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Interview with Ashlyn Ahlers — Hot-Mess Motivation

Ashlyn Ahlers is a 22-year old model residing in Saint Louis, Missouri.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey everyone! My name is Ashlyn Ahlers, from Nashville, Illinois. I currently live in St. Louis, Missouri with my man, Joey, 7 month old daughter, Collins and my fur-baby, Pixie. I love to travel, attend concerts, get dinner with friends and spend lots of time outside. I am a full-time mommy, part-time Certified Personal Trainer, and volunteer for two non-profit organizations.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I was first introduced to the model industry in 7th grade when my grandmother signed me up for modeling classes in St. Louis. A month after I started my classes, I submitted my portfolio and head shots to a few local businesses and received a call for my first print opportunity.

Ashlyn Ahlers modeling a black mini skirtWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My personal goals have changed dramatically since having my daughter. I used to be ‘all about’ how my body looks in the mirror and wasn’t too concerned with being strong. Now, I want to be as strong as I can to keep up with my growing child, although looking awesome in a bikini is always a bonus! My professional goals are to inspire my clients and followers on social media by living by example. Having a healthy diet and exercise program myself is so important when coaching others through their mental and physical transformations.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

On average, I do 5 to 6 modeling jobs a month, and most of the positions are for print advertising for clothing boutiques, or in-person demonstrations. Once in a while, I will do on-camera shoots for commercials, but before I had my daughter, I was booked for quite a few fitness photo shoots for catalogs, social media advertising, and online video promotion. I am working on getting back into pre-baby shape and expect to jump right back in to fitness shoots.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experience I have had as a model is getting to travel all over the US to do demonstrations, promotions and seminars for a fitness and nutrition company. It’s also funny when I get tagged in all kinds of funny photos of people posing by my pictures in the St. Louis airport. The worst experience I have had was working with a very unprofessional company that tried to put me in harms way to get a photo for a CD cover… who even buys CDs anymore anyway?

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

When modeling at a fitness expo, I got completely star struck by one of my favorite fitness icons and stepped on her foot when she came to ask me about the company I was working for. If you’re reading this, sorry DLB!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

If I could change anything about the modeling industry, it would be to give the fitness models credit for having a real life, just like everyone else. Contrary to popular belief, fitness models don’t get to spend every second of every day in the gym. We have children and families, other jobs, and food cravings. We’re all human.

Ashlyn Ahlers wearing footbal gearDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Diet and exercise is so important for everyone, you only have one body- if you don’t take care of it, where will you live? I always try to keep my diet pretty clean and healthy; my body is super sensitive to carbs and dairy so if I stray from my clean diet, there’s no hiding it I am also a breastfeeding momma, so the better I eat, the better my daughter eats. I exercise every single day, and although I may not make it to the gym every day, I am sure to get at least one hour of some sort of exercise daily. I lift weights 3 to 5 times a week, and also run 5k’s 10k’s and half marathons to raise awareness and money for childhood cancer; this year, I am running 5 runDisney races. Don’t hesitate on contacting me on my social networks if you’re interested in getting involved.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Fun fact: I can play the harmonica like a pro.

Would you change anything about yourself?

If I could change anything about myself, I would love to be better at multitasking, since I always seem to take on so many things at once and it always ends in a cluster. I am also a huge people-pleaser, which is usually why I take on too many tasks at once.

What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

If I had a superpower, it would be to sprout extra limbs so I could play with my kid, play with my dog, be on social media, shop online, do the laundry, clean the dishes, iron clothes, workout, draw, play the piano, study, message my friends, and work… all at the same time.

Visit Ashlyn Ahlers’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Trisha Kay — Gypsy model with versatility and passion

Trisha Kay is a 21-year old model residing in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Well hello there! I’m a 21 year old german and irish firecracker born in the small rural town of Ionia in the beautiful Michigan. I have lived in places all over Michigan like Grand Rapids, Detroit, Charlevoix, along with smaller cities in the state. I recently decided to pack up, throw my heart on my sleeve, get in my car, and move to Orange County, California to embrace new adventures out of the element I’ve known thus far! So far, sooo so good.

Some of my past occupations are bookstore clerk for the college I attended, which was Grand Rapids Community College who also advertised me on public transit buses, pandora, books, fliers and website; pizza girl and ninja, personal trainer, cutlery sales, Victoria Secret, go go dancing, and make-up art every so often. My personal time is spent painting, exercising, practicing my own photography, catching up with family, pampering, cooking nutritiously tasty meals, listening to music, and getting into shenanigans. I’m always traveling, the world is so big and beautiful…

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Throughout my teens I very slowly rolled into modeling and had people approach me at events to do promotional work, photographers reaching out online, companies hiring me to model for ad campaigns, and more. I never thought I could actually be a “model” with my shapeliness and height but when I started to get paid after some portfolio building, I gained confidence and it has only been getting better for me since. It inspired me in many ways to explore makeup art, hair style, travel, my own physique, and the artistic aspects of it all. I signed with a few non exclusive talent agencies and modeled internationally before age 20.

Trisha Kay modeling light blue bikiniWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

In 5 years, I would love to do something similar to what I do now: living my life filled with creativity, travel, amazing people, exotic animals, adventure, and self growth. I will most likely be working partially as a photographer, maybe some acting,

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I’ve done all sorts of modeling: multiple conventions, being the only model in a workshop full of photographers, pageants, Playboy published, bridal shows, fashion shows, catalog, commercial, swimsuit; I’m open to a lot, including freelance. I like booking photoshoots with hourly rates depending on content, talent, resources, attitude, travel logistics but a lot of my favorite gigs are booked through agents and scouts who make sure I get paid well, feel comfortable, and such a variety of work to choose from! Would you like to smile, pass out snacks, and meet some very great connections while getting paid and having fun on this day in this place? Why yes! I would.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experiences I’ve had in modeling were always surprises; seeing your face on the cover of a magazine at most major stores for a shoot that paid well and you had no idea would be sold on stands internationally is a very powerful and humbling experience. All the traveling I’ve done, free products I get comped, artistic expression I exude whenever I want, fun experiences I endure, and interesting, talented, amazing people I’ve met through this industry have highlighted the career immensely. The worst experience I’ve had is when I almost got taken in France while traveling on my own via train to shoots, I totally felt like I was in the movie! Much scarier in real life, plus creepy photographers or the ones that don’t give images in an appropriate time frame or fail to communicate well post shoot.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Some of the requests I get are pretty ridiculous, I won’t get into all the strange experiences but there was a point going through emails where I’m like, “how is pretending to kick a guy in the nuts and talking about it on film considered “modeling?” Lol. No thanks.

Trisha Kay modeling at swimsuit USAIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

People can be so judgmental. I don’t enjoy telling people that I model because they instantly make assumptions, pick at imperfections, or label me any one of various things. I love the job because I love the process of creation with emotions and design but there are a lot of inappropriate photographers, scams, and dangerous traveling situations you have to look out for as predators are very real, so always check references if you model. As far as everything else, I like seeing all sorts of modeling: big, tall, small, tatts, so I would create more awesomely uniquely beautiful independent genres of modeling besides the mainstream 5’9 and sunken in expectation fashion tends to demand.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I love exercise as much as I love chocolate and workout most days of the week with a cardio mixup of running, stair climbing, or biking, strength training, and stretching. Love throwing the fun stuff in along the way like yoga, which feels so good; boxing, swimming, basketball, golfing, volleyball, dancing, hiking, and skiing in between. I’ve been a vegetarian for the last three months so I find my protein in stuff like greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and protein bars. My diet is also filled with health conscious smoothies, green tea, peanut butter, whole grains, spicy meals, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and I’m usually up for trying anything with nutritional value. I definitely like to let myself indulge every once in a while, specially with gnocchi, pizza, fruit snacks… life’s too short, enjoy it!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I enjoy helping building homes for Habitat for Humanity, interacting closely with very dangerous animals, and I’m told I giggle in my sleep.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Physically, I’ve come to accept and love this meat bag I live in, so, I’m fine with what I’m venturing this earth in -most days”-. Besides that I think it would be so cool to be ridiculously hilarious because I love seeing people laugh and smile.

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

To be honest, I take a bath at least once a day, and I hate showering. I’m always soaking in pretty scented aromatherapy while deep conditioning my hair and using my home made natural face masks thinking of the most random things while listening to my favorite tunes in my waterproof speaker. It’s my daily zen… so relaxing and enlightening to my spirit.

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Interview with Chantel Heinen — Small Town Girl Turned Big City Model

Chantel Heinen is a 20-year old model residing in Oakland, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Chantel, also know as Chanteezy. I grew up in Avon Minnesota, a small town of roughly 1,500 people. Coming from a small town I always had this feeling of boredom. I enjoyed spending my free time dancing on my own, or taking classes, but when I wasn’t dancing I always felt like I was missing out on something. I always knew there were bigger cities, bigger states, and bigger things out there for me. I long awaited the day I could leave little Avon and move forward in life. As a junior in High School I went to a Performing Arts school for dance in the Minneapolis area where I lived on campus. Living away from home at 16 was such a blessing! Although I love my family, it really pushed me to find myself and take risks, and I truly believe if I hadn’t left Avon I would still be stuck in Minnesota now.

After graduation I promptly moved to San Francisco. I knew I wanted to be in California and after doing research San Francisco seemed like the best place to start. I have been here 2 years and I am loving it! My modeling career is taking off, I am networking my butt off and just enjoying life!

Chantel Heinen holding a staircaseWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

As cliche as it sounds I first knew I wanted to be a model when ‘America’s Next Top Model’ first aired. I was really young, but I knew that was the career for me. The models always looked like they were having so much fun, and I always dreamed of being on the cover of a magazine for the world to see and appreciate. For a long time I kept pushing to the back of my head and telling myself it was impossible, that I didn’t have what it took. Recently within the last year or so I have really decided to push myself. I am coming to peace with who I am and how I look.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I would love to be a full time, professional model in five years. My dream is to model, and only model! I hate working 9-5 jobs, I wasn’t built to sit at a desk all day, I need adventure and challenge.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Right now I have a full-time desk job, so I don’t have as much time as I would like to dedicate to bookings. I do at least one photoshoot a week, and more if my schedule allows. At this point in my career I am focusing mainly on print work. I am still building a portfolio but I find what I am being booked for most often is catalog, and commercial, although I am open to all and am eager to start doing more high fashion!

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

It is difficult to narrow down experiences I have had to best and worst. I have yet to have a bad experience at a shoot or on a job. I suppose the worst experience would be fighting myself on the days I have a shoot but don’t feel my prettiest, it is tough sometimes to break out of my own head and just perform whether I feel good or not.

The best experiences I have had are really just meeting clients, hearing their vision and knowing that I am helping them with it. It is also a great feeling to see the end result and be amazed at my own photo!

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?


Chantel Heinen topless wearing jeansIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Like many others I would say I wish the industry wasn’t so strict about size. I feel like models can be very hard on themselves. We compare ourselves to each other and sometimes go to drastic measures to look the way we think we should. I feel like the industry would be much healthier if there wasn’t such an emphasis on specific measurements.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I don’t practice any sports other than dance, but I do enjoy a good gym sesh! I hate cardio so I spend most of my time in the gym lifting weights; any cardio time is typically spent on the stair master!
I eat fairly clean throughout the week,everything in moderation is my motto. I do indulge in sweets here and there, but I like to make smart choices for breakfast lunch and dinner. It’s extremely important to keep my body in tip top condition, my body is my instrument and I need to keep it clean, because I use it all day everyday and I don’t have enough time in my life to be getting sick!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I’m a kickbutt baker.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I can be very shy when around groups of people or new faces. I sometimes wish I could be more outgoing in that sense.

How do you think you are most likely to die?

Well I have had several dreams of myself or a friend driving on a highway when suddenly we turn too fast on a bridge or end up flying overboard, so I am starting to think that is how I’m going to die!

Visit Chantel Heinen’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Heather Hoffman — Undefeated Boxer/Yoga Teacher/Model

Heather Hoffman is a 22-year old model residing in Oakland, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born in Jacksonville Florida, but have lived in about 80 different places and households in my 22 years. I grew up with a younger sister, whom I got custody of at 18 years old. I moved out of my home and eventually lost my mom to drugs around the age of 16 years old, and began working full time while also in high school. I lived with numerous families of all different ethnicities, social classes and religions, which gave me a full cultured and non-judge mental perspective on life.

I love traveling, and just recently moved back to Northern California after spending some time in Costa Rica teaching yoga to the locals who couldn’t afford expensive classes. I knew no one, and left with just a backpack. It was an epic experience to say the least. I found myself through meditation and healthy self expression. I currently have my hands in multiple different professions, one being the part owner and co-founder of a successful small business in the organic edible industry. I spend my time creatively- training in boxing, although I no longer compete- teaching and practicing yoga, dancing, singing, modeling, drawing, giving nutrition and wellness counseling, studying different forms of natural medicine through food, hiking, and talking to my dogchild.

Heather Hoffman with boxing glovesWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Since I was a little mugwamp, I always loved photography and how a picture forever holds moments that have drifted from the present. I bought myself my own camera and as I continued to fool around I realized being behind the camera was just as invigorating. My favorite modeling gigs are ones that include full featured personality and push me to be creative and speak without words. I have done a few magazine articles including a surf magazine and been featured in an “Up and Coming Entrepreneur Article,” along with multiple yoga shoots, clothing and fitness catalogs and a few more. My style is versatile to say the least.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I see myself continuing with my many many business ventures, my organic food company, along with opening an all-over wellness center where people of all types can come and relax, yoga, train, crossfit, meditate, get nutrition and wellness counseling, eat healthy nutrient dense food -that tastes good-, and overall be happy in the current moment and share it with other like-minded souls. I want to give to those in need and help those who simply just need a helping hand. I needed it, and in the end realized I had to find it in myself. I want to lead people to find that place within themselves.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

My modeling workload completely depends on my business workload and availability. I strongly enjoy being creative and expressing myself through modeling so I make it a priority. Sometimes I will have large gigs which require lots of time and preparation, other times I will have multiple simpler shoots. I have done a few comedy videos, posters, catalogs, modeled wedding dresses on runway and other times mostly just fitness shoots and freelance work.

Heather Hoffman modeling a yellow bikiniPlease tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

While in Costa Rica, I met a photographer who shot for the local Surf Magazine, and asked if I wanted to shoot. I spent the day laying on soft white sand in Guanacaste, surrounded by a sweet tropical breeze, unlimited coconut water, a feast of freshly picked fruit from the trees, perfect surfing waves, good islander-like vibes, professional surfers, and was free to do as many and whatever yoga poses I wanted. Basically my paradise.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

My most awkward experience was at the start of my career. I showed up to a self described “photographer’s” studio, which was actually the basement of his grandfather’s situation -can’t call it a house- who was actually a hoarder and as we opened the door to the photo-shoot room millions of antique and trash-like items came tumbling down. As I responded with a horrified expression and double chin, the photographer flashed his 5 dollar kodak camera and asked me if I was ready to shoot… I did extensive research before each shoot after that jolly experience.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Hmmmmmm with my experience, the legitimacy of “photographers.” Now a days any dude or lady can buy a camera and take a few pictures and call themselves a photographer and secretly use it as a creepy dating tool. Like “Oh, move your chin to the right a little, shoulders back, tighten your jaw, and go ahead and take off your shirt and wave it ’round yo head like a helicopter…”
At my age, I wasn’t sure how to do background checks and without parental supervision, I didn’t really have any one to back me up. I’ve gotten lucky and no one has ever tried to take advantage of me, probably because I’d beat their ass, but I have heard soooo many stories where young girls have not done enough research and gotten themselves into uncomfortable, sexually harassing, and sometimes even life-threatening situations. Not cool.

Heather Hoffman in the woodsDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I have studied Ayurvedic medicine, holistic nutrition, and healing through food. I am actually vegan, and during the summers I am mostly raw. I eat this way because it feels best for my body and helps me feel more in tuned with myself and my surroundings. I have been active my entire life- and have played every sport from boxing, basketball, soccer, softball, yoga, hip hop and breakdancing, tennis, golf, been on the swim team, and crossfit. I feel my best when I am active and my body is moving.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I have epilepsy, but use medical marijuana and CBD and have not had a seizure since I started medicating naturally.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I am always working on bettering and improving myself as a person. I set personal goals for myself and hope to enhance my over-all life and situation whenever possible.

Have you ever been in a brawl? Please elaborate.

I am such a non-Violent human being now, but as a kid I was slightly lost and I hung out with the “wrong” crowd. I have actually been in a few brawls- I didn’t start them and they didn’t initially involve me but I had to jump in to protect and back-up my “fam,” as they would do for me. One was at a fair, one at a movie theater, and one in Target… yes inside Target. I moved cities shortly after most of my friends got arrested, and somehow my reputation followed me to my new town and no one ever tried to mess with me or my sister throughout high school. That was convenient.

Visit Heather Hoffman’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Brittney Bertier

Brittney Bertier is an actress with modeling experience residing in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in catalog and commercial work.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I grew up in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts (Red Sox fan!) and currently split my time between New York City and Los Angeles. I have a tight knit Italian family that never stops eating and laughing. I enjoy reading, traveling, supporting my friends, meeting new people, writing songs on my ukulele, yoga, and a really good cup of tea. I am a stage and screen actress and I also model on the side!

Brittney Bertier sporting a summer outfitWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the acting industry?

I grew up doing community theatre and plays at school. When I graduated high school, I auditioned for some rigorous training programs and eventually decided on The Hartt School at The University of Hartford where I majored in Music Theatre! During my time at Hartt I began to dabble in modeling just for fun, and found I really appreciated the art form.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Ah, that is always such a difficult question since there is no predicting this crazy business! Ideally I would love to be back home in New York City, working on new plays and musicals on Broadway and filming meaningful movies in between. That or I would love to be in a long running sitcom. The kind that actually makes you laugh!

How often are you acting and what does it usually consist of?

I have been lucky enough this past year to have always had a project to work on and look forward to. I have filmed a pilot for a major network, numerous short films, a web series, lots of promo videos, and a few fun music videos where I was able to use my dancing skills! Modeling wise I have done some stock photography, catalogue, and commercial work.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in acting.

The best experience I have had so far was working on the pilot I filmed when I first moved to Los Angeles. I played a girl who was also new to the city, and they fashioned her personality a bit after mine, so I felt especially connected to her. It came out beautifully, and I just hope the world gets to meet her soon!

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your acting career?

Embarrassing moments seem to dominate my daily existence, and work is no exception! Once while filming, a director wanted me to make a sexy sort of purring sound after I delivered my line, for comedic effect, naturally. Well, being me, it ended up sounding alot more like I was choking than anything else. That, or like a really angry hissing cat with rabies. Now it is on the Internet for the whole world to see.

Is there anything you would change about the acting industry if you could?

If I could change anything about the television and film industry, it would be for casting to focus more on talent than an impressive resume. People are scared to take chances on newcomers, and they end up missing out on some beautiful artists.

Brittney Bertier next to a green wallDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I do alot of yoga! As a dancer, it keeps me limber and strengthens and tones my body while clearing and calming my mind. The positive effects of yoga practice are amazing. I also take ballet and tap classes as often as possible, and I love The Bar Method DVDs! Nutrition is key. I find that how I am eating immediately affects how I feel. I incorporate a lot of whole grains, fish, and vegetables into my diet, but I also suffer from a wicked sweet tooth!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I am a huge goofball. Wait, everybody knows that.

Would you change anything about yourself (physical or otherwise) if you could?

I am getting to a place in life where I am really comfortable with myself, but it wasn’t always that way. If I could change anything now, it would be my tendency to be hard on myself; it is not helpful to be your own worst enemy!

Visit Brittney Bertier’s website for more photos and information.

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