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Interview with Dahlia Thomas — Geek Girl Gone Model

Dahlia Thomas is a 23-year old model residing in Alachua, Florida.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born in Jupiter, not the planet, Florida. I grew up with my older brother and father, basically raised by guys. My father ran his own business before he passed when I was 18. Since I could possibly remember I would sit on my father’s lap hitting the space bar to shoot while he played Doom, try and make him strategize in Mech Warrior, and cuddle with him while we played Golden Eye on the N64. I’m into Photography, horseback riding, building costumes, cosplay, and being a plain old introvert at home with a cup of Earl Gray.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I went to a convention for the first time ever, I made a costume of Morrigan from Dragon Age Origins, Bioware, the game company, found my photos and posted them.
I gained a bunch of friend requests on FB, but I wanted to have a place for those strangers to go to, instead of my newsfeed. I made a like page, 500 likes in one night, all of those people were supportive and kind. My fans pushed me to take more pics, do bigger builds, push myself farther, shoot with better photographers. 14K+ likes in -2 years later, I’m still doing it.

Dahlia Thomas sucking blood from her handsWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goals are trying to take this professional hobby to wherever it’ll take me. I’ve been given some good opportunities, but I need to see some more growth in my other forms of social media. I don’t know what the next ten years will bring me, but I hope it’s success. I’d like to be somewhere on the West coast, traveling to conventions, and hopefully being an inspiration to those with a nerdy outlet.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Every other weekend I’m on a back drop, the weekends in-between those, I’m at conventions, or the weekdays and weekends between I’m at my day job or in my office room building costumes, updating my store, editing for YouTube on my programs, updating Social Media, or writing fans back and emailing people.

I model, run my own print shop on StoreEnvy, vlog, and run ragged. I mainly shoot cosplay, but I’ve dipped my finger into swimsuit, fashion, and some dark beauty ethereal images. I’m a big fan of photos that make you think a bit, the dark fantasy style is something I fancy.

Cosplay modeling isn’t easy, it’s more of an action modeling. You’re that character, you’re creating a still in a scene, you’re the actor, and you have to convey a story in just one to five stills. It’s jumping, crying, screaming, kicking, biting, growling, blood slinging, saber dueling, and all around a challenge. I come out of shoots looking like I retook my SAT’s, I’m usually that tired and my whole body aches. I really try and give it my all, and have a good time along the way.

Dahlia Thomas wearing a pink skirt in the woodsPlease tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Best experiences in modeling are seeing the finished product, and being behind the scene to see what al goes into it. I also like imagining what the image is going to look like and the whole collaboration with the photographer.

Worst experiences are having to deal with bookings that are from sketchy people, which is why I don’t do my bookings via Model Mayhem anymore. I have had some terrible experiences doing that.

Another experience is giving it your all for a photographer, doing your part as a model, and the person behind the camera can’t meet you half way in terms of quality. This is another reason why I luck out. Models usually want to have a well rounded portfolio and would like to shoot with many photographers. In cosplay, that aspect doesn’t matter. I can get away with shooting with a set amount, if I like. I’ve noticed a drastic improvement in my modeling and cosplay work since deciding to do that. I work well with my trusted friends, therefore I know my images will be done right.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Oh well of course! However, writing that out wouldn’t be professional, now would it?

A photographer that I mainly work with named David Love once had his dress form all dressed in clothing with a scary mask in the bathroom to scare me and a few of my modeling friends while at a group shoot, that’s a harmless one, but it was still funny.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I’m not really in the modeling industry, but I’ve heard some crazy stories from the friends that I know who are in it. I would change the cattyness of it, can’t we all just get along?

Dahlia Thomas dressed like a jokerDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I ride horses, jog 2 to 3 times a week, and work out with weights, lunges, planks -which is my standard work out- and others, 2 times a week.

I’m an introvert, so when I get mad I clam up and stay mad, I’m trying to make myself go out and be more active when I’m angry to avoid depression. I also have a corgi that’s very active and she keeps me outside and moving a lot more than I would like. Haha!

I eat clean, fruits, veggies, turkey, chicken, steaks once in a while, and not to over do it with bread. I’m lucky enough to have a fast metabolism, but I still don’t want to take advantage. I do take into account that at conventions, healthy food isn’t an option for me, so cheating is okay once in a while.

If you’re going to model, you need to take care of your body, that’s your line of work, that is your job.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I have an obsession with hedgehogs, dragons, and corgis. I do not like glow sticks, one burst in my face and got in my eyes.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I’m me, I like myself, and I don’t see what’s wrong with me. These are the cards I’ve been dealt with, and I’m going to play the game.

There’s no need to dwell on something I don’t like about myself, what’s the point? I don’t condone negativity by me, for me on a physical level.

I already nit pick at my craftsmanship on my costumes, if I picked on my physical form that makes me who I am, what’s the point of that when I want to love who I am?

What is the sickest thing you have ever done?

I blew my nose, took NyQuil, used up a whole bottle of Zicam, finished a box of tissues, had a head ache, managed to sleep half the whole day, I only consumed soup for the rest of the 48 hours of me being consumed by a fever.

Visit Dahlia Thomas’s website for more photos and information

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