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Interview with Logan Westbrook — Petite Model:Think Tall, Dream Big

Logan Westbrook is a 19-year old model residing in Denver, Colorado.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am the exact mix of my Puerto Rican father and Southern blonde hair blue eyed mother, born and raised in Denver, Colorado. As an only child I have been incredibly blessed with support from parents who have sacrificed almost everything time and time again to let me dream big and strive towards my goals. Learning to live with the alcoholism, depression, and bankrupcy that has plagued my parent’s marriage and at times our whole family, I put my passions and stresses into sports, music, horses, and eventually modeling as I grew up. I have grown up riding and training my own horse who is my forever companion through good times and bad, and singing all kinds of music.This has lead me to be able to sing for various charities, sports games, and events across the state and in other states as well.

When I was 7 I traded in my tae-kwon-do belts for a pair of figure skates and have been skating competitively ever since. To my parent’s dismay I discovered yet another expensive hobby when I was 12 – pageantry. Pageantry lead me from state title to state title and national competitions across the country that provided scholarships and opportunities I never could have dreamed of. As of late, I have taken up college as a pretty much poor first generation student with dreams of going into the medical field. None of this has been without my having always had a part or full time job since I was 14 years old, and I have been grateful for every second of every blessing and opportunity that has come my way.

Logan Westbrook modeling a sports outfitWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Once “America’s Next Top Model” came out when I was still in elementary school I was hooked. I have always had a naturally slender build with lots of leg but was fully aware that 5’8″ is the typical minimum height requirement for runway models. It wasn’t until the petite season of ANTM came out on television that I realized there was hope for an aspiring 5’6″ girl like me. Starting from the ground up in 2007, I worked with various freelance photographers and a small local talent agency to build my print portfolio and add to my skills and experience. I took any job that I could, bending over backwards for projects and photographers to earn my way up the ladder of diversity and experience. Slowly but surely, after years of working without pay and dedicating lots of time to the modeling world my confidence and skill grew to the point where I was ready to pursue modeling more intensely than ever before.

My sophomore year of high school I was suddenly on the rise of what would begin my more professional modeling career. After having been asked to be a senior model and spokesmodel for a local photography company, and winning my first state title at a pageant in the same year, I was picked up by Barbizon Southwest. For years I had been selected for massive scouting opportunities overseas that my family and I simply could not afford, and never seemed to be able to find work in Colorado. Here, finally, was the training and the exposure that I needed to kick start my professional career, and kick start it did. Since then I have been so grateful and blessed to be the cover for local ad campaigns, featured in editorial and catalog magazines across the state and a few nationally published magazines, walk various runways for hair and fashion shows at the local and state-wide level, judge modeling and pageant competitions, work on award winning photography projects, and am continually requested to audition for large company commercials like Hyundai.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goals for modeling from this point forward in my life are to begin moving to more diverse work across the country, perhaps even out of the country if the opportunities should arise. I have lots of print and runway experience now at the state level and have tasted work in other parts of the country. I can’t get enough, and want to experience other runways, meet more designers, and one day be featured in an international magazine. Given this is all hopes and dreams of a petite model living in a tall world, all the while struggling through college. I figure if I made it this far I certainly can make it farther, it will just depend on the connections I continue to make and the opportunities that arise.

Logan Westbrook modeling a long black red dressHow often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

For the past few years working for Barbizon Southwest I have worked for a paid job in modeling at least once a month every month. During busier seasons I have worked and continue to receive work several times a month and often several times in a week. Most of this work is couture print work for regional magazines followed by local runway shows. I also do a lot of commerical, catalog type work from voice-overs to clothing brand advertisement.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experience I have had so far with modeling has been working on a project called “The Diver” by photographer Paul Miller. This incredible shoot was almost a 12 hour shoot that feautured massive elaborate sets and wardrobe changes. This year it was awarded for it’s amazing finished photos and artistry by the Art Directors Club of Denver at their annual show. The greatest part of this project was that, once it was published I began receiving calls for work like never before.

When it comes to my worst experiences modeling, it is difficult to really say because what many people would consider the worst are still things that I am grateful for in the big picture. I have sat for hours on a freezing cold location set while they do hair and makeup, or been practically naked on the runway while my poor father looked on in horror but understanding that being model means you don’t always get to choose your wardrobe. I’ve been jostled around back stage or been told time and time again that I’m not tall enough or I don’t have perfect model features. The reality is that sometimes the behind the scenes stuff isn’t all that glamorous, and yes they are correct, but I have learned that fashion and modeling isn’t at all about perfection or what’s “the right size”, and those standards have not kept me from enjoying pursuing this dream.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I was asked to model a dress with an incredible high slit that showed a little too much if the dress flew behind my legs on the runway…Of course, it did… as the designer sort of expected, but much to the joy of my onlooking boyfriend and his pals who continue to taunt me about it to this day. I didn’t think twice about it while I was on the runway, but giggled hysterically when I saw my mom’s face in the audience as I was walking off. My poor sweet parents have never said anything about my modeling work but good things, even when it rubs their parental side the wrong way.

Logan Westbrook inside a barn wearing jeansIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would absolutely change the height standards for runway models, not just because I myself am petite but also because I know so many other incredibly talented models who would do anything for this industry but cannot change their height. It is a sad loss of talent in my opinion.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I enjoy running because that was my sport in high school -track-, but most recently I have fallen in love with this workout called “Body Barre” which is basically a workout spin on ballet moves. It is very challenging but makes for really well toned muscles, good posture, and flexibilty. The coolest part is that we do the workouts in out sock and it’s all about isolation so there is no running around like a cardio workout, while still making you work incredibly hard. I tend to stick to gluten free foods because that seems to be a trigger for face breakouts for me. I also love a well made protein shake and keep up on daily vitamins and at least one serving of vegetables a day plus tons of water.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

People typically don’t know that, although my work and my hobbies usually put me in a dress and heels and wearing lots of makeup, I am very much so a tomboy. My favorite outfits behind the scenes are anything that isn’t a skirt: I adore pants, baseball caps and boots.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Honestly if I could be 5’8″ of course I would love to have more modeling opportunities. Otherwise I am happy and grateful to be myself and have the life that I have been given, even if I never make it to the pages of an international magazine.

Do you have any fears or phobias?

I have a strange phobia of dark water and big fish. I have never experienced trauma in these areas so my family has no idea where this comes from. I won’t even jump into a dark pool.

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