Ken's Blog
Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Rose Johnson

Do you have a nickname or artist pseudonym? Who came up with it and how?

I do not nor do I want one, I love my name and its a part of who I am!

When and how did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

When I was 16, I worked as an assistant Manager for a Chevron and one of my regulars asked me if I would consider modeling.She said she had a friend who would love my look! So I contacted her friend and started up a portfolio and got paid out as well.

Rose Johnson as a vampireWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five years?

That is a great question! In life nothing is promised, So personally I try to make lasting memory’s for me, my friends and my family. Currently I work at a restaurant and I am also a regional property manager. Fun stuff. In five years, Ill be finished with school (starting my career), settled down and enjoying a nice, beautiful life with the people I love most.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

When I was 16 and I met the photographer who started my new photos and also paid out everything was smooth, fun and exciting. Years later this same photographer created fake profiles of me. IT WAS HELL because he was trying to lure other girls in with this fake profile and how he would do that is by posting on his own wall from the fake profile saying things like “thanks daddy, for the new coach purse.” Not only did this look bad on me but was totally out of my character and a lie to these young, naive girls that might fall for something like that. At the time I worked for a law firm so I had a lawyer scare the crap out of him and he deleted the profile and no longer uses any of my photos. Other then that, most all my experiences have been amazing and I have met wonderful people with lots of shared interest.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

I had a photographer pay me to teach other girls what to do during a shoot, it was easy and fun! But definitely different.

Rose Johnson modeling as a mermaidIs there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Yes, I am only 5’4 and thats not popular in the modeling industry so it would be awesome if there wasn’t a height restriction.

Do you practice any sports and what do you typically eat?

I am really healthy, I work out regularly and I eat organic mostly. I played softball for a little while and I took Tae Kwon Doe which I have my black belt in!

Please tell us something most people don’t know about you.

Okay, Um I was a Foster Child. Boom, private and admitted. I also got some cool awards, hometown heros award for pulling a drunk guy out of his car while it was on fire. They wrote about it in the press telegram as well.

Would you change anything about yourself (physical or otherwise)?

No I wouldn’t, I love who I am completely and if anything were to change, I would no longer be me.