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Interview with Lauren Poole — Full-time freelance model

Lauren Poole is a 22-year old model residing in Pembroke Pines, Florida.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, I moved to south Florida when I turned eighteen years old with the hope of pursuing a career in the talent industry. Since making the move back in 2010, many things have happened which have all made me the strong person I am today.

There have been losses – my brother passed away on May 16, 2011 because he couldn’t see the point in living: I found his dead body upstairs after visiting my grandmother- , triumphs – overcoming such a burden, battling working as a freelancer and making it in small magazine publications, and working practically full-time as a brand ambassador, promotional model, and model-, and endless days and nights of wondering how to prove to the world that I am that girl who knows exactly what she’s doing and deserves the chance to prove herself to top clients.

Lauren Poole modeling a white dressThe talent industry is what I live for, so I consider that to be my hobby. Whether it’s spending countless hours trying to market myself, find work at some event, set up photo shoots, work as an extra, brand ambassador, promotional model, model, or whatever — that is practically my life 24/7. The perks of working at big events such as auto shows, boat shows, golf tournaments, festivals, shoots, sets and productions, and other kinds of events is that I am able to speak to many original people in the world; people I would have never been able to meet if I wasn’t doing the jobs that I do now. I love being so social. One reason is because you can learn a lot from other people, hear their stories, feel their pain or happiness, and it leaves me with such great feelings in the end. When I do have some time off because it’s a slow season or what not, I like to be outdoors and participate in such activities such as gardening, taking long walks, bicycling, and exploring hidden areas of south Florida.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first grew an interest in acting and modeling when I was twelve years old. I have always been a bit of a drama queen, so I figured acting would suit me well. I took some acting and modeling classes. While attending, I realized that I may actually have more of an interest in modeling than acting. I started to focus more on setting up photo shoots. Now, I am open to both acting and modeling.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goal is to find an agent or manager who will seriously try to help me make it in the talent industry. There are so many people, strangers even, who tell me I have what it takes. I may have what it takes, but ultimately it’s all about connections and knowing the right people.

I am visiting Los Angeles in August of this year. The reason is because Los Angeles has bigger productions going on than south Florida. I feel that my opportunity may be greater over there. If things turn out well, that’s where I see myself moving to.

Lauren Poole wearing nerdy glasses eating appleHow often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Unfortunately, modeling does not come around as often as I would like for it to. Some months, I may set up to two or three shoots which is probably the average. I have everything from avant-garde, high fashion, beauty, swimwear, commercial, hair modeling, jewelry, and maybe a few other looks. I have also been involved in a few video tutorials.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I have had some great opportunities with modeling in south Florida. I met a spectacular male photographer who gave me a shot at proving petite models can shoot high fashion. We have been published in a few magazines so far and have worked together close to a dozen times in one year. We work together so well, and I am so thankful to have met him.

I haven’t come across any horrific experiences yet fortunately. The only downfalls I have had are usual ones such as shooting with a few photographers and never receiving the images back.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Oh, wow. Working with my stellar high fashion and avant-garde photographer, there’s always something funny going on. The first shoot we ever did together, I should have known things would only become crazier from then on. He has put me in size stilt like heels, loves to put me in the water, put things on me as clothing that weren’t really clothes -i.e. paint swatch dress creations, simple jumbo clothes, a lamp shade, among others-, and put every color wig on my head you can think of. It’s always a blast, and it seems like I make him laugh somehow at every photo shoot because of the crazy faces I make sometimes while in the zone trying to shoot.

Lauren Poole face closeupIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Yes! I do not believe that it’s right for models who are 5’8″+ to have it made while if you’re under 5’6″, you have the biggest struggle. Of course, I understand that one reason for this is because the clothes are made to fit models who are 5’8″ and have perfect measurements. To me, that is living in an unrealistic world. Models like myself are not treated fairly or shown enough support. I have the longest eyelashes you could ever imagine, porcelain skin, and big, mesmerizing eyes. The world may never know this though because agencies and clients do not give me a fair chance.

Please, look at true beauty for what it’s really worth. Don’t try to determine beauty by numbers and height. Those things don’t mean anything to me personally.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I have rejoined the gym. I now go there at least four days a week. While I’m there, I like to work every muscle in my body – head to toe. I use just about all the machines available to make sure I have strong muscles everywhere. It’s also important to increase your heart rate which is why I use the step climber or elliptical machine. Generally, I spend about one hour at the gym to receive a sufficient workout.

As for eating, I became a gluten free dieter back in January 2013. Since then, I have only experienced this type of eating habit. I love it because I feel like I have more energy, less full, and happier overall. I have learned about several new foods which I probably would have never known about if I didn’t make the switch. I now try to make sure I am consuming enough key nutrients such as protein intake, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and so on.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Some people who don’t know me extremely well may not realize that I like to over analyze things. I like to dig deep into people’s thoughts and life. I like to learn new things on a daily basis. I’m a perfectionist. I try to see the best in people. I don’t judge anyone because each person is unique. I like to treat everyone fairly. You could say that I’m somewhat of a hippie with the information provided. Just about every new person I meet tells me I am very interesting. The reason is probably because I am nowhere close to being like your typical twenty something year old. I live life in an unusual way and that’s what keeps the world guessing about me.

Lauren Poole stucked in a bathWould you change anything about yourself?

I wouldn’t change anything about myself. Here’s why:

Tragedies happen. Life happens. Decisions are made left, right, and spur of the moment. While I have made sour decisions in the past, I don’t have any regrets because everything that has happened plays a part in the person I am today. Accidents happen that you have no control over. You can’t “change” that accident. It just happened. Maybe you were the cause of the accident, or someone else was. Either way, it happened. You must take everything life throws at you and choose how to handle it. It’s easy to become overwhelmed instead of thinking logically. In the end though, it’s important to learn to accept yourself and live life as if you are the only person who matters. That may sound like having a big ego, but I don’t mean it like that. We underestimate ourselves. We don’t give ourselves enough credit. We’re constantly patting other people on the back and sometimes we forget to pat our own self on the back.

Here’s what you have to remember in the end:

Life is one big joke. You can either choose to laugh about it or cry about it.

In this industry I chose to become involved in, it is super easy to want to shed tears all the time. I have the most awesome friends and family though who are right by my side and love me even though I’m only 5’3″.

With that said, I am going to promise to not change a thing about myself, laugh at life, and continue to fight for right to be a successful model.

If you had only 24 hours left to live, what would you do?

I would spend all of my money someway.

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