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Nutrition, Modeling and Sports

Interview with Jerrika Pettry — Farm Girl in a Models World

Jerrika Pettry is a 25-year old model residing in New York, New York.

How would you introduce yourself to our readers?

Art lover, nature respecter and one very beautiful and inquisitive soul, that’s how I would describe myself. I was born and raised in WV, always barefoot and smiling, that’s the way everyone around saw me. I have had a love for all animals big or small for as long as I could remember, and have been on farms all my life and worked just as hard as my brother and tried to keep up with my father, respecting my mother and learning from my sister. The love I have for art is what lead me to modeling, as I express myself through my work and I always wish for my viewers to feel every shot as if it were a story being told. Hopefully my story is one beautiful and very long one. And I also wish for you the same, from one wildly free soul to another.

When, how and why did you first get involved in the modeling industry?

Art, Art, Art is why my modeling career started, as at a very young age of 13 I was admiring and noticing simple beauty that most pass up everyday and do not see. I was sketching and painting, so modeling just opened a door to a more beautiful way of expressing the artistic side of myself.

jerrika-pettry-on-a-bedWhat are your personal and professional goals? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years?

Of course I would love to have a successful modeling career but also would love to have a job or hobby that has to do with wildlife. Of course everyone wants a family sooner or later; a nice farm with a family and hopefully a modeling career to be proud of, I would be content.

How often are you modeling and what does it usually consist of?

I can work in pretty hectic situations, as I am able to plan shoots back to back or take a week off, and only go as far as implied nudity, nothing erotic, as well as having done acting for several videos on YouTube and Vimeo. I have written my own story to the videos, being an artist of many genres not just one. So anyway, I love to act, do video and modeling of all sorts.

Please tell us about the best and/or worst experiences you’ve had so far in modeling.

Well let’s see… of course the worst experience for a young model is the clients who will pretend to want “swim wear” sessions but end up saying “more skin”. That’s so frustrating but I suppose it’s a much needed lesson, and I’m sure that’s happened to all aspiring models or actors. My best experiences were always with a fellow art seeker like myself or working with animals. There will always be good and bad experiences but what matters is learning from them all.

Have you had anything funny, embarrassing or completely out of the ordinary happen during your modeling career?

So funny but true. I was working on an implied piece for a New York gallery, and for this shot I had to be besides a horse. It just so happened my father has a very secluded farm and yes, a horse. As my posing started my father had came home and walked out to his barn to stumble upon his horse next to his semi naked daughter. It was very amusing to the photographer but completely embarrassing to my father and I. An out of the ordinary thing that happened was after another different shoot. It was another art piece that called for implied, and the photographer and I traveled into the woods to find a perfect place near a rock formation. After the shoot the next day I started itching very badly all over my body, and it turned out that I had been posing in and on top of poison sumac. This horrible stuff was all over and so very hard to get rid of. Almost four days of the most horrible itching and oatmeal baths I could stand.

Is there anything you would change about the modeling industry if you could?

Yes of course, who is ever completely satisfied with the way anything is ran. I would have a modeling agency in every state, no matter how big or small, as there are no agencies in WV, and I know there are some very beautiful hidden talents here. And the fake agencies out there, the ones that ask for money first. So many young girls waste their time with these places believing they are going to be a model, and it is heart breaking.

jerrika-pettry-naked-in-the-woodsDo you practice any sports and what do you typically eat? Please elaborate on the importance of nutrition and exercise in your life.

I have never worn anything but size 0, as far back as I can remember it has been that way, and never really worried about my nutrition that much, but starting a year ago I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables but I will only consume organic. I also eat tuna, but only in water, for my actual meals, as well as fruits and vegetables as much as I prefer. My grandmother was an herbalist and taught me a lot; I use what she had taught me to stay healthy and for a lot of my health cures. I’m very fit and it honestly comes from my very physical way of living, as I’m very active outdoors and am asked quite often what my work out methods are.

Please share something people don’t know about you.

Most people don’t know that I have had several pet snakes and tarantulas. I also spend my spare time cutting grass for a few elderly couples in my hometown when I get the time. I have also actually reset broken bones in several farm animals and am a very helpful non-certified veterinarian. Haha.

Would you change anything about yourself?

My goodness what a goofy question, who wouldn’t!? Haha gosh what a list, I believe everyone has a few things that they do not like about themselves, but I’m very very blessed and should not at all complain. But I would make my feet smaller, make my breasts larger, my hair blonder and my teeth whiter, to be specific and ungrateful sounding.

How do you think you are most likely to die?

Predator attack, bear, mountain lion etc. Possibly a snake bite. I am so active outside and am always in the woods, gathering herbs and such, and I believe I will not die a normal death, but it will have to be something very unlikely or very unexpected. Loving the nature will be the death of me.