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Interview with Amanda Whipple — Professional Dancer

Amanda Whipple is a 24-year old model residing in San Francisco, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I’m a Bay Area, California Native dancing my way through this crazy thing called life. Being an artist has been a struggle, but I consider it a blessing to follow my passion. When I started dancing, I was just 3 years old, and I have never wanted to stop. After getting my BA in Dance, I started focusing on teaching, choreographing and performing.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Opportunities to model found me through my qualities as a dancer. Photographers were intrigued with working specifically with a trained ballerina. Majority of my shoots and videos are all dance related, so I love the fact that I can fuse dancing and modeling together.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

This past year has really brought me to a place in my life, where everything is right where it needs to be, and I’m so grateful. I just finished filming a new show airing this Fall and I stay busy teaching and modeling. In the next couple years, I want to travel worldwide to teach and perform. Ultimately, I plan on starting my own company and a studio that provides education in all forms of dance and health.

Amanda Whipple standing like a ballet dancer at a pierHow often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

90% of my modeling has something to do with movement. I choose projects based on their relevance to dance. I’m definitely not limited to dance projects, and I love shooting for events that benefit charitable causes. If I’m approached with an amazing theme or idea I’m all for it! I prefer performance jobs, but I take on pretty much anything that comes my way, either print, runway, commercials, films, and more.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

So far, I’ve only had positive experiences when it comes to modeling. I’m pretty selective when it comes to who I’m working with, so I think that has a lot to do with it.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

There’s been a few instances during a shoot, when a pedestrian walks up and asks to take a picture with you, or is interested in where they can see the photos and video. It gives you that boost of confidence as a model, that you’re actually saying something through your work.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I’m in the studio dancing abut 5 days a week. The other 2 days I’m at the gym either strength training or taking a yoga class. As most people know, nutrition is key to a dancer’s career. To me, it’s not about how many pounds you weigh, it’s about how you feel. I’m a Vegetarian, so I’m always aware of what I’m feeding my body. I typically eat veggies, fruits, and fish for protein. Oh yeah, and coffee, lots of it.

Amanda Whipple face closeup lips with saltPlease share something people don’t know about you.

I used to choreograph and write songs when I was little. I would teach the neighbor kids and then set up a talent show for the whole complex to watch us perform.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Everyone has their flaws, and yes I’ve had thoughts about what I would change about myself. I’ve always wanted to be taller, but at the same time I love the fact that I’m petite. I am who I am, and at the end of the day I wouldn’t change a thing.

What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

Teleporting! In my busy and hectic life, I would love to avoid traffic in any way possible, not to mention, you could literally travel anywhere, anytime…freakin’ awesome.

Visit Amanda Whipple’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Maria Do

Maria Do is a 19-year old model residing in San Diego, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am a 19 year old, simple gal living in California. I am a happy newly wedded wife, so that explains my Vietnamese last name. I am a mix breed and you would definitely question what I am when you see and hear me talk. I’m Filipino and Caucasian with a British accent. So by my look and accent, I will definitely throw you off. I was actually born in San Francisco and raised in San Diego. The British accent just came from a relative that visited Great Britain and came back to help take care of me.

I grew up with a military family and the stereotypical Filipino household. Unlike most Filipino households though, my family was more laid back and opened… Well at least after I was a junior in high school. So growing up was difficult. I was put into the hospital when I got really sick and that was something that changed mine and my family’s life. It helped me decided that I don’t want to be a doctor lol… But I want to have a career that helps children and teens, so maybe be a counselor for those with a mental illness or a school counselor. My trip to the hospital helped my family get closer and helped my father change some of his life choices. So he is now sober and cigarette free for 2 years.

I’m very opened so I love trying new things and exploring and experiencing different things. I just absolutely love anything that deals with art. So drawing, painting, dancing, and even modeling is just a passion to me. I do absolutely any kind of dance. My favorite would be any Hawaiian style or ballroom.

Maria Do wearing a black thongTo me, my family and school are the most important things in my life. I think no matter what though, I would want modeling to be part of my life always.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I think I got into modeling about a year or two ago. It all started when I was young and people always told me to go back to the Philippines and become a artist. So growing up I always went towards acting. It was only when I became a senior in high school, I was introduced to modeling. Some of my friends back then would always use me to model for one of their projects for them and that was when I realize that I really enjoyed being in front of people and even cameras. So I went to a company called John Casablancas and from there I took classes and started my career.

I stuck to it because it was just something that came natural to me. It made me who I am today and not once I regret it. I t helped me in many ways that you can imagine.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

In general, I just want to help children and teens. My main goal is to work in a school as a counselor for elementary or high school students. Also as well as to have my own family one of these days. There’s honestly nothing more I would want than to help others.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I try to do photo shoots at least a few times a month. I would love to do catwalks but I am just still too short. Usually my photo shoots consist of a wide range of styles. I love to work with different photographers because each one has a different style for shooting and I’m interested in seeing a variety of different works.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I’m still waiting for not a best experience but one memorable experience that deals with me and water!! My worst experience was just when I was contacted by a photographer that just had more than shooting in mind. Now that is just another story.

Maria Do posing next to a windowHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Hm honestly not quite yet but I am waiting for one to happen and I can tell you right now I’m actually excited for all the laughs it will bring.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Is there something I would change about the industry? Hell yes I would!! Probably absolutely everything? I think it’s horrific what some people advertise nowadays. I think we shouldn’t be advertising the fact that you have to look a certain way to be ” beautiful “.

Beauty should not be defined and if it has to be then it should be a picture of the world. To me we are all beautiful and should not be picked out. Some people say skinny is beautiful and some also say big and curvy is beautiful. Should we really be told what we have to look like? I don’t think so. So one of the reasons why I chose to model was to show to other people, that we are all beautiful and we should not let people tell us otherwise.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I can be lazy and then there are times where I am the most hyper person in the room. I have a fast metabolism already so I try not to go crazy with working out but I do try to exercise as much as I can to stay in shape. I think eating right n exercising daily is important but also being lazy here and there is as well. You got to have a perfect balance of it all to live a good life I would say.

Typically I eat just about everything. If you ask my family, I literally eat more than some of them. I just love food!! I’ll admit I do eat quite a bit of take out, but I wish I don’t sometimes. So I try to eat something a little healthier when I do eat out. No doubt though, nothing beats fruits… Especially a fresh fruit smoothie!!

Maria Do hawaiian costume vintage photoPlease share something people don’t know about you.

I’m pretty open so I don’t know honestly what some people don’t know about me, but everyone has secrets. I guess I can say some people don’t know that I can be a total geek when it comes to video games and anything that deals with super Heroes and villains.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I don’t think I really would change anything about me. I feel I am perfect just the way I am. To me everyone is perfect and beautiful just the way they are. So why go changing? Besides at least for the better.

What superpower do you wish you had? Why?

If I could possess a super power… I would have to say I would want to be able to teleport and shape shift!!
I just think it would be so much fun and handy to have those powers.

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Interview with Veronica Boyer — Model and Nursing Student

Veronica Boyer is an 18-year old model residing in San Francisco, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am an 18 year old freelance model based out of San Francisco, CA. I was originally born in the itty-bitty town of Fortuna, CA, but moved a couple years after I was born. I moved with my dad to San Francisco at age 4 and have thrived here ever since! I have three sisters and I am the aunt to one pretty cool nephew and two beautiful little girls, another niece or nephew coming soon! I have kind of been the jack of all trades my whole life, constantly trying new sports and clubs. In high school I became really interested in performing and my senior year I won a national acting award. My main academic interest however, is nursing. I am currently getting my prerequisites for nursing school so that I can earn my B.A, and eventually continue on for a masters in nurse anesthesiology.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Well, I had always been interested in modeling. I was one of those young girls enchanted by what I saw on America’s Next Top Model, I always thought when I was younger, “I want to do that”. Then when I was around 13, I was approached by a Ford agent on the street who asked if I was interested in modeling. Unfortunately my mom said no and said that I needed to focus on school, but the idea was still there! I participated in pageants in high school and my second year I won the casual wear modeling competition for the National American Miss NorCal Teen division. That really cemented in my mind that other people saw that I had that “something”. So when I finished high school I knew I would have the freedom to plan my schedule and would actually be able to fit modeling into it. I found model mayhem, posted some photos and started working immediately!

Veronica Boyer wearing a hat at the beachWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I always tell people that my biggest goal in modeling is to land a national GAP ad. The ones you see on the billboards everywhere. Back when they did their “Lived In” campaign, all I could think was how well I would fit with the look they were going for and now with their “Dress Normal” campaign I think I continue to have the look that they are going for. I have lots of other modeling goals but that is the dream. In 5-10 years I definitely see myself continuing to model, for sure, but to say how and where I will be doing that we’ll just have to wait and see!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Most people know that a model’s schedule is never the same twice. Some weeks I may work every day, sometimes having two bookings in one day, -major workout!-, but other weeks I may not work at all. In general I aim to work around three times a week. It is nice when I get weeks like that because I am able to do what I love but I also have time for some R&R, naps are my fave! The work I do varies a lot since I am still exploring all the different parts of the industry, but generally I do fashion, commercial, and lifestyle shoots and then every month or so I book a runway show.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I think I have been really lucky to not have had any bad experiences but I think by far my best experience was shooting in New York City. I knew that I was going to be in the city for New Year’s and I decided that I wanted to do a photo shoot. I found a great photographer and we spent 8 hours driving to different places in Brooklyn and Manhattan. I got to shoot in so many incredible places including Times Square and Fifth Ave.! The only bummer was that the worst storm of the season had hit the night before so it was a balmy 26 degrees outside with only 10 in. of snow on the ground.

Veronica Boyer black and white face closeupHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Actually on the same trip to New York, when I was shooting in Times Square, people were taking tons of pictures of me and one guy even stood next to me and started mimicking me. It was funny, embarrassing, and a little irritating all at the same time. I’m pretty sure the photographer was not a happy camper though!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The thing that really gets me is what gets a lot of other people. I really don’t like all the Photoshopping that happens. I think it holds women and girls to an impossible standard and if I could I would try to show people that models look just like everyone else. I was really proud of American Eagle’s company Aerie when they came out with their “Aerie Real” campaign that featured the un-retouched models.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I do my best to eat healthy and exercise but I do have a major chocolate tooth that I am always fighting with. I do a lot of at home strength training, circuit training, and Pilates since I am not really into the whole gym thing. For me it is mostly about being healthy and staying active, although it is always nice to find that I’ve dropped and inch in my measurements!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Left handed people of the world unite! I am always secretly so excited when people notice that I am left handed. Makes me feel like the cool kid on the block.

Veronica Boyer at the beachWould you change anything about yourself?

Usually I say that I would have more angular cheekbones if I could that way people wouldn’t see me as so commercial, but if I had to be completely honest I’d have to say that no, I really wouldn’t change anything because I am special exactly the way I am. It took me a long time to realize that I don’t need to change for anyone unless I want to change for myself as well. I’m really happy that I know that now.

Where is the weirdest place you’ve ever peed?

This question really makes me laugh, because I really do have a story for it. My dad works in construction all over the bay area and when I was younger I used to go with him during the summers. Well one day my dad brought me with him and he fed me a big cup of Starbucks hot chocolate plus one of those huge fast food sodas. Next thing I know I had to go, bad. Unfortunately there happened to not be any bathrooms on the site, so my dad does the only thing he can. He helps me down into the massive hole he had just been digging for a building foundation and that was where I had to go. It’s funny because let’s just say that if I tried to go where that building is now, I’d get arrested. Teehee!

Visit Veronica Boyer’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Veronica Dean — Bigger than this small town

Veronica Dean is a 19-year old model residing in Angels Camp, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi there! The name is Veronica.
Born in the city of Reno, Nevada, raised in the small town of Angels Camp, California. My parents own the ranch that has been in my family for three generations, my sister, brother and I grew up in the dirt around just about every farm animal you can think of. I love to paint, write, hike, read and of course model. I’m currently working part time and in the near future going to school for Kinesiology, Nutrition and Dietetics and Creative Writing. This small town seems to define people, they get stuck in the rut of a simple, easy small town life. Of course it is always what has shaped me into who I am and I will always have a spot in my heart for it, but I know I am bigger than what this town has in store for me.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I got interested in the modeling industry at a very young age, my dad bought a professional camera for his garden when I was about 6. I loved to play model when he brought out the camera, and once I saw the developed pictures I knew that I wanted to do it for a living. After that, beauty, fashion and health have been a huge part of me. When I turned 14 I did my first editorial photo shoot on location in San Francisco and once it was over I was hooked.

Veronica Dean wearing a pink dressWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My goals for the future, for some, may seem beyond reach, ridiculous, and ultimately pointless to pursue. But my thinking is that we truly can accomplish whatever we choose, and whatever we put effort into. My long term goals are to be signed to a high end modeling agency -preferably Elite, Ford or Wilhelmina Models, after that I want to transfer to New York where I will walk in the Victoria Secret fashion show, and maybe even try for an Angel job. I realize how much work that all will be, but I am ready for the work and I am ready for the rewards of the work. Along with those goals I want to be a personal trainer and nutritionist in my spare time.

My personal goals, are to stick to my faith, stick to who I am, and not let anyone walk all over me. I can be a pushover sometimes, and in this industry that is a terrible quality to have. I also want to meet my fitness goals, if I want to be a VS model I have to be in prime shape.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Right now I am working on building up my portfolio, so I have been working with new photographers and new models. Editorial work is what I do most; lots of on location fashion, beauty and glamour but I have experience in runway as well. I’m 5’9” so I have a wide variety of job opportunities, I also have theater experience so commercial modeling isn’t out of the question either.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I wouldn’t say it was a terrible experience, for me at least. My boyfriend came with me to a runway gig once, and it turned out that only about 4 people spoke English, my boyfriend was stuck alone in the middle of this Russian party for three hours waiting for me to walk, not to mention we had a 3 hour drive home and we ended around 12. Needless to say he wasn’t in any rush to come to my next runway job.

Veronica Dean walking in the woodsHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

When I was trying to get a little more experience I found the modeling school Barbizon. I applied online and only two hours later they called me back and asked me to come to San Francisco for an interview. I eventually went to the school and at the end of the year my teacher asked if I wanted to come back to the school for the next semester as a teacher’s assistant. I came back to help teach and met so many of the wonderful models that taught there, I took away so much more knowledge than I thought I had to learn. It’s not exactly extraordinary but it was definitely an experience that I won’t ever forget.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

This industry is fast, hard and cut throat. And it clearly is not for everyone, but that doesn’t mean it needs to project such a ludicrous idea of what we need to be to be beautiful. Girls as young as 8 have eating disorders, that is absurd and needs to be stopped. I would love to see flexibility on the idealistics of the industry.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I was a cheerleader up until this last year so naturally I had to find other ways to stay in shape. I have always been highly drawn to fitness and once I started practicing my own exercise routines I knew I wanted to go to school for it so I can help people with their fitness journeys. I typically workout 5 days a week, I incorporate cardio, strength training and weight lifting in a routine throughout the week. As for nutrition, my mother has always been a health nut so I have always eaten healthy, but recently I discovered the Raw Till 4 vegan lifestyle and have been dying to start it. With the choice of being in this industry, you have to realize the sacrifices you’re going to have to make, eating whatever you want whenever you want it has definitely been one of them.

Veronica Dean sitting on a wheat fieldPlease share something people don’t know about you.

I’m a total nerd, I love all the fantasy novels and movies, I can get enough of it. Not to mention all the comic con type TV shows. Once I get into a TV series, I’m pretty die hard. My bathroom is even Dexter themed!

Would you change anything about yourself?

I wouldn’t change anything about my physical appearance because God doesn’t make mistakes. However our characteristics are acquired and learned, and one of mine that I hate, is my ability to procrastinate everything. It’s really a curse and I aim to kick the habit ASAP.

Have you ever been in a brawl? Please elaborate.

I went to visit a couple friends at Sonoma State, when I arrived naturally at a college party everyone was pretty incoherent. My best friend’s ex boyfriend happened to be at this party, well a few drinks later he was talking some pretty high game. Annoyed with the situation he was creating I told him that I would fight him. Immediately regretting my decision it was too late. He grabbed my legs and threw me to the ground, after a few punches to his head he finally let me up. After I was on my feet I was incredibly pissed off, so I did what any girl would do and cheap shotted him twice in the jaw. May I add the whole party made a circle around us, in the beginning they didn’t realize that I actually wanted to fight, but by the end they were pretty silent.

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Interview with Ruthie — Mommy-Scholar turned Model

Ruthie is a 21-year old model residing in San Jose, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I’ve always thought if I were to write an autobiography I’d title it ‘Entertainer.’ To me, it’s all about the story, about the adventure. I’m living mine. I was born in Legos Nigeria but my family relocated to London England a short 3 months later due to unsafe living conditions. Six years and two more siblings later we were in London, Ontario, Canada where the bulk of my life so far has been spent. I’ve been an artistic person for as long as I can remember forcing my brother and sister to act in my plays till I told my parents I wanted to audition for a school for performing arts at the age of nine. After getting in, I learned how to dance, sing, act, draw and play the recorder, piano and cello. I also discovered high jump which I competed in up to the varsity level. Pushed by my parents to find a “real career” and unsure of how to focus my energy, I found myself a freshman with an undeclared major.

That is, until I discovered psychology which fascinated me like no other academic topic ever had. Having a son a week before my 19th birthday was not part of the original plan, but instead of using it as an excuse I’ve used it to motivate me that much more to focus and better our lives. I continued in school throughout the pregnancy, I carried it well, only my room-mate noticed!, spent the final trimester in Europe with my extended family and returned to class when he was a month old. Now I’ve done that degree and am discovering myself as a model in California while I pursue where my heart really lies: in screen writing and production.

Ruthie wearing a blue topWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I first started modeling when I was thirteen. I was actually at an acting convention in Toronto and as I was walking to the ballroom it was being held in, I passed by another ballroom where a modeling scouting convention was being held. A woman standing by the door assumed that I was lost and tried to direct me into her room, I guess I have my height to thank for that!. Upon insisting that she was the one mistaken she enrolled me in the talent search, paid my fee and kept me up all night teaching me how to walk. I owe this lady my walk and start of my modeling career and yet do not remember who she is or her name!

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My number one goal is to live in a way that my now two-year old can be proud of. I keep integrity and professionalism very dear to me. I hope to offer him experiences and education that will open his mind and show him a world that you can work to achieve any goal you set your mind to. Professionally I hope to explore and see where modeling will take me. I plan on returning to school to get a film degree and eventually write an produce films; I was’t kidding about the autobiography, I’ve seen a lot of things!.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

Right now, being a mom limits how much I put myself into. Also I have only been living here in California for a couple months. I tend to shoot about 1 to 2 times a week and it’s usually something outdoors incorporating my tall build or physical ability. Studio shoots tend to be product or fashion. I am yet to do runway here but that will change soon I’m sure!

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

My best experience was actually my first shoot in California. It was for a shoe company and I was really nervous and not sure what to expect. I was modelling with 4 other models and everyone from the HMUA to the creative director was so friendly and loved that I was Canadian. My favorite part was when the Owner of the shoe line cracked open a bottle of wine and the creativity really started flowing. I got to model with a sexy red corvette and we got some killer shots from that shoot!

Ruthie interacting with a treeHave you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

This could also double as my worst experience I’ve had so far…where to even begin. I was told that I was interviewing to be a spokesmodel for a fashion jewellery line. After an initial interview in my city I was told that I was going to have another interview in LA with someone higher up in the company and was offered a ride. The beat up van that was provided for me had an ant infestation and the other models spoke loudly in Chinese from the onset of our journey till the 8 hour drive, including a popped tire, was complete. When we arrived at the interview, I quickly realised that I was the only non-Chinese speaking person and when I asked a model to translate I found out that I was actually at an audition for a beauty pageant being held for a jewellery company! The entire day’s events were conducted in Chinese and no one was assigned to make sure I got any important information. After a long day, 6 hours longer than I was told, I was one of the 2 out of 16 who made it to the semi finals… needless to say, I turned down the opportunity.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Hmmm, good question. There are several things about the industry that aren’t “ideal” like unrealistic standards or a skewed perspective of reality but I see that more as a problem with society and not something that the modeling industry creates but rather reflects. I make every modeling interaction as professional as possible, things that most other industries demand. Things like prompt and precise communication, doing things in a timely manner, showing up on time, clearly laying out expectation and following through. I think as a business, a surprising lack of that is tolerated.

Ruthie face closeupDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

As mentioned before, I was involved in athletics for the majority of my life thus far. Track and field runs in my blood and I was pretty good at it. The arrival of my son put a halt to that and while other mothers have bounced back, becoming a mother rearranged my priorities. During my pregnancy, all thoughts of health went out the window and I found myself 60 pounds heavier right before delivery. I had to lose about 30 pounds of that on my own. That is when my personal fitness journey started. Gone were the days that I could eat whatever I wanted and I had to learn dietary discipline for the first time in my life. Now fitness is super important to me and it pains me to skip a day at the gym. Nutrition is a little harder but I have found realistic way to make it a part of my lifestyle without feeling deprived. I am somewhat of a mad scientist in the kitchen; let there be flavour!

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Something people may not guess about me is that I am a Christian. It is something that I grew up with but after I became a mother it became something very personal to me, not as a religion but as a relationship in my life. That faith has definitely given me the strength to overcome some obstacles and take chances I would have been too scared to before.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Of course like most girls I do not love 100% of my appearances but I focus on loving myself which includes my flaws. You can’t have originality and perfection at the same time. Otherwise, I would love to be able to nail this motherhood thing someday. Never have I appreciated my mother so much, this stuff is hard! I would love the ability to make him sleep whenever I wanted. ha!

What was the meanest rumor ever spread about you?

Once in my freshman year of high school, someone started a Gossip Girl Facebook account for our school and stated that they would be posting people’s secrets. Somehow, for reasons unknown to me, word spread that I was the anonymous creator of the account and someone even hacked onto it and changed the name to my own! You would think that would make my innocence obvious… I ate lunch alone in the girl’s change room for a couple months. That’s probably the most alone I have felt in my life.

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Interview with Miss Pestilence — Small town girl, Big Dream

Miss Pestilence is a 18-year old model residing in Hesperia, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Well hello there everyone. I wanna introduce myself. I go by the name Miss Pestilence. I am a model from southern California and a go-go dancer. I was born in Orange County, lived in NorCo, CA, and then moved to Hesperia, CA from the age of 4 until present. I have two wonderful parents and a little sister who is really my big little sister as she grew much taller than me for being 5 years younger. I have a pet rat that is basically my child and also a very loving boyfriend with a crazy story behind our relationship.

I am passionate about body modifications and just standing out from the crowd. I’m passionate about music, art, photography, and modeling. I love to go-go dance and I love to attend music shows, raves, huge festivals, street fairs, and all the wonderful things like that. My professions include modeling and go-go dancing. For me these aren’t just a hobby, they aren’t just a job, but yet a lifestyle and I put 110%  into them. I put my heart and soul and every ounce of my energy into these. If I wasn’t doing these professions I don’t know where I would be or who I would be but it’s not something I would want to imagine.

Miss Pestilence walking on a streetWhen, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Well years ago I found out what the company Suicide Girls was because I was given a sticker with their logo on it. So I looked them up. What I found out was they were a company based on redefining the meaning of beauty. It really inspired me because at the time I was 12 years old and dealing with way too many self esteem issues and other things such as that. I looked up to them and the Suicide Girls became my inspiration. So after a couple years, finally at 17 I was friends with a girl who’s sister was a photographer and wanted to do a photoshoot with me just for fun. So we did the shoot and I could not believe the girl in the pictures was really me. I had spent so long being down on myself and letting my personal demons prevent me from seeing who I was and who I had the potential to be. Shortly after that shoot, I submitted my photos to a website called Model Mayhem. It took a lot of networking but finally shortly after my 18th birthday I found a photographer and we met up in a local Starbucks.

In March of 2014, I finally got to do another photoshoot. At first I was nervous, but I am really good at hiding my fears at the moment. It was an amazingly freeing feeling that shooting gave me. I finally was able to believe in myself to the fullest and be myself again. I no longer had things dragging me down. Currently it is August 22, 2014 and that first photographer has taken me so far. I went from being a nobody to now a Suicide Girl Hopeful, signed to Wish Model Magazine, and constantly have people asking to shoot with me. I never knew I could come this far but now that I’ve gotten to where I am, there is no stopping me.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My personal goals are to get to the point where I can start a charity for young girls who have been through violence, drug abuse, sexual abuse, self esteem issues, eating disorders, struggling with poverty and other issues as such. I dealt with a lot of those issues and I want to be able to stand tall and be a positive figure and an inspiration to the girls who want to give up. I want them to know there is a chance to turn your life around and to have hope. As far as my professional goals go, I want to be a model and promoter from clothing companies, bands, achieve well known status as a suicide girl, get many features in magazine, especially tattoo magazines, as well as become a go-go for the company insomniac and other large companies that throw Raves and other EDM events.

Miss Pestilence modeling a black mini skirtHow often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I am now modeling anywhere from once a week to four times a week. A good majority of my modeling is anywhere from fully clothed to nude. Almost all of my photoshoots have been alternative modeling with the exception of a few shoots. I am looking to broaden my horizon in modeling and do other things as well. I do a little bit of everything. I still have yet to do anything such as video and walking down a runway. Sure does seem like fun though.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Well obviously the best experience I’ve had was being able to find myself again. Modeling made me come out of my shell and was a remedy for a lot of things from my past. And I think the worst experience had to be at one photoshoot I was in a building and it was the middle of summer. It was so hot I was literally having to wipe the sweat off inbetween each shot. It was so gross.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I think the most extraordinary thing that has happened to me was some of my personal inspirations in modeling have actually contacted me and given me words of wisdom, advice, or just compliments. It really keeps me going. As well as all the people who messages me on a daily basis sending me messages about how I am their inspiration. Some of them literally bring me to tears because it is just so touching what they have to say.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Honestly I wish a lot of the higher up industry didn’t focus so much on being what is defined as “perfect for society”. A lot of the modeling industry doesn’t spread the message of loving the skin you’re in or being happy with who you are.

Miss Pestilence wearing a swimsuitDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

About the only thing I do is daily go-go practice at home or actual go-go dancing, and squats. And what I typically eat is usually dark green salads and lots of grilled chicken. My boyfriend is all into body building a being super healthy and whatnot so I kinda just eat whatever he makes. As cliche as it sounds, my favorite thing to eat is a salad of mostly crisp, fresh spinach and homemade ranch. Does not get better than that. I do have times where I eat the fast food and junk food but it’s all about moderation. You can still eat those chicken nuggets from McDonalds or that ice cream from Baskin Robbin’s as long as that’s not all you are eating. And exercise even if it is going on a daily walk. Being healthy doesn’t mean not getting to enjoy “tasty” food, it just means you are smart about what you eat and how much you eat of what. Don’t starve yourself either. It hurts your body more than it helps you.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

I think one thing a lot of people don’t know about me is that ever since I was a little girl I wanted to do ballet and I’ve always had this weird obsession with ballet.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Well obviously add on to my body modifications -more tattoos, piercings, and others- as well as consider getting a boob job. I’ve always thought about it but never been sure. After I started cheerleading my sophomore year of high school I lost a lot of weight which meant I went down a few sizes so ever since then it’s been something I have kind of been uncomfortable with.

What is the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?

I think it would have to be when I was working -go-going- and decided to give my boyfriend a lap dance. When I came out to give it to him, I was wearing a french maid cosplay outfit. Boy did he love that lap dance.

Visit Miss Pestilence’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Beth Wheeler — Hairstylist and model

Beth Wheeler is a 23-year old model residing in Modesto, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

My name is Beth Wheeler and I’ll start off by telling you a little about myself. I was born May 15, 1991. Right now, I live with my wonderful family. I got into modeling in 2010. I have worked with wonderful photographers around my area and some out of the area as well. I am a Promotional Model for Emerald Girls and looking for more jobs like that. I am also a Licensed Hairstylist. I got my licence in early 2014. I didn’t exactly always want to do hair. It was just something that sparked my mind so I decided to go in so I could check it out. I soon started Beauty College and ended up loving it. I couldn’t be anymore happier with the way my life is right now! It’s getting better and better each and every day!

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I’ve wanted to model since I was a little girl. My folks even took me to a place here in my home town to see if I can get started in modeling but they wanted too much money for me to even get started so unfortunately at the time, we had to turn them down. In 2010, I talked to a friend who was a published model and she told me how I could get started. I got my MM account approved and away my modeling career went. I became a promotional model and hoping to become more than just a promotional model.

Beth Wheeler holding an automatic gunWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I hope to soon find a job as a Hairstylist in a salon nearby and become a well known model world wide. I want to be on covers of magazines, on billboards, in commercials and so much more! In 5 to 10 years I can see myself being a very successful model with lots of fans with a wonderful family of my own!

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I model as often as I could. Right now, I mainly do photo shoots but hope to get into video and acting, catwalks and different things as my career gets better.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

My best experience would have to be my first photo shoot with my Promotional Model Company because I was going to be featured in a magazine for the very first time. I put on my good attitude and went all out for making myself look the part for the magazine.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I think a funny or embarrassing part of my career is when I did one shoot a year ago. The photographer, the photographer’s assistant and I took a walk out to a pasture and I was wearing lingerie for the shoot. There was lots of mudd and dirt everywhere out there. I had to wear heels for that part of the shoot. I was standing there and all the sudden the owner of the pasture, his dog came running up and jumped full force on me. I fell into a huge puddle of mudd and the dog took off. I look at my photographer and we all just laughed but that ended the shoot since I was covered head to toe in mudd. Over-all, it was a fun shoot while it lasted!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The only thing I would change about the modeling industry would be to be less picky with their models. People come in all shapes and sizes and should be treated equally.

Beth Wheeler behind a sports carDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Once a day, I do a workout at home that lasts one full hour. I do full sit ups, horse kicks, weights, lunges and many other things to keep my body toned and tight. I don’t really have much of a diet because I’m already small as it is so there’s no need for me to diet. I try to eat more meat though and I’m always drinking lots of water to keep up during my long days.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Up until I turned 18 years old, I always thought in my opinion that tattoos and piercings were trashy. Look at me now, I have four tattoos, and getting more, of course, and have my lip and belly button pierced. I used to have my tongue pierced but took it out awhile back.

Would you change anything about yourself?

Physically, I would change the size of my boobs. I want them a little bigger than they already are right now and I will one day get them done!

What is your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure would probably be me being obsessed with how I look every day. I never leave the house without my hair and make up done and having on nice clothes.

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Interview with Anissa Rachelle Flores — Openly gay model and gogo dancer

Anissa Rachelle Flores is a 21-year old model residing in Fresno, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello, I’m Ani for short. Born in Fresno as a libra where I started modeling, moved to Morro Bay and took up more challenging paid work. Wrestling is a big part of my workout in my daily life as well as eating on a vegan diet.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

When I was in middle school I took classes just to give me something to do during my free time. Soon my hobby sprouted into a dream and I eventually started making some money out of it.

Anissa Rachelle Flores walking next to the beachWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

I hope to travel more and work with several photographers in each state. One of the best things about the industry besides being in front of the camera is being able to meet so many people who share similar interests.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I try and book a couple shoots a month. Mainly fashion, some implied, car and bikes, fitness, bikini work. I’ve done a few music videos and a few fashion shows catwalks.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

It’s always great to do a shoot with a new photographer and from that shoot get amazing feedback to where you get a bigger offer. It is hard sometimes you have to be careful with who you work with. There have been fake accounts that have tried booking.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

Not most of my shoots have humor though. I work in a very laidback manner where I dance consistently and make funny faces just to keep the atmosphere positive.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

The hate on other’s work. All of it is art, I wish others could see that instead of judge so harshly.

Anissa Rachelle Flores holding an umbrellaDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I wrestle, and hit up the gym frequently to lift weights. I practice yoga and meditation on my free time. I eat a vegan diet which consists of mainly fruits. Im a big pasta lover, italian would have to be my favorite dish.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Not many people know that I have pictures of me as a baby in diapers trying to model. I love looking at them and seeing how far I’ve come so far.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I wish I had a bigger bust. But I’ve got no complaints. I was born with what I have and that’s a beautiful thing.

If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you do?

If I was a male, I would constantly drink water and pee on every building and bush I passed by.

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Interview with Noelani — Medical doctor and model

Noelani is a 22-year old model residing in Pasadena, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I was born in a small country town in northern California called Sutter. I grew up with my parents and three siblings and was a huge tomboy. I was extremely competitive in everything from school to music to sports, and was never satisfied with myself until I was the best. This drove me to begin competitive sports at a young age, where I succeeded in track and began competing at the state and national level. I was ranked as the number five pole vault and long jump athlete in the nation and had aspirations of joining the US Track team and competing in the Olympics.

However, every full ride offer and olympic dream was immediately destroyed after a severe snowboarding accident. I overshot a jump and fell about 30 ft, crushing my spine in 6 places and temporarily paralyzing myself from the waist down. After this, I had no choice but to focus on school and other aspirations instead. I moved to Los Angeles and studied Applied Health and Pre-optometry in college, and I will soon be attending Optometry school.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

During my sophomore year of college, I discovered Craigslist and all the wonderful cheap used things I could buy. I randomly came across an add for a Japanese model for 100 Women Magazine and thought “Why Not?” I had zero experience, but decided to just show up and see what happened. Unfortunately, I was not chosen for the magazine, but the photographer emphasized my modeling potential. He sent me test shots and told me to start building a portfolio. I did a few shoots here and there, but it wasn’t until I was chosen as a runway model for Japanese designer H.Naoto that I truly found my love for modeling. After this, I decided I wanted to make modeling a career.

Noelani wearing a hatWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Short term, I simply want to succeed as a model. I’m hoping to move out to Japan for a year or so, where I can really focus on my model career. In the long term though, I plan on finishing Optometry school and getting my medical license. I have an optometry business set up for me in Northern California, and plan on settling down and working up there.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I typically work 3 to 4 days a week, but the type of work may vary pretty significantly. I mainly do photo-shoots for clothing companies and independent photographers, so these primarily consist of catalog, lifestyle, and commercial modeling. I also occasionally do runway and high fashion, but this is almost solely limited to Japanese brands. My favorite type of modeling is usually print or runway work for Japanese lolita or visual kei styles.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

The worst experience I have had modeling was when I showed up to a fake casting. A model had posted a casting on model mayhem and I was accepted for an interview. I showed up and this “company manager” told me all about these amazing opportunities he had for me and all the successful things he had done. It sounded a bit too good to be true, and I was very skeptical of some of his claims, especially about working with certain celebrities. I immediately went home and checked all my sources and discovered he lied about everything and the company name didn’t seem to exist. I immediately called him out on his fraud and have not been associated with him or his fake company since.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

The most embarrassing occurrence during a shoot was when I started my period mid photo shoot. We were on location and nowhere near a restroom and I was wearing a white skirt. Thankfully the photographer had a female assistant and we were able to quickly find a store and restroom, but the entire occurrence was mortifying!

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I think the industry can be extremely harsh to particularly new and naive models. Models don’t seem to have many rights, and I have unfortunately seen many models be taken advantage of. One model that I worked with was very adamant that there was no nudity in her photos. During the shoot though, many of the shots ended up producing nip slips and such, but the photographer claimed he had the rights to the photos and could still use the images however he wanted. The model was absolutely distraught. I think that written agreements and releases from both the model and photographer should become more standard in order to ensure the safety of both.

Noelani wearing a swimsuit in a roomDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Diet and exercise are very crucial parts of any model’s life. However, I do think that many people take these too far in extremes. I like to keep myself fit by playing basketball and going on runs occasionally. I used to go to the gym quite a bit, but I simply no longer have the time. As for food, I try to maintain a pretty healthy diet and typically eat a lot of Japanese food including fish and rice. I don’t restrict myself at all on what I can or cannot eat, but instead simply remind myself that moderation is key. Besides, I love ice cream and pizza way too much to ever give them up.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Most people don’t know that I am a hardcore video game nerd. I am extremely involved in esports and play League of Legends almost every day.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I would love to change my height and make myself just a few inches taller!

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

I used to go to Mexico and work on construction sites, and we were very limited in water availability. We were in dirt and working with cement all day and I usually would go an entire week without showering. There would literally be an entire layer of dirt caked onto all of us by the end of week.

Visit Noelani’s website for more photos and information

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Interview with Kendra Blum — Model and Actor Inspired

Kendra Blum is a 22-year old model residing in Grass Valley, California.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

I am Kendra Blum, twenty two years young and living a life full of passion. Born in the valley of the Sierra Nevada mountains, I spend my time creating art, enjoying all aspects of photography, and letting music take the lead. I consider myself a connoisseur of travel. I have been to sixteen countries thus far in life, with plans of future travel always working in my head. I try to live my life by finding light in the dark, and beauty in the chaos.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

I began modeling around 3 years ago, diving into a more professional career in the past year and a half. I enjoy working with a diverse group of photographers, expanding my profile by collaborating different ideas.

What are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

My personal and professional goals are to inspire others to find elegance in life. I believe every person is unique and interesting in their own ways. Through my modeling platform, and my intense interest in Psychology, I hope to go into motivational speaking. With this, I want to travel the globe opening the eyes of the youth to the allure around them, and most importantly, within them.

Kendra Blum in a dark roomHow often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I collaborate with photographers on a daily basis. Whether it’s just discussing ideas for future shoots or making connections with others in the industry, I try to progress every day. Lately, I have been more into planning themed shoots. Specializing in specific interests of the different photographers. I would love to get more into acting, whether it be movies or plays.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

I think the hardest part of modeling is staying active in the community and making sure evolution of myself is prevalent to my work. But with this, my favorite thing about modeling is seeing people’s creative juices flow. It’s an amazing experience seeing a group of people come together and turn all their different ideas into a beautiful completed piece of art. It’s a very rewarding experience seeing everyone’s influence in a final product.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

One of my favorite accomplishments is being recognized by a photographer in Central America and being personally asked to come collaborate with him. It was a really extraordinary experience being able to work with someone from a completely different culture. Applying Central American fashion and taste to my American flavor was a really cool combination.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

I’d love to see the industry focus more on abstract, diverse types of models. Rather than the typical high fashion model, I think diving into more grotesque, in the best possible way, concepts could really expand the horizons for people’s definition of “beautiful.”

Kendra Blum wearing a long orange dressDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

Yoga, yoga, yoga, meditation, meditation, meditation. I believe having a healthy heart, as well as a healthy mind are both important to success. I avoid fast food, and try to maintain a balanced diet. I have to admit, I eat chicken basically everyday. It is high in protein and a very good lean meat with a lot of health benefits. Plus, anything green. Juicing! Organic fruits and vegetables turned into juice every day can be very beneficial to health and well-being.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

An alternate career I would be absolutely one-hundred-percent happy with is a criminal profiler. The human mind is one of the most fascinating things to me – how it ticks, why it ticks, what makes it tick. I’d love to explore the mind of a serial killer and look for patterns of behavior that led them to commit their crimes.

Would you change anything about yourself?

I love the person I am and the body I was provided, but I wish I was better about getting up and going on a run! I think cardio is so important and I wish I did it more.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I’m a sucker for anything soft! I have a strange habit of walking around touching everything I see. Fabric, trees, skin… soft things are extra comforting to me. Wrap me up in a silk blanket, lay me horizontally and I’m in dreamer heaven!

Visit Kendra Blum’s website for more photos and information

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