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Interview with Brittany M – Model

Brittany M is a 22-year old model residing in La Vista, Nebraska.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am a 22-year old normal blue haired, dog-mom born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. In my free time I like to go to shows and support local art, usually music, have a love for reptiles, my family and I have been breeding and rescuing snakes since I was 8 years old. I do have a full time job as well as modeling, and work with the elderly as a CNA. Not the most glamourous, but very rewarding.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I kind of stumbled into the modeling industry actually, as I had a friend who liked to have someone go with her to make sure she stayed safe, and the photographer just liked my look and wanted to do a test shoot. We set up a time and the photos came out great! He told me I had a natural talent and I should try to pursue something and helped me get started; that was just over two years ago now.

Brittany M showing her back tattoosWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My personal goals is just honestly to be happy in whatever I do. My professional modeling goals, I would absolutely love to travel -with my dog- and see the world and work with new people! Be in photography workshops, continue to be published, walk and showcase fashion shows. Mainly just create art! I don’t want to stop creating art!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

How often I have shoots varies honestly. Sometimes I have several a week, other times only a few a month. Just depends on how often amazing concepts pop up. My look is very versatile so I can do pretty much any look: Fashion, Boudoir, Glam, Gothic, etc. Occasionally I walk in shows, and they are just so wonderful to have all the local talent come together.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

My worst experience was probably with a photographer trying to weasel his way into forcing his models to do pornographic photos. Literally shoving my face, forcefully, into another model’s private area even though we were both saying no. However, that model has become one of my best friends, but also have had so many great experiences, you really get to know people when you work with them several times. Mostly good experiences!

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Several embarrassing things can happen when you are modeling. When holding poses, you can easily fall on your face, My shoots however, everyone is laughing pretty much all the time. I am pretty weird, when testing lights I make some of the most hilarious faces and poses; a lot of joking around. But it’s gotten pretty normal for me and not so extraordinary.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The main thing I would like to change is all the hate, since a lot of the girls are straight up mean to each other, just likephotographers too. I know so many girls who break down all the time with how they are treated, it breaks my heart. Also, That everyone realized we make a living off this. Photographer pay your model. Citizens pay your photographers. What they are worth, because we are worth every penny!

Brittany M modeling yellow jeansDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I honestly don’t do anything to crazy. I will run and go on walks with my dog, crunches here and there. I just try to eat food that’s not horrible for you, and drink lots of water, and no pop. Avoid super greasy and fatty things. That sort of thing.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Anybody that knows me, knows that I am actually super shy. However, everyone seems to think I am not before they get to know me, because I do tend to speak my mind.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I rather like the way I am usually. I mean, sometimes I wish I didn’t have any acne -but don’t we all- Other times I wish I have a slightly larger cup size, so that clothes fit better. But overall I love myself.

Have you ever gone without wearing underwear all day? Why & what did you do?

This has actually happened more than once! Why? Because I didn’t want to do my laundry! I just free balled it and avoided jeans. Seriously guys, It’s actually really comfortable! But other times, It’s very nice to have your underwear on. Really depends on the clothes you are wearing for the day. You should at least try it once.

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Interview with Erin Scrivner — Shy girl turned model

Erin Scrivner is a 22-year old model residing in Springfield, Missouri.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi! I am 22 year old Erin Scrivner, I was born and raised in a small rural town in mid-Missouri with a population of about 5,000. I have always been a small town girl, and enjoy hiking, camping, fishing, and spending time outdoors. I enjoy going to the gym everyday, yoga, and staying healthy, as well. I have been lucky enough to work in the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks for quite sometime now, and am very into the design industry and am pursuing a degree in Graphic Design at the local college in my hometown area.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I met a good friend in HS that always wanted to be a photographer. One day we just decided to try an amateur photoshoot for the first time with all of her equipment, and it turned out great, and we continued from there with different styles and themes… this was 3 years ago.

Erin Scrivner vintage photo at an antiques storeWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goals in the next five to ten years are to move up in the modeling world, work hard, travel some, achieve the best shape of my life, and finish my degree in school. My main goal is to just be happy exactly where I am in life on my own personal journey.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I am modeling less than I was in the last few years, just because of other things that life consists of, including relationships, work, and other stuff. I have just recently picked back up and gotten serious with my modeling career, and I mainly do photo shoots, no catwalks or acting. I have done fashion photography, themed photography, and some boudoir.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best experience I have had in the modeling industry is having a close friend to shoot with, as one of my best friends is a photographer and shooting with her, while being completely comfortable and having fun, are some of my greatest memories. I have not had any necessarily bad experiences in the modeling industry, but I will say from experience that I do prefer photographers who consult with the model before posting any photos on social media sites just to keep the relationship positive and comfortable.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

During a shoot that was outside, the weather did not want to cooperate, it was very windy, and I was wearing heels, trying to balance on one foot. The sight of this made my photographer laugh, causing me to laugh. The wind was blowing very hard and we were standing there both laughing until we were nearly crying. There was an accidental photo taken during it all and it actually turned out looking very unique and beautiful.

Erin Scrivner submerged in creamy waterIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I think I would change the fact that the most common type of photography models are asked to do is nude or implied nudity. I just love seeing modest photos turn out just as beautiful as lingerie or nude photos. Don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate a classy boudoir or lingerie shoot, but over the last few years I’ve heard the term “sex sells” often and I just wish that it was easier to book a shoot without worrying about being asked to take more clothes off.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I do weightlifting and a yoga class during the week, as I love exercising and staying healthy. I typically eat lean mean, veggies, and fruit with some carbs… and always peanut butter. It is very important to me to treat my body with care and love so it can keep me healthy.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I am gluten and dairy intolerant.

Would you change anything about yourself?

If I could change anything in the world about myself it would only be to always be confident no matter what I am feeling or how bad of a day I am having! Yoga and meditation help with this tremendously, though.

If you had only 24 hours left to live, what would you do?

I would visit as many people and my favorite places as I could in the 24 hours, and take photos of every second so my last day on Earth would be fully documented for all my loved ones to see. I would make sure I let everyone I loved know how much they mean to me and give all my material possessions to people who needed them more than I did.

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Interview with Oki Doki — Burlesque Performer and Avant Model

Oki Doki is a 22-year old model residing in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Born in Daytona Beach, Florida, I moved away as soon as I graduated high school and immediately got involved in the local arts scene of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The rest is history as the people I met helped catapult me into the performance and visual art world that I now find myself in. When I’m not behind the camera or on the stage, I’m typing away at my computer as a freelance journalist and editor for a local paper from back home, Florida.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

It’s seems silly, but I truly got my beginning when I got my senior portraits done for high school. I couldn’t believe how much I loved it, and the photographer seemed to really enjoy my energy! When my portraits came out looking something out of a magazine and not a yearbook I decided I wanted to start doing it professionally. After moving to Michigan I quickly became involved in the local burlesque troupe, and finding photographers to model for was easy after that.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I have a lot of goals, with an umbrella goal of accomplishing at least half of them. The big two are expanding my horizons as a performance artist and going on an international tour. Some other goals include getting photos done I’ve only dreamed of, finishing college, and making a million dollars -at once of course-.

Oki Doki naked taking a showerHow often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I don’t model often anymore, and this is because I’ve just got a lot more picky about who I want photographing me and what type of modeling I want to portray. I used to do anything – so long as I was getting paid. Now I do a lot of t4t shoots with amazing photographers who can make my visions come true. I tend to fall into the erotic category, and though I love a good boudoir shoot I find myself leaning more towards art nudes and avant-garde themes.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Oh boy. Let’s get the bad out of the way first… I had a horrid experience with a “photographer” who drank whisky during the entire shoot, despite having to drive to different locations, asked me inappropriate questions, and never got my photos to me because I turned him down when he asked me out. Now the best experience is literally any time I’ve shot with Tim Motley: the man is an utter genius, and gives the absolute best feedback. If he likes what you’re doing, you’ll hear a lot of “ohh fuck yeah”‘s and “holy shiiiiit”‘s – it’s hilarious and very reassuring.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Sometimes I’ll wear those cheap, fake nails you can pick up at the dollar store for shoots -although they don’t look cheap or fake on camera- so that I don’t have to do my real nails, which wouldn’t look as good anyway. Though the last time I picked them up, I forgot to pick up the nail glue you have to use to apply them. So, I used eyelash glue instead, which made sense and seemed like a fine alternative. The shoot was in a bathtub, however, and as the shoot progressed my nails kept falling off in the tub. My MUA was desperately fishing in the milky water for my lost nails every few minutes, and super-gluing them back on! The damn things didn’t come off for days after that… but we all had a good laugh.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Of course, we all want to change something, though I think most of us can agree that it would be great if people weren’t so damn flaky. You don’t even want to know how many shoots I have booked that never even happened, because someone didn’t get back to me after agreeing to a damn date.

Oki Doki black body paintDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I’ve always done yoga, since I was a kid and my mom owned a shop that sold incense and crystals. Yoga has been a huge part of my life, and it is both a fantastic workout and stress reliever. Though on top of yoga I run in the summers -give me a break, I live in Michigan- and have recently been learning aerial silks at an aerials gym once a week. Nutrition has also always been a big part of my life, with a father who is a nutritionist. I try to keep a balanced diet, I never starve myself, and I never get fast food… ok, the occasional fry.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

In the realm of models and photographers, many people aren’t aware that I’m in a burlesque troupe. They’re called Super Happy Funtime Burlesque and it is the absolute best time of my life. We write zany, original music, tour the country and meet some of the most amazing people showbiz has got to offer!

Would you change anything about yourself?

Never. You should always love yourself, both on the inside and the outside, and if a change needs to be made, make it for yourself and always be healthy both physically and mentally. I love my life, my friends and the experiences I continue to make. I wouldn’t change a thing.

What was the meanest rumor ever spread about you?

High school was great in a lot of ways, but high school was also hell. I had a girl, who did not like me at all, spent weeks with one of her friends making custom t-shirts, headbands, and even socks! that said “Rheannon is a Whore” or some such variation of that sentiment. She even made an entire photo album on Myspace of their progress — though of course I didn’t see this until after she passed them out to any and everyone who would wear one on the last day of my Sophomore year. I made it through one class before I reported her and got to go home until the next year. In an ironic twist of fate, she later became my best friend, although we don’t speak anymore.

Visit Oki Doki’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Princess Alice — Little bit of everything

Princess Alice is a 19-year old model residing in Bangor, Maine.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Well, hello there. I’m Princess Alice and I’m about to let you know a bit about myself. I was born in Maine and was raised in a decent sized family that grew once my parents got divorced. I was raised to be accepting of other people which also helped when I became the age that I am because well, I’m not that normal. I have a handful of hobbies which are target shooting, archery, reading, theatre, obviously modeling, among others. I am currently going to college and studying psychology so I can help those who are or were effected by a type of eating disorder.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I started modeling due to my senior photos. The photographer who took my photos soon invited me to a group photo shoot. This lead to another group photo shoot and a few one on one shoots with another photographer plus the one who did my senior photos. Once I began to get more comfortable with modeling, I applied and was accepted into “The Chateau – Cat Girl Manor” and most recently was accepted into “KittenSightings”.

Princess Alice sitting on a treeWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My personal goals are to be able to eventually start my own eating disorder rehabilitation center and home in Maine. My professional goals are to be able to start being paid for my modeling, be more well known in the modeling community, and be in magazines. I honestly don’t know where I will be in 5 to 10 years. One thing I do know is that I will have pet cats for sure haha.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I try to model as much as I can with my two photographers I work with. This can be hard since my first choice photographer is booked until 2016 and my second photographer is also in school. The shoots usually depend on if they’re for The Chateau or KittenSightings. If not for those two then the photographer and I will decide on a theme and story behind the shoot. I have done fantasy, glamour, boudoir, pin-up, and horror so far.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The best modeling experiences I’ve had is when I’m completely comfortable with the photographer I work with. This is usually though with my two main photographers. I have had a couple negative experiences with people who wanted to do shoots with me. The people will come off creepy and not consider how I feel, what will make me more relaxed, and will over all be incredibly rude. Turns out, these people were scams.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Oh goodness! There was this one shoot I was doing in an abandoned train station in the summer of 2014. Since it was abandoned, there was a metric poop ton of bugs through out the building. I was posed up against a wall that some patches of plaster missing and the beams could be seen. While moving in different ways, I began to feel something on my arm. Without thinking, I looked down to see the huge spider. I’m deathly terrified of spiders so I immediately begin screaming and flailing around. When my photographer asks me what’s going on, I flung myself at her to get the damn thing off. Probably the one shoot that sticks out that makes the photographer and I always laugh.

Princess Alice modeling a dress in the snowIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The only thing I can honestly think of at the time being is changing the height requirements. I may be biased though since I’m 5 foot 3 inches.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I honestly don’t really exercise besides stretching everyday. I run on the summer but I can’t during the winter here because my campus doesn’t have a track available during the winter and doesn’t have treadmills. I do try to eat as healthy as I can though. Most days I have salad with turkey or chicken on it for lunch. I only allow myself to eat fast food every other week if that.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I absolutely freaking love any form of potato as long as it doesn’t have anything spicy in it.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I would change how I see myself. I want to have a more positive look of myself. That’s why I model, I’m hoping that I will slowly gain more confidence about myself through it.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Ben and Jerry’s fish food. You give me a pint of it and it will be gone in 30 minutes.

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Interview with Hali Slone — By Day, Mother. By Night, Model!

Hali Slone is a 21-year old model residing in Georgetown, Kentucky.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Hali Slone, I am a 21 year old model that was born and raised in a small town in Kentucky, where I overcame the odds of teen pregnancy, and continued on to work hard and be able to do the careers that I love. I am currently the head manager for an entire gym named Snap Fitness, and I also have achieved my goals of becoming a model! My son is 4 years old, and is the absolute light of my life; my interests are unique for someone like me, since I am obsessed with Video Games, Reading, Cooking, and Fitness. I also do cosplay and guest appear at Comic Cons, as well as Horror Cons! No matter the odds, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve your dreams.

Hali Slone listening to an old radioWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first got involved by getting asked to attend a group photo shoot in Lexington, Kentucky, and once I started my modeling, my career took off. I have heard multiple times that I have a very dramatic and unique look about me, and have also met a lot of amazing people and celebrities, including Larry Elmore, who is the illustrator for Dungeons and Dragons -I am one of his famous fantasy characters now-, as well as the first Jason Voorhees. I started modeling about 2 years ago, and have stayed steady with my work since then, and has always been a passion for me, even though at first it was just a dream. When I found out that people were interested in my work once I started, I didn’t waste a moment and started working on my portfolio.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My personal goals would be buying a house, getting more sponsorships for my modeling career, being the best mother I can always be for my son, and continuing on with my college, to get my degree in Psychology.

My professional goals include having my modeling career take off, and be able to become a super model, even if my height makes it challenging, since I am a very short 5’0 tall even!; gain high enough experience to own my own gym one day, to let people know that they don’t have to look like a model to feel good about themselves. Getting up and coming to the gym is a huge step in itself, and is the path to a healthy lifestyle; become a famous cosplayer, and meet more of my idols in the industry.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I was modeling a lot for a while, probably a photo shoot at least every week. Once my portfolio was pretty much done, I cut it down unless the shoots were paid, or benefited myself in some way, since it is a very expensive career, and you must be able to know your worth. I usually do photo shoots, or cosplay at Cons, and I am a freelance model, but love my boudoir, cosplay, and fashion shoots the most.

Hali Slone wearing underwear next to a windowPlease tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

My best experiences include becoming a fantasy character by world famous fantasy artist Larry Elmore; getting invited to a VIP party at Scarefest, which is the world’s largest horror con, by the original Jason Voorhees; coming in the top 10 out of 100 girls in the Miss Jetset 2015 cover model contest; and appearing as a Guest at Cons.

My worst experiences would include a photographer who got mad because I would not do nude photography, which I have no problem with, but it’s just a personal moral of mine; and the other one would be my first photo shoot, when I was so nervous that I was stiff, and had to learn the ins and outs of poses, facial expressions, and more.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I tripped at a photo shoot one time and fell on my face. I wear heels that are taller than my legs to my shoots… ok, maybe I exaggerated a little bit, but still!. I twisted my ankle, being very lucky I didn’t break it, and the shoot still went on!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

In all honesty, I hate the fact that you can get offers for really great opportunities, and then be asked to do immoral things to get ahead of the competition, and I am not a believer in that. If I am to win, I will do it with dignity and the right way, not sleep my way to the top. I was very naive to this when I first started, and some people who have money to spend on you will try and bribe you.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Let me get one thing straight, I have a terrible diet: I am obsessed with cheese, and other unhealthy foods, although I do slim down before shoots by eating salads, and dinners that will not bloat my stomach. Nutrition should be a more important part of my life, but I make up for the slack in my exercise, since my routine consists of running 3 miles a day, doing 150 crunches, 45 lifts on the leg machine, 75 side crunches, 30 minutes on the elliptical, and then sometimes I will lift light weights. Exercise is extremely important, not only for modeling but for anyone; it makes you feel better in your day to day life, as well as toning your muscles, building muscles, or just cutting your weight. It helps your mental state of mind, to make you more energized and happy. What is there to lose?

Hali Slone in a jaguar bikini next to a motorbikePlease share something people don’t know about you.

I mentioned before that one of my favorite hobbies is video games, and when I say I am the epitome of a nerd, I mean it; I collect video game memorabilia, especially Legend of Zelda -I actually have a real Mastersword-, I have a Pokemon tattoo on my side, and a whole wall of my apartment is decorated in posters, and trinkets from different video games. I also play a lot of Xbox, Nintendo, and Table Tops as well, as well as cosplaying as Link From Legend of Zelda, or Kitana from Mortal Kombat the majority of times I go to Cons.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I would not, because I am happy with how I am, and physically speaking, I have achieved so many of my goals already, and the fact that I can say that I am happy with my body is amazing, since it helps my mental state for my self esteem to be high. I suffer from Endometriosis, which is the leading cause in infertility in women, for which there is no cure, and it causes extreme pain all the time, as well as being diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Panic Disorder, it is an accomplishment that I can say I am happy with where my life is. I am in careers that I have always wanted to be in, and I have fun doing them; I am a mother of the most loving 4 year old in the world. What else could I ask for?

Do you have any fears or phobias?

I have an intense fear of Clowns, not dolls or anything like that, but people in costume, despite the fact that I know they are just regular people and I know it is not rational, but it will send me into a complete freak out if one acts like it is going to scare me. Funny Story, I had a panic attack form one a few years ago, and actually saw the guy again at Scarefest, where I was also appearing, and he remembered me! He said he thought he had killed me, and so we talked and now the clown and I are friends!

Visit Hali Slone’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Viscous Sally — Eccentrically Awesome

Viscous Sally is a 22-year old model residing in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am from Denison, Texas a tiny little town north of Dallas. I honestly don’t have much family that I associate with. I was brought up in cruel circumstances around crueler people but honestly it made me who I am today. I am fun, loving and quirky to say the least. I am not afraid to be me which usually includes breaking out into random songs and dances. I want to enjoy life and explore what the world has to give. I am in love with music; it honestly soothes my soul and without it I feel the world would be very bleak.

Viscous Sally holding a hula hoopWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first got involved through a dance group I was in. It gave me the fuel to fire my passion for becoming a model. I think it is a breath of fresh air to see girls who aren’t a size 0r show that they are proud and love themselves and honestly that is my goal. To help get past the misconceptions of real beauty.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goal is to be a suicide girl on Inked magazine or really any other tattoo one. I want to be a house hold name.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I am fairly new to modeling so I haven’t ventured far from my comfort zone but would honestly love to. I have done mostly boudoir but would love to get into artsy or controversial photography.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

My best experience was my first group shooting for my old dance group. Getting to take photos with lovely girls all dressed up in lingerie and watching people stare confused to what we were doing there. It was awesome to get to collaborate with all the girls.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Modeling can get crazy but I would say I haven’t experienced anything too crazy for me yet.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I would change the misconceptions on what really is beautiful. I would want to stray away from girls who are all bones being the only beauty.

Viscous Sally face closeupDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

My sport is dancing, I love to put on some Jessie J or Katie Perry and jam out. I eat pretty clean and workout regularly. I think exercise gives you a release of stress and anxiety and allows you to keep your body physically fit which is very important.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I am a disney and pixar freak and a rabid hello kitty fan. I love watching Finding Nemo on repeat something about never giving up just makes my heart warm.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I would say I would want to change having my guard up all the time. It would be good to learn to let the world in more.

What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

I would love to be a necromancer. Being able to go between the worlds of death and life and bring a soul to the light would be very cool.

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