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Interview with WhineyFu Cosplay — Model, Geek, Whiner, knows little kung fu

WhineyFu Cosplay is a 27-year old model residing in New Baltimore, Michigan.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Workaholic born in and living with my family in southeast Michigan, I am a full time doctoral student in the mental health field, and currently work full time in an office, part time as a mental health professional, all while going to school. I work on school work, model, and cosplay on the weekends, as well as write, draw, and sing terribly. Cosplaying has become a passionate hobby for me as it combines the fashion and photography that I love and the pop culture I feed on. Life is good when I can attend a convention once a month.

WhineyFu Cosplay lying on a wallWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I have wanted to do something with fashion and modeling since high school but I was not mentally or physically in a healthy place for anything like that at the time. I have been cosplaying for over 5 years now and have been doing photoshoots of my costumes during that time, but it was only recently that I branched out into fashion and boudoir shoots after I won a photoshoot session with Bontisha Rose photography in February 2015. I had never thought I could do anything of just me for modeling as I do think I am tall or thin. I am mentally and physically healthy enough for this now at this time of my life. Modeling channels my creativity and I hope this creativity can inspire others and affect others how it has positively affected me.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Hopefully, I will be Dr. WhineyFu Cosplay in 5 years, since I am a second year doctoral student. I hope to be employed full time doing something I love, and would like to be able to incorporate modeling and my cosplay into my educational career too. Cosplay takes a certain level of self-esteem, confidence, and worth. Cosplay for your mental health, anyone?

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I do the majority of my modeling work on the weekend as that is the only time I have availability. I am either doing a photoshoot, walking around a convention, or working on my costumes. As of right now, I photoshoot cosplay, fashion, art, and glamour, but I would love to do more, especially catwalks and acting, but just no nudity.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I haven’t really had a “worst” experience so far in modeling. Each photographer I have worked with has been great and has given me more experience in my modeling. I really do like it though when a photographer is just as geeked about a photo as I am. I do notice a lot of nude requests for photoshoots now, in general, and although I have no problem personally with nudity, I do not want that for my modeling photoshoots.

WhineyFu Cosplay at a lakeHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I love interacting with people while I am in cosplay at conventions, or outside of conventions. Some of the most memorable interactions I have had are with kids who think I am that actually character I am dressed up as. As for embarrassing, I have certainly tripped and face-planted a few times while in cosplay. No pain and gain, right?

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

More body types advertised for women and men. Models sell products and an image, then why not meet the consumers’ needs? I love clothes and fashion, but every time I see an ad selling me something, it is on a model who is either smaller or bigger than me. You want to sell me something? Show me how it looks on someone like me.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I used to participate in sports when I was younger, and I played soccer for over 10 years. I exercise almost everyday early in the morning on my elliptical and then also add a little bit of weight lifting on the weekends. I also walk my dog almost ever day when I have the chance to do so. I keep track of just about everything I eat to keep aware of what I am putting in my body and what I am putting out. However, I do not stress too much about what I am eating or if I am “bad” for a day.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I love the movies and collect movie ticket stubs. And the most times I have seen a movie in theaters is 21 times.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I would like to say no but that’s not true. I can only imagine the chaos I could cause if I were taller; people always say I look taller than I actually am, but I would like to actually be taller. Maybe that’s why I am always in heels?

What is your favorite thing to do alone?

I am usually never alone because of my dog but when it is just the 2 of us, we like to sit on the couch and marathon TV shows or watch a new movie we have heard about but never seen before. All of this while working on a costume and yelling or arguing with the TV. I talk to myself and the dog when I am alone. Good company.

Visit WhineyFu Cosplay’s website for more photos and information

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