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Interview with Marylyn Brooks — Aquarian ArTist, MoonChild & Musician

Marylyn Brooks is a 23-year old model residing in Los Angeles, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I grew up in the suburbs of Southern California, in a city called Rowland Heights. I began getting into mischief at a young age and snuck out to pierce my belly button when I was 13. I attended a strict catholic school from kinder garden till 8th grade and then an all girls catholic high school which was much, much worse. Finally, I convinced my parents to let me transfer to an art high school where they played political beatles songs through the loudspeakers at lunch. I fell in love with the school, with art, with music and with myself… and the rest is history!

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I did a commercial when I was a child and it seemed to flow so naturally to me… but I didn’t start taking it seriously until I was about 16 and I was gogo dancing at all the underground raves. The event photographers began to offer me paid shoots and I really took a liking to it. Soon after, I was picked up by a commercial agency and began booking like crazy.
I was supposed to attend NYU university but the year I graduated my parents got divorced and my father said he wasn’t going to help me like he had promised and so I moved to Hollywood and began taking acting and commercial modeling very seriously because I needed the income while still pursuing my arts.

Marylyn Brooks modeling with two guysWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I plan to continue acting and modeling but I am turning my main focus to my band Bizarra, which I sing and play guitar in. Bizarra is my heart’s truest desire and I shall keep pursuing it until the Lotus flowers blossom. I’m also in the process of publishing two children’s books out of a series of books I have written and illustrated, titled “My Mogwhy and Me”. Aside from that, I create and sell my original paintings under the art name No.Y2K and have exhibits quite often. I also just started a new art collective and record label called The Hissing Cats, so I plan to do more with that as everything gradually progresses.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

When I get booked for modeling gigs they’re pretty much always print work because I’m 5’1… 5’2 on a good day, and I don’t fit the norm. I use to book mostly 18 to play younger roles but now that I’ve gotten a lot more tattoos I am booking mostly rocker-type shoots, which I am happy about. I am alwwwaaayyysss late and I always feel horrible about it but there’s just some things you can’t change about life.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experience was shooting with Leg Avenue because afterwards I got to be a guest on a bunch of cool radio shows and interviews, and at the time, I still went by my rave name Sparkle Sparkle Bang bang, so I landed a lot of additional work from that as well. The worst experience was when I shot this short film, which actually turned out amazing, but during the shooting of it the guy kept making all these weird sexual comments and told me he was “getting aroused and needed to adjust himself”. And then, he had the nerve to ask me to shoot additional footage a week later and for no extra compensation and we ended up getting into a very heated argument, and I never heard from him again.

SparkleHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

In 2011, right after booking a national ESPN SuperBowl commercial, I was hit and run while riding my bike during the middle of the day. The car hit the back of my tire, throwing me from the bike and on to my jaw, breaking my jaw in 4 different places and knocking out 9 of my teeth and splitting several more in half. I remember coming out of my blackout and immediately thinking of the shoot, which was set to take place the same week. While holding up my hanging jaw, I remember thinking “God, please let me be able to ice it and fix it before the shoot”… but after I saw myself in the mirror I knew that wouldn’t be the case. I was so devastated to say the least. My jaw was wired shut for 3 months and I had surgery after surgery for about 2 years. I am still dealing with complications from my accident and they never caught the driver… but everything happens for a reason… even the ugly stuff… because during the time when my jaw was wired shut I began to teach myself guitar and then formed the band Bizarra a year later. I grew up playing the violin and was made Principal Second String Violinist by the Claremont Symphonic Youth Orchestra that I was in for many years but had dropped it all together upon moving to Hollywood. I guess my accident was a blessing in disguise…a horrible… rotten… painful… miserable disguise haha.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would change the current expectations of models. I would do away with paper thin, anorexic models and replace them with healthy, happy, beautiful models that would give young girls more positive body images to look up to. So many young girls develop all sorts of addictions and eating disorders because they want to look like the women in the magazines. But they don’t know that those women struggle and harm themselves continuously to look the way they do.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I try to go to the gym as much as possible, probably like 2 to 4 times a week. Sometimes when I miss more than a week of the gym and I’ve been binge eating, I will force myself to stay at the gym at least 3 hours. I try to eat as healthy as possible; all organic, mostly vegetables, and organic meat from time to time. My weakness is cake and candies… most desserts, really. I don’t limit or restrict myself when it comes to food I truly enjoy because it makes me happy to indulge a bit, but I try not to eat past 7:30pm and I stay far away from over processed GMO foods. If you can’t pronounce more than 2 ingredients, don’t eat it. And if any of the first 5 or main ingredients are long chemical names, hydrogenated-anything or colors such as RED-40, avoid it at all costs!

Marylyn Brooks wearing a bridal dressPlease share something people don’t know about you.

I have really poor eyesight. It’s gotten so bad, I can’t even see my own tattoos without my glasses. But I still go without them for long periods of time and I just deal with seeing blurry all day. Sometimes friends pass me in the street and think I’m ignoring them or mad at them because I don’t wave back and things like that haha. When I don’t wear my glasses I feel like I’m in my own little world of fuzzy life.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I would remove all judgements from my mind. Judgments against myself and against others. It is so hard not to criticize myself sometimes, but I always try to see myself and those around me through the eyes of the Buddha, free of judgments and from a place of love and appreciation. I feel like we make it a habit to put ourselves down to others, as not to seem full of ourselves or prideful. But there needs to be a happy medium.

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

I went hitchhiking for 3 months last year with some friends that have been living off the grid for a few years and I wanted to see life from that perspective. I wanna say, the longest I went without showering was 7 days… give or take. It was rough and very unpleasant. I would not suggest it to any one unless they really wanted to shake up everything they knew about life and find our very deep truths about themselves. I definitely found myself while on the road… and I found the same person I had left as haha, just dirtier and weathered.

Visit Marylyn Brooks’s website for more photos and information.

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Interview with Manda Mae

Manda Mae is a 20-year old model residing in Ontario, Canada.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Manda Mae. I am a 20-year-old internationally published model from Wasaga Beach, ON Canada. I started in the modelling scene at a very young age doing pageants and working for smaller clothing companies. The last couple years I have excelled into all different types of modelling from fashion, glamour, to alternative. Lately I have been focussing more on my alternative work as I am slowly acquiring more and more tattoos. I work as a promotional model for companies such as Iron Fist Clothing, Dirty Shirty, Novel Thread Co, Frightmare, WolfNCrane, and others. I also landed my first Billboard downtown Toronto this year being the promotional model for one of the biggest tattoo expos in the world “Northern Ink Xposure” which was held in June this year downtown Toronto. I also had a chance to do promotion for Rockstar Energy at the convention with Sullen Angels. This year has opened many doors for me and I couldn’t be more proud of myself being a freelance model.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first got involved in the modelling industry when I was four years old. My mom entered me in beauty pageants and had me modeling for all different small companies around Canada. After a few years I decided I no longer wanted to do the pageants anymore and took a break. When I turned 14 I started getting tattoos and had a huge interest in body modifications. After a few years of acquiring pieces to my body art collection I decided I would take a jab back at the modeling industry taking a bit of a different path this time. I started working with some amazing photographers around Ontario and I was noticed in no time. After receiving emails from different clothing companies from around the world to help promote their clothing I started going harder and harder with my modeling. I never would have thought I’d have the confidence I have today but standing in-front of that camera flashing my tattoos has to be the best feeling in the world.

Manda Mae with hand prints on her bellyWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My personal goals are to stay a freelance model and see how far I can make it on my own without any agents on my back. I also will be going to college in the next year for wildlife studies as I am a huge animal lover.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

My workload is spread out and always on the go. Being a freelance model I am constantly on the go from booking shoots, going to shoots, sending out emails and just managing my social media pages. Although it seems like a pain-in-the-ass I honestly love it! It’s something that gives me motivation and drive to keep doing what I love.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

My experiences so far in the modeling industry have all been either amazingly or just a “whatever”. I’ve always lived by having no expectations so I can’t be let down! One of my best experiences I would have to say would be having the chance to be the Promotional model for Northern Ink Xposure this year and appearing on a billboard downtown Toronto. I feel like this was the most amazing experience so far because I got to meet so many rad people, work with new connections and just be in an environment where I felt me!

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

What model hasn’t!? I mean if you can’t goof around and set aside that pretty intense face for one minute, whats the fun in it!?
I’ve definitely had my share of weird, funny, and embarrassing moments while shooting or even over social media. Some things including falling over from awkward poses, breaking things in abandoned places trying to pose on them, awkward faces, and the list could go on forever.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

One thing I think I would change about the industry if I could is probably the way people look at each-other’s sizes. Size is something I think every model has a problem with, whether they admit it or not. It’s something that’s going to constantly be biting them in the ass whether they’re perfect or not.

Manda Mae wearing a native costumeDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Nutrition is something I’ve honestly been struggling with for a few years now but I’m on my way to correcting! I have horrible eating patterns but I am extremely energetic! I love all different kinds of sports from base-ball, volleyball, figure skating, hiking, and dance!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Facts a lot of you probably don’t know
– I have never dyed my hair, I am a natural blonde.
– I am only 20-years-old
– All my tattoos have meanings
– I have been in a committed relationship since I was 17
– I am a crazy animal lover
– I own a two year old Bernese Mountain Dog that weighs more than me

Would you change anything about yourself (physical or otherwise) if you could?

I wouldn’t change a thing about myself because then I wouldn’t be me!

What is your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure for sure is a good old Mcdouble from McDonald’s, I have a serious addiction too them.

Visit Manda Mae’s website for more photos and information

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Summer Workout Battle 2013

Some Russians doing planches, one-armed pull-ups, breakdance moves, muscle ups and performing other feats of strength and balance in Moscow for the Summer Workout Battle 2013.

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