modeling about a year or two ago. It all started when I was young and people always told me to go back to the Philippines and become a artist. So growing up I always went towards acting. It was only when I became a senior in high school, I was introduced to modeling. Some of my friends back then would always use me to model for one of their projects for them and that was when I realize that I really enjoyed being in front of people and even cameras. So I went to a company called John Casablancas and from there I took classes and started my career.

I stuck to it because it was just something that came natural to me. It made me who I am today and not once I regret it. I t helped me in many ways that you can imagine.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

In general, I just want to help children and teens. My main goal is to work in a school as a counselor for elementary or high school students. Also as well as to have my own family one of these days. There’s honestly nothing more I would want than to help others.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I try to do photo shoots at least a few times a month. I would love to do catwalks but I am just still too short. Usually my photo shoots consist of a wide range of styles. I love to work with different photographers because each one has a different style for shooting and I’m interested in seeing a variety of different works.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I’m still waiting for not a best experience but one memorable experience that deals with me and water!! My worst experience was just when I was contacted by a photographer that just had more than shooting in mind. Now that is just another story.

Maria Do posing next to a windowHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Hm honestly not quite yet but I am waiting for one to happen and I can tell you right now I’m actually excited for all the laughs it will bring.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Is there something I would change about the industry? Hell yes I would!! Probably absolutely everything? I think it’s horrific what some people advertise nowadays. I think we shouldn’t be advertising the fact that you have to look a certain way to be ” beautiful “.

Beauty should not be defined and if it has to be then it should be a picture of the world. To me we are all beautiful and should not be picked out. Some people say skinny is beautiful and some also say big and curvy is beautiful. Should we really be told what we have to look like? I don’t think so. So one of the reasons why I chose to model was to show to other people, that we are all beautiful and we should not let people tell us otherwise.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I can be lazy and then there are times where I am the most hyper person in the room. I have a fast metabolism already so I try not to go crazy with working out but I do try to exercise as much as I can to stay in shape. I think eating right n exercising daily is important but also being lazy here and there is as well. You got to have a perfect balance of it all to live a good life I would say.

Typically I eat just about everything. If you ask my family, I literally eat more than some of them. I just love food!! I’ll admit I do eat quite a bit of take out, but I wish I don’t sometimes. So I try to eat something a little healthier when I do eat out. No doubt though, nothing beats fruits… Especially a fresh fruit smoothie!!

Maria Do hawaiian costume vintage photoPlease share something people don’t know about you.

I’m pretty open so I don’t know honestly what some people don’t know about me, but everyone has secrets. I guess I can say some people don’t know that I can be a total geek when it comes to video games and anything that deals with super Heroes and villains.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I don’t think I really would change anything about me. I feel I am perfect just the way I am. To me everyone is perfect and beautiful just the way they are. So why go changing? Besides at least for the better.

What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

If I could possess a super power… I would have to say I would want to be able to teleport and shape shift!!
I just think it would be so much fun and handy to have those powers.

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Interview with Raven Lynette — 22 year old all around artist and model

Raven Lynette is a 22-year old model residing in San Diego, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi Everyone! I’m Raven. I am half Filipino, half Caucasian, which nobody can ever guess! I was born in Sacramento, California, then moved to the tiny town of Oroville, California when I was 10 years old where I spent most of my “growing up” years. I now reside in the beautiful San Diego, California.

I grew up in Oroville with my parents, two little sisters and over 60 animals at one time. Moving from a big city to a small town I could not wait to join 4-H and start raising animals. What started as one dog, one cat, and one gecko soon turned into three dogs, three cats, five geckos, ten goats, three horses, some rabbits, and a bazillion chickens. I guess you could say I grew up on a farm. I had dreams of becoming a veterinarian and now I was the lucky little girl who got to take on the responsibility of caring for, breeding, and even butchering goats, rabbits and chickens. I learned at a young age the circle of life, where our food comes from, and how to be self sufficient, and I am thankful for every moment.

When I wasn’t getting my hands dirty on our farm, I was doing all kinds of art, drawing, painting, sculpting, you name it. I played soccer, competed in swimming and gymnastics, and finally in my teens started dancing, and I haven’t stopped since.

Raven Lynette wearing a white shirt and sunglare When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

This is kind of a funny story actually. Finding a job in my small town with the current economy was extremely difficult, and something that my already employed parents didn’t understand. I tried and tried with no luck, all the while being nagged relentlessly by my mother. One day I saw a flyer for “Models Wanted” in the hallway of the Art Department at my college. The figure drawing class needed models, so having never taken a figure drawing class and not knowing the exact nature of figure drawing, I jumped right on the opportunity. The instructor told me how great it was, being paid to pretty much lounge around, which it is actually way more work than that!, and brought out some work to show me. I was presented with pages and pages of nude drawings! Now I was the kind of person who felt uncomfortable in my underwear in the locker room and had nightmares of being naked at school.

Finally my rebellious streak spoke up and I said I’d take the job. I thought, “There mom, you want me to get a job? I’m going to go take my clothes off and get paid for it!” When I found out how comfortable I was, I joined Model Mayhem and quickly expanded to photography. Of course the whole thing was very tasteful and beautiful, my mom was happy, and I’ve never had a nightmare about being naked in class again.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I am currently attending school in San Diego with the love of my life, both as Dance majors, so in five to ten years I hope to be in the peak of my dance career. Right now we are lucky enough to teach dance at a private elementary school and Montessori preschool together, but I can’t wait for the day we get to join a company and travel the world sharing the art of dance. It would also be nice to get an agent and do commercial and music video dance, as well as continue my modeling career. If no agent is in my future, I’m happy to continue being a freelance model. I love the freedom of creativity I get to have with it. At some point I’d also like to start taking classes to become a veterinary technician. I gave up a veterinary career and UC Davis when I fell in love with dancing, but I don’t want to let that go completely. I guess when I’m old and broken from all the dancing and modeling, I’d like to focus on my animals again.

As far as personal goals, when we are not touring for our careers, I want to travel with my love, just for the fun of it. We are currently living in a cute little trailer, and I wouldn’t mind sticking with the full-time RV lifestyle for a while. It’s very freeing to not be tied down to one location.

I’d also like to continue with my art, hopefully taking commissions and selling some pieces. Right now I make the odd sculpture, teddy bear,or headdress -featured in a few photoshoots- here and there, but I’d love to eventually have more time to do more of all of it.

Raven Lynette in a black dress asking for a rideHow often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I have a steady modeling gig once a week doing fine art black and white and infrared nude figure studies. I love that I pretty much get to dance, and stretch, all the while creating photographic works of art. When I am not in the studio dancing or teaching dance, I also work with many other amateur and professional photographers on the weekends to help build their portfolios. Since I also do my own retouching and special effects, many photographers are kind enough to give me images for my portfolio as well. In return I take the retouching work off their hands.

As far as the content of my shoots, I love figure studies. I think the human body in its prime is absolutely beautiful, and should be celebrated. It’s also quite nice not having to cart around a wardrobe, although I do occasionally like to shoot fashion and editorial type stuff. I love vintage, Victorian, and Steam-punk concepts, and enjoy creating accessories such as hair clips and headdresses to go along with the style. I also do a lot of shooting at the beach and other natural locations, where I feel most at home. My creativity just flows better when I have mother nature to inspire me.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Hmmm, well I’ve had mainly good experiences I’m happy to say. I did have one photographer that flaked out on me after I had driven two hours to the location. He later apologized and promised to compensate me for my time, but that never happened either and he conveniently disappeared from the face of the internet.

Other than that it’s been smooth sailing! I’ve been lucky to work with many talented photographers and watch our artistic visions come to life.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I haven’t had anything extraordinary happen yet, but all my shoots have been fun and exciting. I’ve gotten to shoot with snakes, my doggie soulmate, and been drenched in honey. I’ve also done a nude couple’s shoot at 5am in freezing mountain weather which was fun and totally worth it.

Thankfully I’ve never had really embarrassing moments either. However there was one time where I was shooting nude at Black’s Beach, a clothing optional beach, and this one guy who was also nude came and stood right by the photographer, just the right distance to hopefully catch his attention. He just stood there gawking at me at first and then proceeded to start kind of flexing like he was hoping maybe the photographer would start shooting him too. That was weird.

Raven Lynette doing some gymnasticsIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I’ll speak for the freelance modeling industry since that is what I am in, though commercial and runway could also use a few improvements in the body image department. In the freelance community though, I really wish there was more mutual understanding and respect between models and photographers on the subjects of escorts and payment. I understand that one bad escort experience could cloud a photographer’s judgement, but there are also quite a few creepy “photographers” out there that make us models feel the need for an escort. All photographers that I have chosen to work with have found my escort -my boyfriend and fellow model- to be invaluably helpful, holding reflectors, watching out for unwanted audiences, being my fantastic looking male sidekick, and more. So not all escorts are all bad!

I also understand the value of TF, trade for images, but I always cringe and am quickly put off when a photographer states that they would never pay a model or that models shouldn’t be paid. Modeling is much more than sitting around smiling, it can be very hard work! It can be tricky business, the freelance industry!

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Nutrition and exercise are at the top of my priority list! As a model and dancer, my body is a work of art, and keeping it that way is of utmost importance. Dancing is my main source of exercise of course, since that is what I spend all my work and school hours doing. I was into boxing for a while, both sparring or just using a heavy bag, but unfortunately I haven’t had the time or resources lately since I have been getting deeper into my dance training. It sure is an excellent way to stay in shape and blow off some steam though, and I sure do miss it!

As for nutrition, I love to cook and follow a pretty relaxed Paleo/Primal diet. I stick to mostly veggies and meat, which can be way more exciting than it sounds, but do indulge in the occasional treat. I’ve cut out gluten, and when I do feel a craving for something like bread, pasta or baked goods, I make my own homemade versions using different blends of nut, rice, or pseudo-cereal flours. I make an extraordinary dairy free and gluten free Alfredo pasta! Even my Italian boyfriend can’t tell the difference, besides the fact that it doesn’t hurt his stomach like the regular stuff does.

Raven Lynette face closeupPlease share something people don’t know about you.

Well if I did that then everyone would know it! Just kidding.
Well most people would never guess that I can butcher my own food, but I already gave that away earlier so… I’d have to say that most people don’t know I am actually a very introverted person at heart. With career choices like modeling and dancing that seems a bit backwards, but it’s true. Social interactions in general are tiring for me. Instead of partying with friends on the weekends, I’d much rather be home alone with my art, my animals, or my very close loved ones. And even then I don’t usually feel like doing a lot of talking. However when I am on stage or modeling, I am so absorbed in my craft that the fact that someone is snapping pictures or that I am in front of a huge audience doesn’t faze me. I may be among a sea of people, but I am alone in my own mind with my artistic vision.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Sometimes I wish I was more extroverted, since that is what our society demands. I wish I could become energized by interacting with other people, rather than feel tired by it. On the upside, I never feel too lonely though when I’m alone, so it’s ok either way I suppose.

As for physical? I wish I didn’t tan or burn. Tan lines are annoying in this line of work.

Have you ever been in a brawl? Please elaborate.

This one day I was driving in some traffic, and this guy behind me kept tailgating me while on his cell phone, which already annoys me!. He finally ends up rear ending me. It was nothing major, but we both pull over anyway and he angrily gets out of the car, as if it was my fault. So I step out of my car as well, and upon seeing I was a woman I guess, his demeanor totally changed. He immediately starts apologizing for his temper and the accident, blah blah blah…Anyway he starts to get a little too friendly to the point of trying to put a hand on me, so I know it’s time for a throwdown. I shove him off of me, grab him by the throat and slam him against the guardrail. He struggles a bit and tries to swing at me, but I’m quick and have him off balance. I have him in a chokehold leaning over the guardrail to the traffic below…

Nah just kidding. I’ve never been in a brawl; That would be a pretty bad ass story if I did though.

Visit Raven Lynette’s website for more photos and information

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